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Field Trips - Parents Pay?

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  • Field Trips - Parents Pay?

    I am providing care on a very PT basis this summer. One of the families I am assisting will be going with me & my kids on some field trips to the zoo, etc. Is it wrong to ask the parents to assist in paying for some outings or a portion of said outings or is that tacky? BTW the kids will be in my care a good 10 hours on the days they are here & I am giving them a good deal on childcare so it's not as if I can take the $$$ from what I am being paid. We do have a family zoo membership so one of the kids can get in on my pass but I don;t want to pay $8-10 out of my own pocket for child #2. Advice? Thoughts?

  • #2
    personally i think it's fine to ask for help toward the field trip. i would let them know FAR in advance though.

    basically send home a permission slip. if they don't want to pay, then the child may not attend that day.


    • #3
      We used to go on field trips as well and I'd tell them if any money was needed to go. None of my families had a problem tossing a few extra dollars my way for their kid to join in on the fun.

      I always provided at least a 2 week notice and I said whether money was due or not.

      No money, no field trip and no daycare.


      • #4
        If it's less than $5, I pay. If it's more than that, I give the parents notice that we're going to the zoo and it's going to cost $X and they need to bring a sack lunch that day.

        Normally we go on 2 outings a week and I ask the parents to take turns paying for the parking. I've never had anyone complain about it.


        • #5
          I have always just paid for the kids when we go on trips like the zoo or childrens museum etc. Those admissions are usually under $10 each tho but it does help that sometimes I have a 2 yr old and they get free access to some places. I have never asked a parent to help pay. I inform them of the trip and just pay the way. If they don't want the child going on the trip then it is up to them to find an alternate provider.

          If I want to go on an expensive field trip (science center $25 admission) I just know my clients wouldn't pay as they all usually plead poverty for everything so then I would have to supply them with a back up provider. So it's a tough call here, either I pay and go or take my child on the weekend because it's too hard to find back ups all day for all the kids.

          My clients are all on welfare tho so that makes a dif. If I had a Doctors child or even a teacher etc I may ask for assistance in paying for the trip but again if they opt out I would be stuck supplying a back up.


          • #6
            If I'm going to have to pay more than $2 or $3 per child I ask the parents for field trip money for admission or travel depending on where we're going and what we're doing. The parents don't mind. They like it that I take the kids fun places because then they don't have to!


            • #7
              Thanks! These parents aren't "poor" so they can afford to help out. I get paid about $45/day to watch these two kids so if I had to shell put almost $10 for one of the kids to go to the zoo that really eats into any $$$ I'd make. Our zoo is BIG & admission is pricey. thanks for your input. I really don't think the parents will have an issue w/paying I was just wondering what was normal.


              • #8
                I used to get a deposit at the beginning of the summer for extras like field trips and treats. I'd ask for, say, $30 or $40, then if there was any unused money at the end of the summer, I'd give it back to the parents.


                • #9
                  When we get our taxes back I try to buy a pass for as many things as possible. Also if I don't get a pass or one isn't available I then pay for the field trip and write it off on my taxes. Remember to write down your mileage and any money you put into the field trip for next years taxes.
                  Each day is a fresh start
                  Never look back on regrets
                  Live life to the fullest
                  We only get one shot at this!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                    When we get our taxes back I try to buy a pass for as many things as possible. Also if I don't get a pass or one isn't available I then pay for the field trip and write it off on my taxes. Remember to write down your mileage and any money you put into the field trip for next years taxes.
                    I have zoo and museum of science memberships


                    • #11
                      I send my son to recreation camp and it's a set fee plus money for trips. I don't have a problem with it.

                      Call it Summer Camp!


                      • #12
                        This is in my CONTRACT under section 3. "Terms of Payment"
                        Field Trip Fees
                        Some field trips will cost of minimal amount of money. Provider will let clients know ahead of time if there will be a fee.

                        This at least lets the parents know that field trips are taken and MAY cost money. I don't have anything in my contract whether they decide to participate or not, so I guess I'll take my chances hoping everyone pays if money is needed.


                        • #13
                          I do try to keep costs down by packing picnics and lots of drinks so I will only need admission costs from parents. They seem to appreciate it and even reward my organization. I often have a Dad pass me a $20 on a field trip day and whisper that I should get them a treat if they behave while we're out.

