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DCB Just Broke My Window

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  • DCB Just Broke My Window

    Ugh! Seriously, I have less than three months left doing daycare! I couldn't have made it without a window getting broken?

    I was getting lunch started when all of a sudden I hear a crack from the playroom. 2yo dcb threw one of my son's wrestling award medals at the window and yep it broke. UGH! The medal should not have been in the playroom of course, my 3 year old was playing with them and I thought I had gotten them all put away, but I guess I missed one.

    My husband is going to freak out. I am betting he says this dcb is not allowed back in his house. Not sure how I am going to approach this one. Does daycare insurance cover this kind of thing? I called my agent, but they are out to lunch or something apparantly. UGH! Not what I needed today.

  • #2
    Don't know if it will be covered by insurance, but I wanted to extend feelings of sympathy to you...

    three months to go, deep breath!


    • #3
      It should, that's what insurance is for! You may have a deductible, or limit. Check your policy and see if it tells you there.


      • #4
        You should be able to take the window in to a glass repair place and have them fix it for a lot less than the price of a new window or your deductible.

        I have a policy that clearly states any damages that occur by a daycare child that are severe (broken window would fall into this catagory) are the full responsibility of the parent. Regardless of what was chucked at the window. It could have been a matchbox car and it could have happened. Case in point, make the parents liable or at least see if they'll foot half of the bill.


        • #5
          I would not recommend trying to get the parents to pay for damage that occurred on your watch.

          It just sets you up for the turn around of "My child was not properly supervised and could have been severely injured".

          I would have it repaired and put the cost toward the yearly deductible of your homeowners insurance. "It was simply a household accident".
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Catherder View Post
            I would not recommend trying to get the parents to pay for damage that occurred on your watch.

            It just sets you up for the turn around of "My child was not properly supervised and could have been severely injured".

            I would have it repaired and put toward the yearly deductible of your homeowners insurance. "It was simply a household accident".
            I had a DCB break a picture hanging on my wall. I was sitting on the floor playing with the kids. DCB picked up the book I just got done reading and frisbee'd it across the room, it hit the picture frame and knocked it off the wall. I realize parents want to pull the "supervision" card but if they aren't playing with toys appropriately, they should be held responsible for damages/repairs. The DCD felt bad about the frame and gave me $25 towards the glass and frame repair. It ended up costing me $45 so their generosity was appreciated.

            If the window repair/damages are more than 50% of their weekly rate, I would ask that they help offset the cost of damages.


            • #7
              Yeah, I know the whole accident under my watch pitfall so I doubt I'll say anything about payment unless dh pushes it. They don't have any money anyway. Dcm mentioned checking her insurance when I called to tell her, but I'm sure that wouldn't go anywhere.

              Still waiting to hear back from my insurance agent. I think we have a $500 deductible so it probably won't help much. The window was in bad shape and needed replacing anyway, just wasn't in the budget right now! Luckily dh didn't freak as much as I was afraid he would when he called from work.


              • #8
                Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
                You should be able to take the window in to a glass repair place and have them fix it for a lot less than the price of a new window or your deductible.

                I have a policy that clearly states any damages that occur by a daycare child that are severe (broken window would fall into this catagory) are the full responsibility of the parent. Regardless of what was chucked at the window. It could have been a matchbox car and it could have happened. Case in point, make the parents liable or at least see if they'll foot half of the bill.
                If I were the parent in this case, I would be upset if you even suggested that I pay for a portion of the damages. A medal that is heavy or strong enough to break a window isn't exactly a toy that a dck should be playing with. Also, OP stated, it shouldn't have been accessible to the child in the first place. IMHO, this is something the provider should take responsibility for.

                I have a policy in place as well saying that anything a child willfully destroys or breaks is the parents responsibility but not in situations like this where it was something the child should not have gotten their hands on in the first place.

