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Scariest Moment Of My Life

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  • Scariest Moment Of My Life

    Yesterday I had the scariest thing happen to me since I started doing daycare, the doberman pincher 2 houses down tried to get into my house to attack my dog. Since it was such a nice day I decided to leave the door open and just have the screen door, I was sitting with the kids when all of sudden my dog just went nuts and started snarling my 2 1/2yr old son ran towards the door, I thought ok the door is latched so the dog can't get in but then the door popped open and I freaked out and started screaming(the latch popped when the dogs started jumping on the door)so I ran over I literally grabbed my son by the head and shoved him behind me, the doberman had his head in the door trying to get in just snarling and barking at my dog and my little dog just going nuts growling at him and barking(I'm sure he was trying to protect us because he would not let that dog in) the doberman backed up and was charging at the screen door and one of my neighbours who heard me screaming came running up yelling at the dog and the dog ran away.

    The doberman was loose for over an hour and it chased my other neighbour into my house, my husband called animal control and the guy said they don't chase dogs to catch them!! They did come out and talked to the owners of the dog but nothing happened. I had 4 kids in the house with me when this happened, all I kept thinking was ok if he gets in I have get in between the dog and the kids it was so scary and I just burst out crying after it happened, and I just kept thinking of what could have happened if the dog actually got in. I've never had a situation like this happen especially during daycare hours. I just needed to let this out, I'm still shaken up by it and I'm worried about taking the kids outside today.

  • #2
    now thats is scary. I'm having a dog issue too. My next door neighbour (he doesn't own the dog) has a grown dd who lives about 5 houses down, well she is once again bringing the dog to her dads house. So we have spoke to him numerous times about the dog running around with out a leash. He has spoken to his dd and the others that live in his house. Its not working. Now were I live, there is no fence (I own an acre of land) so we again mentioned to him that he needs to keep the dog on a leash. You know what he tells dh (I don't talk to him because he's an ass) "he's not going to hurt anyone, he's a gentle dog" ummm, he's a boxer who loves to growl at people and if the kids start running in the backyard he starts to chase them. so the neighbour finally bought a fence


    • #3
      I don't understand people who have dogs that obiviously aren't friendly and they let them run loose, I have a small dog(he's a mini schnauzer) and we always have him on a leash when we are outside. This doberman attacked my dog last summer and he had to get stitches, he tried attacking a little boy and when he was a puppy he jumped on my daughters back and pinned her down but yet the owners think he won't hurt anyone and are mad because we called animal control.


      • #4
        How scary! What if you and the kids were playing outside when this happened? Is the dog aggressive to people, or just to other dogs?

        Don't let this incident change your daily routine. Keep your eyes out and have a plan of action in case you see the dog again. Keep the children close so that you can quickly get them safely inside should you see the dog again. And if you see the dog loose again, call the police and explain what happened to you. I would think there has to be a charge for letting an aggressive animal run loose in the neighborhood.


        • #5
          Very scary! Is there anyway you could press the issue with the police and animal control? Maybe court? It's the law here to have your dog on a leash. Maybe the courts could do something in that regards if it's the law there.
          Can you get a fence? Wouldn't help for walksl, but might make it more comfortable to play outdoors with the kiddos.
          So sorry you had to go through that. I'd be shaken up as well.


          • #6
            I am so sorry I can only imagine your fear and stress level!

            I would pursue this matter elsewhere. Maybe the police can get involved or the county somehow? At least ask to file a report so that it's on file and if it happens again and again then something would have to be done! I have never had that problem. Here when a loose dog is running if it seems friendly I will put it in my fenced yard and have him picked up by either the number on the tag or if no tag I call animal control.

            What if God forbid u guys are playing or walking outside 1 day? I would be on these irresponsible owners right now!

            I had a doberman as a child and loved him so much! He was a gentle giant vert sweet dog! Until someone would go after us kids anyway, but that's another story.

            Hope u have a better day today!


            • #7
              Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
              What if God forbid u guys are playing or walking outside 1 day? I would be on these irresponsible owners right now!

              Hope u have a better day today!
              Exactly I had the kids outside about 20min before that, there's still claw marks on my front porch from the dog and my porch is concret!!

              My dog has been pacing and keeps coming up to me and nuzzling me all morning, he wasn't even excited for his walk this morning and didn't greet any of the kids at drop off, he's always the first one at the door during dropoff wanting to be pet by the kids.


              • #8
                I agree with this. Keep pushing. Call police county anyone who will listen and take action.
                If that were a person trying to break in and harm your household the police would have chased him down. But because it's a dog they won't? I would have kept calling animal control until they did something with this dog. What are they waiting for a child to have their head ripped off or die?
                I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm terrified of dogs and I would not be able to rest until something was done with that dog.


                • #9
                  Oye vey! I might carry a air horn or something with me while outside. People who do not train their dogs properly should not be allowed to be dog owners.


                  • #10

                    Oh my gosh... that is so freaky! Thank God your all okay and nobody got hurt. Very scary.


                    • #11
                      I've been trying to call animal control but keep getting a voicemail, I wanted to complain about the whole we don't chase the dogs comment as well isn't that what they are there for? The guy told my husband if he corners the dog and catches him himself then they will come out and get it uh NO!!

                      Apparently the owners are mad at us because we called animal control and won't come over to talk to us and we were on really friendly terms with them, they are making it out like it was our fault that their dog ran over to our house, also they have one of those slider screens but the dog figured out if he hit it hard enough it would snap open so they put a baby gate up, like a baby gate is going to keep that dog in geesh. They keep saying that the dog is friendly and would never hurt anyone.


                      • #12
                        Wow I am so sorry for you. Once I had two very big dogs get into my backyard and try and attack me. Thank God my dog jumped in the way and fought them. My husband came out with a knife and was ready to kill those dogs. Long story dog ended up at the pet hospital with life threatening injuries. I called EVERYBODY..police, SPCA, city, etc. The dogs were put to sleep because they were dangerous and the neighbors paid my vet bills...still have my dog:> Around here there are news reports all the time about how the family dog turned on the kids...mainly bulldogs. We have a leash law too. Point is even the fiendly dogs can be dangerous when they are in attack mode. You can't let this go because next time you, your kids or your neighbors might not get off that lucky. If SPCA won't do anything take up a neighborhood petition and take it to the city. Just my two cents.


                        • #13
                          Oh that is terrible! I'm so sorry that happened I would have broke down too, just the thought gives me shivers! I live out in the country in a small subdivision and everybody and I mean EVERY one of my neighbors have a dog or multiples...about 75% of them are roaming the neighborhood at any given time and it just bothers me to pieces. My little poodle has a big fenced in yard thank goodness because I am afraid to take her on walks...a dog (always a big one) will come up to us each time. Nothing I can do we are out of city limits.
                          I agree with another poster , get a petition, because I can bet that other neighbors are fed up with this dog, he needs to be in a fence and contained.


                          • #14
                            So yesterday evening my husband talked to one of the owners of the doberman and he apologized about what happened and said they decided to keep the dog at his house from now and will not be bringing him back to our neighbourhood. His girlfriend who we consider a friend and have always been on good terms with her would not even talk to him and when I saw her outside she gave me a dirty look and turned her back to me, what the heck did I do? It was her dog that tried to get into my house, she's mad because we called animal control but her boyfriend said he completely understood why we called.
                            At least we won't have to see that dog again!!


                            • #15
                              That's great to hear. I hope that takes some weight off of your shoulders and you can go have fun with your kiddos again!

