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Transportation Permission Slip, Parent Sent This To Me

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  • Transportation Permission Slip, Parent Sent This To Me

    I have a transport permission slip that one of my families refused to sign. So i asked them to come up with their own. This is what they sent me...

    • We recognize that as with any activity involving motor vehicle transportation, there exists the potential for accidents resulting in bodily injury and/ or loss of limb or life.
    • We acknowledge that there exists the potential of a vehicular accident occurring while our child or children are being transported while under the care of the ***XCXDaycare.
    • I, we assume the healthcare expenses relating from any such accident, illness or other incapacity which may occur while our child or children are under the care of The ***XX Daycare.
    • Daycare provider has and maintains valid and adequate vehicle and liability insurance to provide an umbrella of coverage for all occupants of The DC transportation vehicles.

    what do you guys have??

  • #2
    Here is one MarinaVanessa posted earlier:

    Excursion & Transportation Consent

    I, _________________________, the parent/guardian, hereby give permission to [Provider's Name] of [Daycare Name] for my child _________________________ for the following:

    To participate in excursions not involving transportation such as (but not limited to) walks in the neighborhood, walks to the playground, pools, parks and libraries.

    To participate in excursions involving public or private transportation to locations such as (but not limited to) libraries, parks, pools, schools, playgrounds, museums and pet stores.

    I DO NOT give consent for my child to participate in excursions not involving transportation.

    I DO NOT give consent for my child to participate in excursions involving public or private transportation.

    I understand that if consent is not given that my child will not be able to attend child care on any days that involve excursions and/or transportation and that it is my sole responsibility to provide and pay for alternative care for my child and that I will still be expected to pay [Daycare Name] for these days missed. This form is valid from the above mentioned date until the date of termination.

    Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________ Date: _____________
    Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________ Date: _____________

    I, [Provider's Name], the provider for the above mentioned child will transport the child to special trips. I will use safety seats/devices necessary and good judgment. This form is valid from the above mentioned date until termination.

    Provider signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
    Last edited by Michael; 05-16-2011, 11:27 AM.


    • #3
      Why would you allow a parent to change your policies??

      If a parent refused to sign one of my forms they would not be enrolled.

      Was there a reason?

      This is what my State gives us:

      I hereby give _______________________________________(Name of Family Child Care Provider) permission to take my child, _____________________________________, on excursions from the family day care home that might include the following types of activities:

      (The provider should fill in the above list with activities that she might provide away from home.
      Examples might include trips to the store, riding in the car, swimming, etc.)

      Parent/Guardian Date
      Last edited by Cat Herder; 05-16-2011, 11:30 AM. Reason: adding form
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Another one from missniki:

        ______ SCHOOL

        The undersigned hereby requests and gives permission to take _________________________ on any Summer Camp outings as scheduled. With this signed agreement I (we) absolve the daycare staff, teacher, and _____ School of any responsibility for the safety, welfare, health, and well being of the above named child, beyond such matters as may be called reasonable care for children in the custody of daycare staff and subject to daycare staff’s clear instructions. I (we) assume personally and exclusively all responsibility and liability for accident, injury, etc. which occurs beyond those areas covered by the school Student Accident Insurance policy, which may occur to the above named child during the time of the camp activities as set forth at the beginning of the paragraph.

        This consent slip shall cover all activities throughout Summer 2010.

        Transportation will be by chartered bus, private car, or walking.
        If by private car, I am able to drive:

        YES NO
        Chaperones must have a recent
        LiveScan fingerprint on record-
        Please see Ms Nikki if you are interested in volunteering.

        Please refer to: IMPORTANT FIELD TRIP REMINDERS in the Summer Camp Policy Handbook for field trip guidelines.

        I have listed my child(ren)’s activity limitations on the ability form included in the registration packet. (swimming, strenuous activities, allergies, health, etc.)

        Parent/ Guardian signature:_____________________ Date:__/__/__



        • #5
          they have been here for almost two years. I had to changed insurance companies and so therefore had to change my policy. They didn't like what I had so I said fine, I am not going to argue, make one up yourself and give it to me.. I have not accepted it yet.

          They did not like that if I a parent decides to drive their own children to a Field trip, then the children will not be covered under my policy. They also may NOT transport any other children other than their own.


