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Laundry's Contract (Three Parts)

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  • Laundry's Contract (Three Parts)

    It took two posts but Im sharing my entire contract, use what you need. =-)

    Over the years I have tried several different methods to inform new families of the policies in my family daycare home. The easiest way is the put it in writing. I have tried many types of programs and forms but the easiest one is the straightforward document that outlines my policies. I realize some of the items may seem silly but everything in this document is here for specific reason. Also, always walk them in.
    ~ Although family daycare is self-employment, unlike other businesses, there is no place for growth or expansion. Many providers do not receive any of the benefits most people take for granted such as health insurance, paid sick days, vacation days or bonuses. My contractual policies reflect this.
    ~ One of the important elements in home childcare is mutual respect between parent and provider. We both have great responsibility for health, care and teaching of your child. You of course are the primary nurturer for your child but during the times your child is in my care I love, nurture and protect your child. There fore it is only reasonable that you respect me as more than just a ‘babysitter’. If you promise not to refer to me as a babysitter I promise not to sit on your baby.
    ~While your child is in my home it is important that you both understand that MY rules apply until you have gotten into your car and left the drive. The less confusion about who is in charge, the more comfortable everyone will be. It also eliminates the confusion about who should respond if a child needs direction. Please keep in mind that children tend to ‘act out’ when a parent is here.
    ~ If something comes up that you want to talk to me about feel free to call me or email me at ***x@gmail. com to discuss it. When people try to talk to me at pick up/drop off time, things tend to get a bit rushed and may not give you the time you deserve, you may get the impression that I’m not concerned or that I do not care. This is not the case! If you need to relay medication info, alternate pickup people Dr Appointments, Etc. Write that info down and make sure I get the note. With more important things, please call me. (please call prior to 9 pm) My attention stay on the children & the kids also seem to adjust to their day easier after their parents have left.
    ~ My home and my property are NON SMOKING environments. Thank you for not contributing to the mess and keeping your smoking garbage in your possession.
    ~Materials required for care: Enrollment form, Child’s info, Parents info, Emergency Pick up info, Health Statement, Shot record, Medical Release, Outing perm, Discipline Signed, Birth Cert /Consent form.
    ~I use a learning curriculum that incorporates the Foundations to the Indiana Academic Standards for Children Birth to Age 5. Parents may see the Foundations Handbook or the written curriculum and its goals at any time.
    ~ I am licensed for care from 4:30 am to 5:30 pm but each family is contracted for separate hours. Other children are scheduled to be here when your child is not so please adhere to contracted times to avoid overtime fees.

    Parents signature and date _____________________________________________

    Illness and Medication Policies
    ~If you know they are ill - DO NOT BRING THEM. If your child becomes ill COME TO GET THEM. If there is vomiting, diarrhea, fever, green or yellow runny nose, or an undiagnosed rash they cant come to daycare. Child can return to daycare when:
    Fever free without medication for 24 hours (teething does not cause fever)
    Free of vomiting or diarrhea without medication for 24 hours, this means 24 hours from last episode. If they last vomited at daycare at 330 pm, they cant return to daycare until 330 pm the following day, even if they do not vomit again at home. They must be out of daycare for 24 hours following illness. If they vomit at home after leaving daycare then they can’t return until 24 hours has passed from that episode. I know this sounds ridiculous and that most parents would never willingly expose another child to illness. Over the years we have had many bouts with preventable illness’s because parents brought their child back to daycare while they are still contagious. If your child is ill and has a fever, even when you give meds to alleviate fever, the child is STILL contagious even if fever comes down with medication. They must be FEVER free, SYMPTOM FREE for 24 hours without medication . They must also wait 24 hours AFTER the start of any antibiotic.
    ~ Please do not attempt to ‘mask’ illness with medications. I know your child well enough to that I can tell when they are medicated. This also becomes a safety issue should an accident occur and paramedics ask if they have had medication. If you feel the need to medicate your child then they need to be absent from daycare that day. My priority is to keep the children in my care SAFE, HEALTHY and HAPPY. I am unable to do that if I allow ill children to attend. While I know it is an inconvenience, your child’s health and the health of his/her playmates is worth more than you may lose by missing work. If it is crucial you do not miss work, then you must find alternate care for your ill child, maybe a friend or family member.
    ~ I would appreciate all medications to be given at home and not daycare. This includes antibiotics and allergy medications. I prefer medications be handled by parents or guardians. There are times when this is unavoidable and in this case ALL medication must be brought in daily with a detailed signed note giving permission to administer including time and dosage instructions. I am referring to medications for asthma, heart medications, etc. A doctors prescription and detailed administration directions from physician are needed and they are the only instructions I will follow. The medication must be for the child who is getting it. Ex: Billy cant have Sally’s meds even if they have the same illness. I will also only give medications 4-6 hours after arrival. If they need an initial daily dose, give it to them at home. I will NOT administer meds until I can ensure there will be NO chance for accidental overdose.

