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How Many Providers Are Currently Taking College Courses While Doing Daycare?

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  • How Many Providers Are Currently Taking College Courses While Doing Daycare?

    I am supposed to start online college courses for a non-childcare degree this summer. I am a nurse, but would like to take courses for an HIT degree and possibly do medical coding after my youngest starts kindergarten in a few years. I worry about how difficult it will be while doing daycare and raising my own 3 kids. Anyone want to share their "school" experience while doing daycare with me and share how you balanced it all? TIA.

  • #2
    i'm getting an education degree through online courses right now, and when i'm done I'll be getting my masters degree as well. I'm moving to Florida in a couple years so instead of doing home daycare, I'm going to try and get a job with headstart


    • #3
      Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
      i'm getting an education degree through online courses right now, and when i'm done I'll be getting my masters degree as well. I'm moving to Florida in a couple years so instead of doing home daycare, I'm going to try and get a job with headstart
      Out of curiosity, who are you getting your degree with?


      • #4
        I do. I have been doing it for a few years now. I also have three kids of my own and 14 daycare kids.

        I do homework during naptime. Occasionaly I have to do some in the evening, but for the most part I handle it during naptime.

        I am now working on my Master's Degree. When I am done, I will continue daycare for a couple of years and then will teach college level.

        I say GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
          i'm getting an education degree through online courses right now, and when i'm done I'll be getting my masters degree as well. I'm moving to Florida in a couple years so instead of doing home daycare, I'm going to try and get a job with headstart
          LOL! that is funny because I opened my childcare business because I worked for Head Start for 5 years and couldn't run away fast enough!!


          • #6
            Ashworth College, but if you're looking for an education degree be very careful, as Ashworth is DETC accredited, not regionally accredited and very few states accept DETC for teaching certification, and of the ones that do, half of them require a masters degree not just a bachelors. I live in Tennessee and they don't accept my degree for certification, but luckily Florida does


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              LOL! that is funny because I opened my childcare business because I worked for Head Start for 5 years and couldn't run away fast enough!!
              LOL, the grass is always greener, huh?? I like what I do, I don't like staying at home all the time!


              • #8
                what was it about Head Start that you didn't like? In a perfect world I would love to be a Kindergarten teacher but I was told that with a Master's Degree, I would make more $$ working for Head Start...


                • #9
                  I have been going to school what seems like forever!!

                  I take online classes as well as weekend classes. They are my fav as I get to get out of the house and actually talk with adults... No offense to anyone on here...YKIM...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                    what was it about Head Start that you didn't like? In a perfect world I would love to be a Kindergarten teacher but I was told that with a Master's Degree, I would make more $$ working for Head Start...
                    I don't like how they "dumb down" all the families and make them all out to be uneducated parents who do not know how to raise or care for their children. I was actually told by my Supervisor " Treat all families as if they have no more than an 8th grade education." So basically, poor=dumb?!?!

                    I also hated the whole, "Gotta keep them in the system" mentality because it is a government funded program and the grants they recieve each year are only increased if the need is there so the more money they can spend, the better. I was written up once for purchasing a Candyland game at Wal-mart for $4 vs buying it from a Head Start approved catalog that offered the same game for $14!!

                    I personally think the concept is great but the whole thing has gotten so out of hand that it is nothing more than a creative way to keep people in the system so the system can keep supporting itself. They didn't teach any of the families to be self supportive, only more creative ways to get more welfare benefits.

                    As, teachers and center directors, we were friendly, helpful and supportive to every parent and child in the program and the minute the door shut the family was talked about in the rudest, most disrespectful manner. Rumors spread through the offices and area centers. Teachers and staff members knew far more than they should ever been legally privy to. I honestly think it has outgrown it's usefulness and the funding for this could be used in a much more helpful and beneficial way.

                    I could tell you much much more but basically, I feel as though Head Start has become a hand-out and not a hand-up as it was intended to do.

                    Now, before I get flamed or jumped on by others who have had good experinces with Head Start, I just want to say that this was MY personal experience with the program. I have never worked for Head Start anywhere else. I only know why I quit and what it was like where I worked.


                    • #11
                      I'm getting my Masters of Education through Walden University (done in November-yay!)

                      I do a lot of my homework during nap time as well. For me, it's very doable and way better than commuting to college. I also have no children of my own thought, so I know that makes it easier!::


                      • #12
                        I have been taking classes for what seems like forever. I have 3 boys of my own and have 12 daycare kids and 3 employees. I take 2 classes a semester, mostly online. I sometimes do work during naptime but usually do most of it after my kids are in bed for the night.


                        • #13
                          i'm looking for a place to get my masters from...I was looking at Ashford but they seem sketchy, and they are super expensive!

                          How is Walden?


                          • #14
                            I have been taking 2 online classes/semester since 2009. I usually do homework during naptime, too. I also do homework late at night, if I need to.

                            It was very easy the first few semesters. This past semester, I had 2 very hard classes, and it seemed much more difficult because I needed more time to study and just couldn't find the time. I managed but it was very stressful. I am taking the summer off. Starting in August, I will take one class on campus and one online. I am studying nursing and there are only so many courses/prerequisites I can take online.

                            I found a job part-time but it doesn't start until August, so hopefully summer will be my last full-time child care job. I will have 4 kids plus my 5, my oldest is 16 and I am going to pay her to be my assistant. I may keep 2 of the kids part-time while I work part-time (just AS), but I am not sure yet. I have been doing this for 6 years and I have always known that it couldn't be permanent. My husband and I argue at least once a week about this job, he says it is just like any other job, but it is just not for me. I commend those of you who do this and love it, I hope I can find someone to keep my youngest who is like that!


                            • #15
                              I am doing my degree online but the actual college is not far from my house (same town) and the programs are legit. Plus I have the option for in-seat classes in the future as well.

