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So Annoyed!

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  • So Annoyed!

    I have a 3 1/2 yr old dcg, who is really getting on my last nerve. Yesterday, when she arrived, my 4 yr old said, yeah, Mary Canary is here. (Now, we have been working on ryhyming , and he also ryhmes is sisters names which ryhmes with banana) Anyway, dcg got mad and told her mom what he said. I just said that we have been working on rhyming words and that he thinks its fun. I also added to my son, that Mary doesn't like her name ryhmed so please don't do that. He said okay. Now, mind you, for months after this girl started she called my son Brian and his name is Ryan. On purpose. When she would ask me where he is, she would say it correctly. However, when speaking to him directly she would say it wrong.
    Okay, at pickup yesterday. Other dcks were gone. IT was just my 2 and this girl. I was with the kids, playing snowballs( I stuffed stuffing into plasctic sandwich bags and tape up.) Everything was fine. I left the room for 2 minutes to check on supper. I can see/hear everything the kids are doing. Mom shows up and asks girl how her day was. Girl said that my ds kept calling her baby. I was like, what, when? I told mom that I was with them playing snowballs, I did leave the room for 2 mins but I did not hear anything. I asked my son and he said no he didn't. Calling other kids names is not something he does. The mom just stares at me. Mind you, this is the same girl I had posted before about having her mom wrapped around her finger. How she brings food/drinks, blankets, toys and other extra stuff that is not needed. I told dcg that if someone calls you a name and you don't like it, you need to tell me right away so Ican take care of it.
    I tell all the kids, mine included, if something happens tell me right away. IF not, and there is 2 different sides of the story, I will just tell them to behave. (Unless, a child is known to do things to the other kids, but the one in my care who does that,is this 3 yr old girl) She grabs things out of all the kids hands, wants her way all the time, and at that exact moment. Because that is what she does to her mom and she lets her get away with it.

  • #2
    Yeah, I'd be annoyed too. It sounds like she was just trying to get your DS in trouble. It's a good technique you have to tell them to behave when they have 2 different stories. Did the mom ever say anything?


    • #3
      sounds normal to me. How do you "know" that your son did not call her a baby? Just because he said so? You say he doesn't call names, but admittedly he called her "mary canary" when she didn't like it. She's 3 and a half, she's supposed to tell her Mom when she doesn't like the way she is being treated. Are you sure that this isn't just a case of you taking your son's side over that of a daycare child?

      I'd let it go. Kids call names, kids tell on each other, it's not worth stressing over. Though I do think that if it is happening and it bothers you, then you shouldn't leave them alone together for even "two minutes"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Crystal View Post
        sounds normal to me. How do you "know" that your son did not call her a baby? Just because he said so? You say he doesn't call names, but admittedly he called her "mary canary" when she didn't like it. She's 3 and a half, she's supposed to tell her Mom when she doesn't like the way she is being treated. Are you sure that this isn't just a case of you taking your son's side over that of a daycare child?

        I'd let it go. Kids call names, kids tell on each other, it's not worth stressing over. Though I do think that if it is happening and it bothers you, then you shouldn't leave them alone together for even "two minutes"
        I absolutely agree with this.
        Last week, while I was in the kitching prepping lunch (I too *thought* I could see and hear everything from my kitchen to the playroom) when dcg tells me that dcb said something mean to her. A few minutes prior they had been arguing over a particular toy, and because I didn't hear him say anything mean I thought she was just trying to get him in trouble, because he's the one who ended up with the toy in the end. This little girl has a history of telling tall tales. To confirm, I asked dcb if he said anything mean... and he said no (dcg wouldn't elaborate about what exactly was said, which was also a red flag to me). I left it alone, because I was pretty sure that dcg wasn't being truthful, and just kept her in the kicthen with me while I finished prepping. Alomost immediately my hubs comes in the kitchen and tells me that dgb did indeed say "something mean" to dcg... he called her stupid and he threatened to push her!!!!! dcb is usually very well mannered and gentle... I was completely shocked, but more than anything I was embarassed and disappointed in myself for being so sure, and then ending up being so very wrong. Hubs was at the top of the stairs and witnessed/heard the whole thing...

        It just goes to show that unless you are actually right there with them, you don't know for sure.

        I agree with Crystal - if your son and dcg3 have a history - don't leave them alone together!


        • #5
          Believe me, when my own kids are not behaving, they get punished. Which is every day, my son is 4 and my daughter is 6 and they have their moments This girl is a brat with a capital B. She is not used to being around other kids. She is either with her mom or her g-parents.
          When my son called her Mary Canary he was NOT calling her a name. Like I posted before, we are learning about rhymes. He will go around and say, look:book, chair:hair. etc.
          This is the same girl who is very, very nosy and her mom just says she is attuned to her surroundings. Give me a break.
          When I am making lunch she wants to get a chair and watch me cook because she does that at home. I tell her she can not do that at my house and she cries to her mom about it. She doesn't listen to any of the rules because at home she makes the rules.


          • #6
            Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
            I have a 3 1/2 yr old dcg, who is really getting on my last nerve. Yesterday, when she arrived, my 4 yr old said, yeah, Mary Canary is here. (Now, we have been working on ryhyming , and he also ryhmes is sisters names which ryhmes with banana) Anyway, dcg got mad and told her mom what he said. I just said that we have been working on rhyming words and that he thinks its fun. I also added to my son, that Mary doesn't like her name ryhmed so please don't do that. He said okay. Now, mind you, for months after this girl started she called my son Brian and his name is Ryan. On purpose. When she would ask me where he is, she would say it correctly. However, when speaking to him directly she would say it wrong.
            Okay, at pickup yesterday. Other dcks were gone. IT was just my 2 and this girl. I was with the kids, playing snowballs( I stuffed stuffing into plasctic sandwich bags and tape up.) Everything was fine. I left the room for 2 minutes to check on supper. I can see/hear everything the kids are doing. Mom shows up and asks girl how her day was. Girl said that my ds kept calling her baby. I was like, what, when? I told mom that I was with them playing snowballs, I did leave the room for 2 mins but I did not hear anything. I asked my son and he said no he didn't. Calling other kids names is not something he does. The mom just stares at me. Mind you, this is the same girl I had posted before about having her mom wrapped around her finger. How she brings food/drinks, blankets, toys and other extra stuff that is not needed. I told dcg that if someone calls you a name and you don't like it, you need to tell me right away so Ican take care of it.
            I tell all the kids, mine included, if something happens tell me right away. IF not, and there is 2 different sides of the story, I will just tell them to behave. (Unless, a child is known to do things to the other kids, but the one in my care who does that,is this 3 yr old girl) She grabs things out of all the kids hands, wants her way all the time, and at that exact moment. Because that is what she does to her mom and she lets her get away with it.
            Obviously attention getting behavior since she waits till mom is there to announce it! I would just say, then you can talk to Ryan about it if you like. Ryan of course would deny it (rightfully).....but at least it takes the tattling out of it.

