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Update To Email

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  • Update To Email

    I did not respond to the previous email. I just received this one from him, again sent to 27 different email addresses. I won't respond to this one either.....

    Thanks for the prompt response,I am so sorry for my late response; I have been so busy
    lately, your zip code is close enough to our location We'll like to know more about you if you don't mind, I mean like your experience in working with kids in the past and present?

    What is the assurance that you will be able to care for our daughter? For how long will you
    be able to care of our daughter? You could also supply any additional information about
    your self and your day care, because I think it’s a nice idea to know little about you before
    our daughter starts attending your day care.What is the time to bring the kid to your
    location in the morning and what is the time to pick her up? Your response to these means a lot to us. Awaiting your prompt response by email.


    --- 2011年6月13日 星期一

  • #2
    That's funny! You didn't respond, yet this "personal" email insisted you did and was sent to 27 different people! Wow. Can you report spam? Maybe that will block his email.


    • #3
      I got the same email, well the first one you got, and I'm on the East coast! Apparently anywhere in the US is "within the zipcode" LOL!


      • #4
        Yea, I got some hits on my website from China!
        Although I think it's a scam I will be updating my late pickup policy just in case ::::::


        • #5
          I'm waiting for the "here's a check to cover the first two weeks, would you send me back the rest" email to show up.

          The guy uses an English name - Greg Mason - but it's obvious that English is not his native tongue.


          • #6
            Funny story...I just got this exact same email in my inbox!
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

