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Oversensitivity To Safety Is Hurting Kids!!

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  • Oversensitivity To Safety Is Hurting Kids!!

    This is so good!! Thought I would share!

    What do you all think?

  • #2
    I have to agree, this safety issues are becoming way too crazy. Kids are not allowed to be children and deal with falling and hurting themselves. My own children are maniacs and we let them be kids.


    • #3
      I liked it a bit long but it is so true.


      • #4
        First, the sand box and trampoline had to go years ago.

        Then all the swings, bikes, scooters, wading pools and push toys.....

        Got rid of all the 3+ ft climbing equipment this month because the required 10 inches of mulch is too cost prohibitive.

        I figure in the next two year the kids will be down to green carpeting and a nerf ball.

        Hmm...maybe we could do afternoon shadow puppets?
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Catherder View Post

          I figure in the next two year the kids will be down to green carpeting and a nerf ball.

          Yes... I agree... I'm scared that we are raising kids to be idiots with no self preservation skills at all.


          • #6
            Originally posted by youretooloud View Post

            Yes... I agree... I'm scared that we are raising kids to be idiots with no self preservation skills at all.
            ha ha, awesome quote. It does get out of hand at times for sure!


            • #7
              Great, and so true.

              I think that part of the problem is that these days we live in such a litigious society - kids don't have opportunities to explore because they may get hurt, and everyone is afraid of getting sued!

              My family owns a house in a beach community where we've been going since I was a kid. There is this grouping of AWESOME climbing trees right outside that I spent hours climbing. I've been waiting years for my kids to be old enough to climb them, and the year that my oldest son was big enough to do so, we went to the beach - only to find that the community had posted a huge "no climbing" sign. I was shocked, very sad, and angry! I asked them about the reasoning, and they said that it was "too much of a liability" for the community to let kids climb the trees. I think that's ridiculous, and that anyone with sense would know that if you are a parent and you allow your child to climb the trees and they get hurt, the responsibility is on YOU and not the community. Geez!

              I remember when playgrounds had hard dirt or concrete underneath. We had metal swings, monkey bars, and concrete culverts to play in. We had merry-go-rounds and trampolines with no nets. My friends and I rode bikes with no helmets and swam in the creek with no supervision. We climbed trees and explored the woods. I got hurt a LOT, and still have the scars to prove it. I survived, no one got sued, and I have a ton of fond childhood memories that my kids aren't going to have because there are just not enough opportunities now for the kind of play that I used to have.
              Last edited by AfterSchoolMom; 06-01-2011, 12:27 PM. Reason: Spelling correction.


              • #8
                She's absolutely right but it doesn't really apply to child care... just your own kids.

                This is one of the main reasons I choose to raise my son separately from the day care. I didn't want him to grow up under the SAFETY rules and regulations I have to have for the day care kids.

                I've never given the day care kids the freedom in five years of care (birth to five) I gave to my son on one day when he was two.

                I would LOVE to be able to raise these kids with the freedom I allowed my son when he was little.

                There's no accidents in day care.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
                  Great, and so true.

                  I think that part of the problem is that these days we live in such a litigious society - kids don't have opportunities to explore because they may get hurt, and everyone is afraid of getting sued!

                  My family owns a house in a beach community where we've been going since I was a kid. There is this grouping of AWESOME climbing trees right outside that I spent hours climbing. I've been waiting years for my kids to be old enough to climb them, and the year that my oldest son was big enough to do so, we went to the beach - only to find that the community had posted a huge "no climbing" sign. I was shocked, very sad, and angry! I asked them about the reasoning, and they said that it was "too much of a liability" for the community to let kids climb the trees. I think that's ridiculous, and that anyone with sense would know that if you are a parent and you allow your child to climb the trees and they get hurt, the responsibility is on YOU and not the community. Geez!

                  I remember when playgrounds had hard dirt or concrete underneath. We had metal swings, monkey bars, and concrete culverts to play in. We had merry-go-rounds and trampolines with no nets. My friends and I rode bikes with no helmets and swam in the creek with no supervision. We climbed trees and explored the woods. I got hurt a LOT, and still have the scars to prove it. I survived, no one got sued, and I have a ton of fond childhood memories that my kids aren't going to have because there are just not enough opportunities now for the kind of play that I used to have.
                  near the elementary/junior high school that i went to, there was a wading pool and an old wooden log play structure. it was THE BEST play structure. kids could not run on it, because they had to keep their footing the whole time, it wasn't a matter of sliding down the slide and 2 secs later back up sliding down again. it took time to get back to the top of the slide. They tore this down because it was HAZARDOUS because kids were getting slivers. grrr.... that structure probably would've stood for another 100 years. oh and it had tire swings

                  i agree that kids aren't able to be kids. i always tell my kids, if you're doing something like climbing a tree, or jumping off a play structure or the swing when you're up high, DON'T CRY when you get hurt....they usually start crying, look at me, and jump up and do it again.
                  as a kid i never did anything that i might get hurt on. because i'm don't like getting hurt, now i am the biggest wimp. wish i was a little bit tougher.


                  • #10
                    I can just see day care contracts in the future.....

                    "All children are to arrive ready for their day. They must be wrapped securely in bubble wrap and wearing a crash helmet"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Meeko60 View Post
                      I can just see day care contracts in the future.....

                      "All children are to arrive ready for their day. They must be wrapped securely in bubble wrap and wearing a crash helmet"
                      haha or get them a bubble.
                      hmm...on second though, it would need to be square so they can't roll away.

