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  • Grrrrrr....(Vent)

    ok so today was supposed to be my first inspection fire safety inspection....the inspector was supposed to be here between 12-12:30......I have been driving myself crazy over all of this...and couldnt wait to at least have one inspection under my belt. Well here we are at 4:32 and he is a no show and a no call!! grrrrrr anyone else have an experience like this?

    This daycare has been months in the making and it is my dream....I feel like im so close but I will never get there (so frustrating) Next Tuesday is my main inspection and I am so nervous for that, but now i have no clue as to when my fire inspection will be:confused:

    I was going to make a cake and everything for tonight just to celebrate being one step im going to bake it and just eat the whole thing bed...LOL ok im not that upset...but i may just eat that whole cake myself anyway!!!::

  • #2
    people are so inconsiderate! I feel for ya! Enjoy your cake!


    • #3
      Our fire inspections get rescheduled over and over here because our inspectors are firefighters/emts as well so they often get called out on emergencies. It is totally understandable, but still frustrating on our end! I hope you were able to find out what happened and get inspected soon!