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycare View Post
            • Daycare provider has and maintains valid and adequate vehicle and liability insurance to provide an umbrella of coverage for all occupants of The DC transportation vehicles.
            There's the money shot.


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              They did not like that if I a parent decides to drive their own children to a Field trip, then the children will not be covered under my policy. They also may NOT transport any other children other than their own.
              Smart cookie. That is the exact same policy as my entire school system... I guess I don't have to worry too much about you after all.

              I did not like it back when my kids were in Elementary and we were not allowed to let them ride in our car as we followed the bus on field trips. Adult chaperone's were required to provide own transportation but the kids HAD to ride the bus to be covered for the duration of each field trip.
              Last edited by Cat Herder; 05-16-2011, 11:45 AM. Reason: left out a word.
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                Smart cookie. That is the exact same policy as my entire school system... I guess I don't have to worry too much about you after all.

                I did not like it back when my kids were in Elementary and we were not allowed to let them ride in our car as we followed the bus on field trips. Adult chaperone's were required to provide own transportation but the kids HAD to ride the bus to be covered for the duration of each field trip.
                Awe your worried aboute me.....

                I was once in law enforcement....not for very long, as it was not for me but I learned to C-YA.....cover your A$$...

                Like nanny de shot is ----------* Daycare provider has and maintains valid and adequate vehicle and liability insurance to provide an umbrella of coverage for all occupants of The DC transportation vehicles


                • #9
                  I have the general permission form signed but when we go on fieldtrips to the zoo or parks even a circus I create a specific permission slip for that specific trip that day and the parents have the choice to sign or find alternate care for that day. Never had a parent not sign off.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
                    I have the general permission form signed but when we go on fieldtrips to the zoo or parks even a circus I create a specific permission slip for that specific trip that day and the parents have the choice to sign or find alternate care for that day. Never had a parent not sign off.
                    Do you have a general permission form even for going out on walks? Do you require parents to sign if you drive to the library EVERY tuesday for example?


                    • #11
                      I don't have a seperate permission slip but I do have a travel section in my HB that clearly explains that the children do travel by bus, car and foot without notice to the parents. The only time I give advance warning of an outing is if it affects naptime. We go to a county exhibition every August for the day for example. My best friend's uncle lets the kids go on one of the parade floats and it's a highlight of their year. <3

                      Signing my contract means you agree and will abide by my PH. Is that good enough or should I be thinking about a seperate permission slip?


                      • #12
                        Tell the parents that you have all parents sign the SAME form. Tell them that the decision is completely theirs. Let them know that they can choose not to give consent however, on days that field trips are schduled they will need to make alternate care arrangements at their own expense and no credits or refunds will be given for the missed days.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                          Do you have a general permission form even for going out on walks? Do you require parents to sign if you drive to the library EVERY tuesday for example?
                          Walks on the trail or to the playground and such are covered in the basic permission form and handbook and is signed at enrollment or they cannot enroll as the basic walks are a part of our program. When we go to the library, zoo, park, circus or any special outting I do make up a permission slip and have each signed for that particular event with the date and all on it. These are kept in each child folder fo refrence if I would ever need it. If it was a weekly routine trip to the library I would just create a permission slip for that for each child and have it signed once as it will be routine and be expected.

                          I rarely take the kids on errands maybe twice a year if that so when something pops up I will inform the parent verbally of the time we will be going and if she consents fine if not then I have to make other arrangments but I don't get a signature for that because it is mentioned in the handbook and falls under basic permission for transporting.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by squareone View Post
                            Tell the parents that you have all parents sign the SAME form. Tell them that the decision is completely theirs. Let them know that they can choose not to give consent however, on days that field trips are schduled they will need to make alternate care arrangements at their own expense and no credits or refunds will be given for the missed days.
                            I agree, if they do not sign your permission slip, then they will not be able to go. They will also find their own childcare, and not be refunded for that day.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by squareone View Post
                              Tell the parents that you have all parents sign the SAME form. Tell them that the decision is completely theirs. Let them know that they can choose not to give consent however, on days that field trips are schduled they will need to make alternate care arrangements at their own expense and no credits or refunds will be given for the missed days.
                              Ditto! I would never let a parent write their own rules for MY day care!

                              If you let them do their own transportation policy, then you have to let another parent write their own sick policy...and another write their own late fees policy..

