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Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training - CA

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  • Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training - CA

    I found this site online by the California Department of Social Services that has a 4 hour online training about mandated reporting. It's self-paced so you do it at your own pace on your own time and it's free. After you do the "course" you take a test and if you score 80% or higher they give you a certificate to print out. This is great for those of you in CA that want some information on what should be reported.

    This is what the description has:
    You will learn:
    ■How the law defines child abuse and neglect
    ■What the law requires of you as a mandated reporter
    ■What protections the law provides for you as a mandated reporter
    ■How to spot evidence of child abuse
    ■How to report child abuse
    ■What happens after a report is filed
    ■Definitions of some of the terms used in this program

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing. I found it earlier as well after researching what is considered reportable.

    I like that it tells you to report anything that causes you to reasonably suspect abuse or neglect, and that it is not up to the provider to decide if it is actually something to investigate and to not worry if it isn't, that it is beter to be safe than sorry.


    • #3
      wish they had a provider abuse.... mandatory parent training!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michelle View Post
        wish they had a provider abuse.... mandatory parent training!
        Laugh of the day

        Crystal: Yes, I like how it spells it out for you and pretty much tells you to report it and let others decide whether or not it warrants any further action.


        • #5
          I did it and now have the cert on the wall for all the parents to see.

