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Sleep Schedule 9mo Old

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  • Sleep Schedule 9mo Old

    I have a DCB who naps one hour every 90-120 min. Yesterday he took 4 hour long naps. He STTN too. Is this normal by 9mo?? My son was not STTN and still only took 1-2 naps. I feel like he is narcoleptic or something.:confused: I'm not complaining about the naps- It makes it easy on me, I'm just concerned that this is abnormal.

  • #2
    What is STTN? I don't know about where you are, but isn't there a time limit on how long they are allowed to sleep for? Most babies (I find) between 6-12mths seem to have 2 naps per day lasting 1-2 hrs per nap.


    • #3
      sttn= sleep through the night.

      What do his parents consider sttn? Somewhere I read than anything over 5 hours straight is Sttn.


      • #4
        STTN- sleep through the night
        . I try to keep him up, take him out side and keep him engaged. He just rubs his eyes, yawns and eventually starts crying until I lay him down and he falls asleep within 5 seconds. DCP have the same issue at home. It's a total newborn sleep pattern.


        • #5
          Some children just need more sleep. As long as the baby is eating well and is not sick..then they may just be growing through a growth spurt.

          Both my children slept through the night by 10 weeks old, and still took many naps through the day.


          • #6
            My 7 month old sleeps through the night (as in 9:00 pm -- can't get her to sleep any earlier -- to 5:30 to 7:30 am-ish). She also sleeps approximately every 2-3 hours (anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours). On some days, she will take short cat naps throughout the day and other days she will take 1 huge nap and then one cat nap. I've tried to impart a schedule on her, but when she is awake, it is impossible to get her to go to sleep. She is the only child I have ever seen that cio does not work (she will scream for hours if I let her!).

            I know the doctor told us to make our other daughter sttn at 9 months old and she would sleep 7:30 pm to 8:00 am. She also took 2-3 naps a day that would last from 1 to 4 hours. I think what you are describing is totally normal.


            • #7
              Is he with you full time? If so, I would make sure he stays up at least an hour and a half and slowly start stretching him to 2 hours between naps. Just slowly work the routine until he is taking less naps but longer naps. He needs help to get out of this infant sleep pattern otherwise it will become a problem down the road. You will end up working your whole daycare routine around his constant naps.

