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Please Advise-I Feel Like Such A Nerd! :)

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  • Please Advise-I Feel Like Such A Nerd! :)

    As you know I am a full time nanny. On the weekends, I babysit for various families. I bought an accordion file folder case and some manila folders. I have a file for all the families. It contains:

    1. A fact sheet- name, address, phone number, age of child(ren), blah blah

    2. A payment chart- states what date I worked, how much they paid etc

    3. A map quest to their home for me until I am use to the directions.

    4. Copies of checks (if they paid by check)


    I even have a folder labeled Possible Clients for the families that I interview with but haven't worked for yet. When I work for a family, I then take their folder and that way DH or someone has a way of knowing where I am at.

    I asked DH and he said that I am very organized. I just feel like a moron ::

    What are your thoughts?

  • #2
    I think it sounds great! I have some of those things too


    • #3
      When I started babysitting in my current city, I would always write on an index card the name and address of the location I was going to be and the times expected for me to be gone. I left this on the counter for my husband to know where I was. I think it's a good idea. I didn't print a mapquest, but I do write down directions from my home to theirs.


      • #4
        Ok thank you ladies! I feel SO much better! ::


        • #5
          I think thats awesome! I have my accordian file too, color coded folders and so on LOL!!::

          Better to be organized then a mess!


          • #6
            That's awesome! Sounds like something I would do but I only ever had 2 clients at a time and lived alone back then too so I wasn't that organized or conscientious of letting someone else know where I was at all times.
            Celebrate! ::


            • #7
              I love the idea!

              Besides daycare, I also provide weekend services. There's one family, I have a hard time with the girl's name. I'm going to make a file this week so that I can have this stuff organized. Thanks again.


              • #8
                Originally posted by grandmom View Post
                I love the idea!

                Besides daycare, I also provide weekend services. There's one family, I have a hard time with the girl's name. I'm going to make a file this week so that I can have this stuff organized. Thanks again.
                Oh I am SO glad that I can help someone! Everytime I look at the file case I do feel like a nerd for being over organized. Yet on the flip side, I want to remember when someone pays me and all their information. As for all the information, I feel like a stalker. Yet on the other hand, I feel better knowing that when I leave a file out, someone knows exactly where I am going to be at.

                Thank you to everyone for making me feel SO much better!

