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New One for Me - Sleep Makes Them Grow?

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  • New One for Me - Sleep Makes Them Grow?

    I had a mom ask me if her 23 mo old could start taking two naps a day because her cosusin does and he is taller. She thinks her precious one will grow taller if she gets a second nap,.....

    my response,.. so you think genetics has no bearing on it? But height is a sleep issue? she just said, well lets try it. I said,.. ok, Ill nap her from noon to 2,.. then 4 to 530.

  • #2
    that is crazy, but oh well. good luck getting him to nap 2 times a day though.


    • #3
      Oh I would not do that

      If that was the only child in my care...I guess I would give it a try at moms request. But I keep the kids on a routine and they all nap at the same time. (I dont take babies). I dont see how an almost 2-year old is going to need 2 naps a day. Why not one nap (along with the other kids) and he/she can sleep longer if needed?


      • #4
        Ya that will last till the kid does not want to sleep at nite


        • #5
          Are you serious? Two naps so the kid will possibly grow taller?! That is so absurd. Following that logic, my kids would be taking 2 naps til high school (my kids inherited the short genes). How did you manage not to laugh at the mom?


          • #6
            Originally posted by kitkat View Post
            Are you serious? Two naps so the kid will possibly grow taller?! That is so absurd. Following that logic, my kids would be taking 2 naps til high school (my kids inherited the short genes). How did you manage not to laugh at the mom?
            It was NOT easy,..


            • #7
              I would have laughed and said you are kidding right?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Iowa daycare View Post
                I would have laughed and said you are kidding right?

                Wow! LOL!


                • #9
                  I guess, like I always say "you meet all kinds!!!"

