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Really Ticked Off!

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  • Really Ticked Off!

    So, I'm looking over ads on a local childcare website because I have to find new clients. And what do I see?

    The woman who I gave a termination letter to on Thursday night has an ad posted looking for temporary care in between the last day I said I would provide care and the first day her new childcare situation starts. And get this: she found herself a nanny, and is specifically looking for a SAHM to cover care for the 2 week gap.

    If she could afford a nanny, then why on god's green earth have I been listening to her child scream bloody murder for pennies an hour for the last 5 months? At a minimum, the cost difference between a nanny and my care is 15 grand/year (and that's an ultra-conservative estimate). You don't just poof that out of your bottom--they either had it or got it from someone. More than that, how in the heck did she find someone so quickly? 3 days? Really? More likely, she was already looking.

    I don't begrudge anyone doing the best they can for their child by finding them more individualized care. I don't begrudge or harshly judge any parent who decides that they would like to or need to return to work while their kid is in daycare. I have a huge problem with parents who 1) pretend they want to be home with their kid and then do everything possible to avoid that even when it's apparent that their kid NEEDS them to be home with them, 2) pretends they can't afford proper childcare for their kid when in a pinch, they can come up with the money, and 3) aren't honest with their childcare providers from the get-go about a whole host of issues.

    I feel like a fool who really let herself be taken advantage of. I neglected my own child to give attention to hers, let my household be in turmoil, and worried myself sick (literally) that I was doing something wrong and that if I quit she wouldn't be able to afford proper care, or she would find someone who wouldn't treat her daughter right. Boy, was I wrong. I am both angry at myself for being so gullible, and happy that this was my first client because boy, have I been schooled.

    I am NOT looking forward to the next two weeks. I sooooo hope she decides not to show up...but somehow I doubt that, because I'm --say it with me--CHEAP!


  • #2
    Make sure you enforce ANY late fees during these last two weeks and you'll be happier knowing each day is one day closer. Besides, maybe you get "sick" and close one of the days as well!

    To cheer you up on the CL ad, I think you said CL, some of those people are not who they claim to be anyways. She probably found a babysitter who is temporarily willing to work for less. My sister found a sitter for her four kids for $2/hour per child on the first day her ad went online too. It's a tough economy and people are taking what they can get. I'm sure you're worth more than you think. You should also raise your rates or take a mini vacation to celebrate the soon-to-be-quite home of yours again.

