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Where Do Your Infants Sleep?

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  • Where Do Your Infants Sleep?

    Right now all my dcks are 2yrs + and only take one nap a day in the main playroom.

    2 of my dcms are pregnant so I will be taking those infants in October and then January (both will be about 2-3 months at the time).

    I only have one dedicated daycare playroom and then the rest of my first floor (kitchen, dining, and living) which is all open.

    I just don't know where I'm going to nap the infants for their morning naps.

    Does anyone just have the infants nap in a main open space that is still accessible to the other dcks? I thought about setting up pnps in our dinning room but just don't know how they would sleep with the noise and my dc playroom is not large so I don't think I could expect the older kids to stay in just that room while the babies nap.

    For those of you without dedicated nap rooms where do your infants sleep and how do you keep the older ones from waking them?

  • #2
    I set them up in the living room (but behind a chair with a blanket over the one side so they can't see us) and one in the hallway but still in my view. We just go with our daily routine (no outdoor voices of course) and the babies got used to it. They take 3 naps a day


    • #3
      When they are that little I set up pack n plays right were I am.... I have my own 4 month old and he sleeps right through the noise! The kids know not to touch the baby stuff, which includes his pack n play! I would tell the expecting families to be noisy at home.... So far I haven't had a baby who couldn't sleep through the noise! Once they get a little older and more on a set schedule I set up pack n plays in a seperate room for them!!


      • #4
        My dining room functions as the main daycare room. The livingroom is where naps are. Luckily for us there is a doorway that I can put up a gate so the kids can't get into the livingroom if someone is napping. I plan to get a white noise machine to keep near the sleeping kids (well, I should say KID because it will most likely just be my own infant sleeping in that room once fall hits- the rest of my kids are older and only take one nap a day)


        • #5
          My girls sleep in their beds (of course ) and I have one DCB in a pack and play in my bedroom, and two back and plays in our office. Kind of a pain, but they need quiet to sleep so an open area or our playroom would not work.

