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Opening A Can Of Worms!

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  • Opening A Can Of Worms!

    Well I mailed my daycare registration application this week. I have been in the childcare business (teaching, daycare center, etc) for over 17 years and working out of my home for the past three. I am in love with the babies I care for and love my job. I have decided to "legalize" my home daycare by getting registered. I can't help but feel like I am opening a can of worms now that the state will have a huge say in my business, but I know I have to do what is right. I am trying to look at this as an exciting thing but I am just so nervous now.
    I you think my hands are full you should see my heart!

  • #2
    Are you required to be registered? Is there a reason you are doing this now when you haven't in the past?


    • #3
      I felt like you did years ago when I started. At first I was crazy about everything being perfect all the time and then I evventually realized that I was freaking out for nothing. I made a check list of things that LIC requires for me to do and I go thorugh it each morning before opening. It is now so routine, that I don't ever look at the list anymore.

      It's not as bad as youo think it is......besides, look at the positive of it....You can charge more...


      • #4
        Can of worms?! Nah!! You are doing the right thing!! Applause!!!! You'll be fine, no need to be nervous! Registered is way more appealing to parents, IMO. You have LOTS of experience, you'll be great! I have a center and we get inspected regularly. Make real nice w your local inspector, a little politeness goes a long way. Whenever I see my inspector coming in, I give her a big smile and friendly hello, we have a nice relationship. good luck, but you won't need luck!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post
          Registered is way more appealing to parents, IMO.
          Talk about opening a can of worms! ::

