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Any Ideas???

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  • Any Ideas???

    I have a baby that comes to me two days a week for 10-4 and mom breast feeds and she doesn't seem to make enough milk to give me some so she just says to use formula and she never bottle feeds at home because she won't take it. So she took a bottle for me a couple of times and now won't she is 4 months old and has been here for about a month and a half and she doesn't eat for me and now mom said to try cereal with her to see if that will keep her content longer not sure what to do with her she is crabby when here but it is not as bad as it could be I guess. So what I am asking is anyone have any tricks on getting a breast fed baby to take a bottle with formula a couple days a week for me??? And what kind of bottles should we try?

  • #2
    Boy, this is a tough one and one I never have any answers to. :confused:

    Can mom try to transistion her dd to a bottle? I almost think it would be better if mom introduced the cereal. It would be a horrible day for everyone if a baby gets cranky because of hunger and not "knowing" how to eat. Since she is a real part time kid, I would have a really good heart to heart with the mom and share your concerns with her. See if she is willing to teach her child to eat the cereal or drink from a bottle.

    If all else fails, go with Nannyde's policies. Where the whole thing is the parent's responsibility.

    Good luck with this one. I will be watching for other ideas and posts to see if anyone has figured out a trick to this situation.


    • #3
      I have a DCg 6 weeks old that started yesterday. Yesterday was a really bad day for the baby, she just would not eat much and cried a lot. I tried everything from walking to rocking and she cried on and off most the day. I let day know and also sent an infant gram home. I ask mom this morning was she still breastfeeding and

      Check out my posts on this thread.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
        Boy, this is a tough one and one I never have any answers to. :confused:

        Can mom try to transistion her dd to a bottle? I almost think it would be better if mom introduced the cereal. It would be a horrible day for everyone if a baby gets cranky because of hunger and not "knowing" how to eat. Since she is a real part time kid, I would have a really good heart to heart with the mom and share your concerns with her. See if she is willing to teach her child to eat the cereal or drink from a bottle.

        If all else fails, go with Nannyde's policies. Where the whole thing is the parent's responsibility.

        Good luck with this one. I will be watching for other ideas and posts to see if anyone has figured out a trick to this situation.
        Yeah, I'm going with the whole this is a parent's responsibility thing. The mom should be both bottle-feeding and spoon feeding if that's what she wants you to do, especially since the baby is part time and having trouble at daycare.

        Cereal probably will keep the baby satisfied longer if she will eat it, but I'd at least go with a whole grain organic brown rice baby cereal with probiotics added. And make the mom buy it.

        Usually, the advice is to wait to offer solid foods though, until the infant can sit up on its own or is 6 months old. Has the doctor cleared this baby to eat? I'd really put the responsibility for this one back on mom.


        • #5
          Thanks NAN I have gone back and read some of the old posts and oh my I don't know what to do.


          • #6
            I just mentioned this in the bottle thread.

            But, I've had really good luck with the Tommy Tippee bottle. It fits well, collapses a little like a real breast, and is easy to take. You might try buying one at Babies R Us (the only place I've seen it for a decent price) and see if she's willing to try that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lil angels View Post
              Thanks NAN I have gone back and read some of the old posts and oh my I don't know what to do.
              I definitely would NOT feed solids to this baby. I don't do solids until the day they turn eight months.

              Bottom line is that the Mom MUST always know that everywhere she takes her kid that her kid can eat... NO PROBLEM. If there is any problem then the Mom can't leave the kid.

              Simple as that.

              It's just a basic... no two ways about it... no "thinking" involved... no decisions to make... just plain as day: The baby has to be fully on a nipple and you must SEE proof of that. The milk the baby eats must be in your house and spare available to tap into if you for some reason need more.

              If the Mom can't manage the nipple... the breast milk... the formula... or any of these combined then the kid must stay with her at all times. If she is going to do formula then the Mom needs to SHOW YOU that the baby will drink a full formula bottle with NO problems.

              I don't do ANYTHING to get a kid onto formula or a bottle. That's something the parents must completely do themselves. I just want the end product of the kid drinking bottle and me having plenty of what they drink... EVERY DAY no matter what.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                It's just a basic... no two ways about it... no "thinking" involved... no decisions to make... just plain as day: The baby has to be fully on a nipple and you must SEE proof of that. The milk the baby eats must be in your house and spare available to tap into if you for some reason need more.

                If the Mom can't manage the nipple... the breast milk... the formula... or any of these combined then the kid must stay with her at all times. If she is going to do formula then the Mom needs to SHOW YOU that the baby will drink a full formula bottle with NO problems.
                I agree! Breastmilk, formula, bottle, nipple, whatever it takes for this baby to eat without it being directly attached to mom. If mom can't do it, you can't do it!
                Last edited by Michael; 06-08-2011, 06:32 PM.