    Parents signature and date _____________________________________________

    Safety Policies
    ~ Indiana state law requires the use of a child safety seat for children until their 8th birthday. Please do not pick up or drop off a child without one.
    ~ If I suspect the person picking up the child to be under the influence of a substance or otherwise unable to safely transport a child, I will attempt to find an alternate driver through your contact information or by calling someone for you. I cannot by LAW refuse to allow you to pick up your child, but should you or someone you appoint to transport your child choose to drive impaired, I will notify authorities and report the drivers name, and vehicle description. I know some of these rules seem a bit harsh, but remember everything n this document is here for a reason and its my love for the children and my promise to care for them to the best of my ability that makes me do things this way.
    ~ We have an open door policy. You are welcome to drop by unannounced anytime we have kids in care. Please keep in mind though, if you choose to drop in, you are expected to take your child with you when you leave. It is very difficult for a child to say goodbye to their parent more than once per day. Also please respect our naptime if you choose to drop by. Our doors may be locked at times, but that is to insure our safety. Not to keep parents out of my home. Parents may ask for a conference to discuss concerns at any time.
    ~ ALL children in care take a nap each day. Please do not let them ‘sleep in’ if they were up late the night before daycare. I promise to make sure they get their rest.
    ~ I have a strict policy concerning pick up. I will need in writing the names and copies of drivers licenses of anyone authorized to pickup your child. In the case of emergency where parents must authorize someone else to pick up child, I require a phone call from parent and verbal authorization for pickup.
    ~Parents will be notified by phone event of the provider’s illness, the
    illness of a member of the household who may be contagious to others, or
    any emergency that prevents children from being cared for in the provider’s
    ~***x will be my Back-up plan for care should I be unavailable or in the event of an emergency requiring you to pick up your child immediately. Parents are responsible to have a back-up provider, in the event of their child’s illness or the provider’s inability to care for children
    ~ I do not push to potty learn. I believe that a child will only learn when they are ready and no amount of coaxing is going to make it happen any easier. All children become ready to toilet learn at different ages but it is generally considered to wait until the child is at least 2 yrs of age, before that time he or she is not physically or emotionally prepared to control his or her bowel or bladder movements. Work with them first at night and on weekends. As they progress and experience success at home I will work with them during the day. Once everyone has decided the child is ready to toilet learn, the only time diapers should be used is at naps and bedtime. When your child is ready to toilet learn please dress them in easy to remove clothing. No Belts, zippers, snaps or buttons that your child can not manage alone. Elastic waistbands are the easiest for the child to control.
    Parents signature and date ____________________

    Arrival , Food and Behavior issues.
    ~ Through experience I have found that it is in your child’s best interests if when you arrive in the mornings you help your child remove any outer clothing, give them a kiss reminding them that you will return after work, say goodbye and leave. While there may be a few occasional tears, prolonging your stay only increases them. You cant make it better, only shorter. If you need to reassure yourself that they are ok, please call when you arrive to work.
    ~ We are not responsible for any toys your child brings to daycare but if Sally or Billy must bring something they will be expected to share.
    ~ Please remove your child’s shoes and coat and put them in the cubby prior to entering the playroom. We do not wear shoes in our home. Also please make sure your child is dressed with a fresh diaper and ready for the play day.
    ~ Other than special diets, Do not send your child with candy, snacks, or food. If they are still eating wait with them in the car. If they come in with something they may either hand it to you or throw it away. I can’t store food or drinks in cubbies.
    ~ Please be punctual about drop off pick up times. I base my child ratios on them. Other children are scheduled to be here when yours are not and I will NOT go over my ratios.
    ~ When dropping off/picking up, please be considerate and not stay in the drive too long. More than one family normally arrive at the same time and families are generally in a rush at that time.
    ~ VERY IMPORTANT Please call if your child will not be attending for the day. If you do not show up or call within 1 hour of your contracted drop off time I will assume you are keeping them home or have made other arrangements for that days care. I consider it a gift of a paid day off from you and may make plans to be away for the day. It will not affect my vacation of personal days.
    ~ Infants are fed on schedule different from older children. I will make every effort to follow the routine requested by the parents but will adjust it daily for an infants needs. Infants are not propped for bottles and are given the opportunity for stimulation and relaxation every day.
    ~ Our Discipline Policy is as follows- I have a policy of not using physical punishment or withholding meals or snacks as a form of punishment. I first try to talk to the child. If further action is needed I try time out. If that does not help we talk to Mom or Dad. Sometimes a child only needs to be reminded by the parents that they need to be good at Miss Jill’s.
    ~ If a child’s behavior is destructive or jeopardizes the health and safety of others in care. Services may be terminated immediately. If your child intentionally damages property, you are responsible for the repair or replacement of the property.
    ~ The following days are paid holidays. New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Childcare Provider Appreciation Day, Presidents Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. When they fall on a weekend, I will observe them either the Friday before or the Monday after. We are closed on these days.

