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I Think My Kids Are Sleeping Too Long...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by daycare View Post
    I think these kids are sleeping so much due to poor diets. Food is so highly processed these days.
    My son who Is 3 eats a palieo diet just like me. This means nothing processed or out of a box or bag. You can only eat off the land. This means no cheese, milk and etc.
    My son takes maybe a 30-45 min nap and sleeps 9 hours at night.

    My DCK all sleep 3.5-4.5 hours. I know they eat fast food, frozen dinners and food from a box daily.

    This is the new diet, so sad
    Are you feeding your day kids the palieo diet also?


    • #17
      Originally posted by MN Day Mom View Post
      Are you feeding your day kids the palieo diet also?
      No I can't because one its expensive and two I am on the food program so I have to give them milk and other carbs like bread that I don't eat.

      This post actually brought up a bet between my friend and I. If I lose a bet this wednesday, (silly bet by the way) I have to eat a mc donalds meal.
      I am curious to see how I would feel?


      • #18
        I would enjoy it while it lasts. My kids (except my own child) sleep from 12-3 and I have to wake them up too. Like you said, not just call their names but really wake them up!

        If nobody complains at home about it then it is what the kids need.


        • #19
          Have you checked the carbon dioxide levels in your house? I would find it odd that that many sleep for that long.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Have you checked the carbon dioxide levels in your house? I would find it odd that that many sleep for that long.
            Carbon DIoxide? or MONoxide?

            Well I work in a center, so we have a carbon monoxide detector...but I've never heard of there being too much carbon dioxide in a building


            • #21
              My DCKs sleep forever too! I am always having to wake them up so we can get on with our day. They always seem so tired when they get her in the morning and sometimes actually start bugging me for naptime before lunch because they are so tired....doesn't seem right to me. They obviously aren't sleeping properly at night and it makes it hard for them to enjoy their morning here.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
                Carbon DIoxide? or MONoxide?

                Well I work in a center, so we have a carbon monoxide detector...but I've never heard of there being too much carbon dioxide in a building
       is real.

                Google it.
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

