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Fibs...... Or Is It What The Parents Are Saying? What Do You Think

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  • Fibs...... Or Is It What The Parents Are Saying? What Do You Think

    So I have a family with two boys that just gave notice.
    Some of you may have read the other post.

    Today DCB age 4 comes to me and says Im going to a different school, I am not going to come to this horrible place any more because all of the kids that come here are really bad, say bad words and hit me... SO I am going to go to a better school.

    All of this is a lie....none of this stuff goes on here and i don't know why the child would say this. The only person that hits him is his younger brother.

    I am not sure why the child would say this. Would you bring it up to the parents? Or would you just let it go? It's not like this child to make stuff up is the only reason that I am a little upset about it.

    I dont care if they dont like me for not being able to meet thier needs, I don't care if the parents said you are going to go to a better school. Parents will need to say what they have to so that they can move their kids I get that, but i dont want this lie to be told to others....... I live in a small town, so this is my fear..

    Would you say something to the parents or am i over reacting?

  • #2
    If I've learned anything...go with your gut! If you think they might give notice, ask them if what their child is saying is true.


    • #3
      Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
      If I've learned anything...go with your gut! If you think they might give notice, ask them if what their child is saying is true.
      they already gave notice.....


      • #4
        Originally posted by daycare View Post
        they already gave notice.....
        WOW! That means you're losing 4?! Ouch! Can you go back to the first family and tell them that you now have an opening?!::


        • #5
          Please, take this with a grain of salt, I am not trying to be mean...........

          You are wasting way too much energy on this family, way too much. All that you are doing at this point is upsetting yourself and raising your blood pressure. No matter what you do or don't say to the boys or to the parents, they will be gone next week. Nothing you say or do matters at this point, they will be gone.

          Let it go and move on.

          Your other parents know the truth as to how the kids are treated in your daycare.


          • #6
            sorry I am confusing you no its the same family.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
              Please, take this with a grain of salt, I am not trying to be mean...........

              You are wasting way too much energy on this family, way too much. All that you are doing at this point is upsetting yourself and raising your blood pressure. No matter what you do or don't say to the boys or to the parents, they will be gone next week. Nothing you say or do matters at this point, they will be gone.

              Let it go and move on.

              Your other parents know the truth as to how the kids are treated in your daycare.
              hey have you been talking to my husband.....he said that to me almost word for word....

              I think yo uare right, I am letting this family get to me.... I am very emotional and I love these boys so I am having a hard time with the way the family is treating me..... I think it sucks that I am getting the short end of the stick, but I also think that every thing happens for a reason.

              thanks for being honest....


              • #8
                The parents don't care how you feel, it's not their problem. Their problem is to move the boys to another situation. They will do and say whatever it takes to make things easier on them.

                The reason this is happening is because it's time for this family to move on.


                • #9
                  I'd bring it up, but that's just me.

                  Maybe something like... "I overheard the boys today saying XYZ and I just wanted to make sure you knew that they do NOT get hit, we don't say bad words...etc"


                  • #10
                    my guess is that they told the boys and they are upset to leave you and the parents (sounds like the mom on this one) told them whatever to make them feel like the next school is so exciting and awesome. I would take it as a compliment that the kids don't want to leave and the mom has to lie to them. I know that doesn't make it any easier but like the other poster said, just do these last few days and let it go forever. you are getting too involved in this drama and its not good for you at all.


                    • #11
                      Let them say what they will.

                      What it comes down to is this:

                      They had a good gig when you started working for them. Then, when the parents couldn't get their way (get their infant in too), you turned into the venomous monster.

                      Now, to make them look like the good ones to their kids, they have to pump them full of CRAP. Whatever they can say that makes you look bad, they will. They are going to talk up the new provider or the new school until something goes wrong there too. It's a constant cycle. By them doing this means they are befriending their kids, not PARENTING their kids!

                      The same thing will happen again and again over the course of their children's young years. So-and-so said you baby brother couldn't go to her house so now you get to go to so-and-so's house and it''s going to be so much fun! You are going to do this and that and make new friends and best of all, your siblings will be there too! WAHOO! When really, it's WOOPIE! ::


                      • #12
                        I know what you guys all mean and youre right....

                        I just wish that if the mom needed to lie that it would have been a positive lie....Like wait until you see this new school, it has better toys, more activities, lots of new friends etc. I am just butt hurt that they (mom, child) are leaving here with a negative attitude about my other DCK..... they had nothing to do why they are leaving...

                        thanks for making me feel better, I will just let it go......


                        • #13
                          and they are teaching their kids to not trust authority figures.....very dangerous road for mom and dad to take but again, not your problem


                          • #14
                            If this happened to me the first thing I would of done was get on my knees so I was on the same level as the little guy and asked him if that was how he truly felt that being here was a terrible place. That everyone there wasn't nice or nice to him and talked with a potty mouth. I would try and find out if this was truly talk coming from him or from his mom. Then depending on what he says as the out come I would address the parents right away. I could never allow something like that to go without addressing it. I am super sensitive and that would eat at me. Regardless of whether they already gave notice. That was set up especially to hurt you. If that was talk coming directly from a 4 yr old it would be best to sit down and have a talk to talk but if that was something the mom feed him. I would be having a private talk with the parents about that. I know they already gave notice but that is horrible for you to have to hear.