                OP: I would surely think your insurance will cover this since it is what we have insurance for. I am sorry this happened to you. BTDT. I had a 2.5 yr old child break one of my garage windows with a garden rake. It was completely my fault for leaving the rake out where the daycare kids had access to it. Had the kid used a toy truck or another item he generally plays with, I may have asked the parent to chip in for the deductible but in my case, I didn't really view the whole thing as "willful". Two year olds throw things. He didn't hit my window to break it, he was simply trying to use the rake. MY fault.

                My homeowners covered it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  If I were the parent in this case, I would be upset if you even suggested that I pay for a portion of the damages. A medal that is heavy or strong enough to break a window isn't exactly a toy that a dck should be playing with. Also, OP stated, it shouldn't have been accessible to the child in the first place. IMHO, this is something the provider should take responsibility for.

                  I have a policy in place as well saying that anything a child willfully destroys or breaks is the parents responsibility but not in situations like this where it was something the child should not have gotten their hands on in the first place.

                  OP: I would surely think your insurance will cover this since it is what we have insurance for. I am sorry this happened to you. BTDT. I had a 2.5 yr old child break one of my garage windows with a garden rake. It was completely my fault for leaving the rake out where the daycare kids had access to it. Had the kid used a toy truck or another item he generally plays with, I may have asked the parent to chip in for the deductible but in my case, I didn't really view the whole thing as "willful". Two year olds throw things. He didn't hit my window to break it, he was simply trying to use the rake. MY fault.

                  My homeowners covered it.
                  I guess that's the difference between providers. I live in a quarter million dollar home, I want my property to be left in the condition it was when the children come in in the morning just as parents want their child returned in the same condition they come in.

                  My insurance agent would laugh if I even considered turning something like that in...especially when my deductible is $1000.

                  Again, my suggestion is to repair it if it is repairable and get by cheap. If it's not a cheap fix, I'd ask for help offsetting the bill. The most they can do is tell you "No".


                  • #10
                    I had a broken window once too. It was $133 to have fixed. I did not take it up w my insurance company, because it was way less than the deductible, and some companies like to drop or raise rates on those with claims, a HORRIBLE practice, but typical. I would not bill the parents either, for reasons Catherder mentioned. I hope your husband understands, I'm so sorry.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
                      I guess that's the difference between providers. I live in a quarter million dollar home, I want my property to be left in the condition it was when the children come in in the morning just as parents want their child returned in the same condition they come in.

                      My insurance agent would laugh if I even considered turning something like that in...especially when my deductible is $1000.

                      Again, my suggestion is to repair it if it is repairable and get by cheap. If it's not a cheap fix, I'd ask for help offsetting the bill. The most they can do is tell you "No".
                      I see where you are coming from but what does the cost or value of your home have to do with responsibility?


                      • #12
                        The part that would bother me regarding the responsibility of the parents is that this could happen under supervision & with ANY toy (blocks/hot wheels car, etc). All it takes is a second or two & it could happen even with appropriate toys. Sorry but a caregiver can't monitor every single movement a child in their care makes. I see nothing wrong with asking parents to pay part of it OR at least letting them know what happened.


                        • #13
                          Thank heavens nobody was hurt.

                          I agree with Catherder. They could easily say that you were not keeping their child safe.


                          • #14
                            I would not ask for the parents to pay for it unless you have good track record of this child displaying bad/out of control behavior.

                            I think that they will turn on you, just as catheder said.

                            as for the window, while I too would be way mad, I think it might be cheaper for you to just have it repaired yourself... I have a 550 deductable to meet, so I know a window might be cheaper.....I guess depending on the window...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              I see where you are coming from but what does the cost or value of your home have to do with responsibility?

                              All's I'm saying is a window is not a huge expense but it might be to the person living there.

                              I had a DCB (3 yo) chuck a matchbox car at my head yesterday because he didn't want his diaper changed. I caught the car but there could have been a window behind me and my reactions might not have been what they were. Case in point...each choice should be that of the provider. Each situation is different. There's never any harm in asking other than the parent's might be butt hurt about it.