    Parents signature and date _____________________________________________

    ~ I normally take two weeks vacation per year. You are not charged for this. You normally have 1 years notice for them.
    ~ I am always closed the first and last days of summer vacation for my children’s schools. ~ I reserve 5 days per year as paid personal days.
    ~ Failure to comply with any of my policies may result in termination.
    ~ Please be advised and understand that any child enrolled in may be photographed or videotaped.
    ~ From time to time we go to the park and by signing this form you are aware of that. We do not have any official “field trips” but may have an outing to keep the day interesting .
    ~ By signing this form you are giving me permission to seek emergency medical care for your child. You understand that I will in no way be financially responsible for it and that this will only happen if you cannot be contacted.
    ~ Children’s belongings will be held for one week after childcare agreement is terminated and then will be disposed of.
    ~All payments are due in advance by pickup the Friday prior to each weeks care. If payment is made after pickup on Friday, a late fee will occur. A late fee of $10.00 per day will be charged for payment not received by pickup on Friday. This includes Saturday and Sunday. If fees are not current child will not be admitted to daycare. You will still be responsible for paying for these days if this occurs. If late payments become an ongoing problem, care will be terminated. Parent pays all legal fees and court costs associated with this childcare agreement.
    ~ If your check does not clear, regardless of the reason, you are responsible for my bank fees. You will also be required to make payments in cash for 6 months following a bad check.
    ~Overtime is anytime other than the time contracted for and costs $5.00 per hour or portion of hour per child. Care is only considered overtime if 24 hour advance notice is given and approved. If notification is not given you will be the charged late fees described as follows. Late fees are $15.00 for the first 15 minutes of portion thereof. You are charges $1.00 per minute after that. This charge is per child. On the day incurred. Care will not be resumed until fee is paid.
    ~ There is a two week termination period for this contract and advance written notice is required. Payment for the two week period is due whether or not the child is brought to the provider for care. Your two week deposit is normally used to cover this time period. If you fail to give notice you are still required to pay until you give notice even if child is not attending. This contract outlines that you agree to bring your child to my home for daycare. ~ By entering into this contract you agree to make payments when due and pay the full amount each week. Payments are based on contracted hours and not actual attendance. Put yourself in my shoes,.. Imagine getting to your job and having your boss tell you “ things are kind of slow today, so we will only be paying you $2.50 per hour” Or, “My mother in law is visiting right now and she likes your job, so you can take the day off without pay”. That is unfair to expect of anyone, especially someone who cares for the most important thing in your life.
    Parent signature and date__________________________

    Enrollment information

    Childs name, address, birthday, phone number ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Mothers name, Birthday, address, work address, phone numbers (work and home) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Fathers name, Birthday, address, work address, phone numbers (work and home) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Authorized people for pickup and emergency medical decisions ________________________________________________________________________
    Meal Times Breakfast 6am, snack 8:45am, Lunch 11am, Snack 250 pm.

    Childcare fee of _________ per __________
    Care provided on the following days and times ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Amount of deposit _________________________________________________

    Any notes or additions- child fears, allergies, special needs ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    This contract will be renewed at the annual family conference. I will also pass out Parent Evaluation Forms then. This is a requirement for my accreditation. Please fill out & return to the payment box. My rater will view them. Your vacation times are handled as follows: One week free per year. Please give me 2 weeks notice if possible.
    Each additional week is ½ normal weekly rate. Partial weeks are charged the full rate. You may use your free vacation week for extended illness if you choose.

    Parents signature and date __________________________________________________
    Last edited by Michael; 01-16-2010, 03:31 PM.

  • #2
    I combined all three posts for you.


    • #3
      Thanks- I'm going to "borrow" a few items from here when I update my contract

