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Unsure - Daycare Not Following DCFS Guidelines

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  • Unsure - Daycare Not Following DCFS Guidelines

    So, the daycare that I work at is not following DCFS guidelines and I don't know what to do.
    I used to live in Iowa and was at a very wonderful center for 4 years. I worked in the infant room and as the Assistant Director.
    I got married this past summer and moved to Illinois and started working at this center in August.

    Things go on like:
    *rooms are consistently left out of ratio. I have been left with 6-7 babies for an hour or more (ratio is 1:4) Like today my co-worker was told to leave early because we only had 5 babies and I could handle 5. (whatever!) My boss thinks it's easy or something! (Fortunately they were very good during that time I was alone with them) All of the other rooms have the same problem. The toddler room is 1:5 and she usually has at least 9 on her own.

    *teachers just leave their rooms unattended. The 2 year teacher is the worst about it. She just wanders the halls while her kids are left all alone because she says they're fine. Usually she has them all glued to a tv.

    *when breaks can't be covered we either can't take one or are forced to work out of ratio for an hour. If we don't get a break she won't pay us for if we have over 40 hours she pays us for 40.

    *Kids under 2 are fed things like peanut butter...I refuse to let any of the babies on table food eat those things.

    *Kids get screamed at for ridiculous things. The toddler teacher is always yelling...and I mean in a way I get it. She's left with 9 or 10 toddlers on her own all day long...that's why there are ratios!!

    Anyway...I don't know what to do. I hate stuff like this because I don't necessarily want to lose my job without having something else lined up. Can I report this to DCFS and not have them find out who reported them?

  • #2
    Originally posted by hawkfan428 View Post
    Can I report this to DCFS and not have them find out who reported them?
    You can but do not give your name. Give a false name if you have to. They say that the call is confidential but the dc can and will find out it is you who called.

    We were always told whoever made a report on us so don't believe them.

    Keep us posted!


    • #3
      Originally posted by hawkfan428 View Post
      So, the daycare that I work at is not following DCFS guidelines and I don't know what to do.
      I used to live in Iowa and was at a very wonderful center for 4 years. I worked in the infant room and as the Assistant Director.
      I got married this past summer and moved to Illinois and started working at this center in August.

      Things go on like:
      *rooms are consistently left out of ratio. I have been left with 6-7 babies for an hour or more (ratio is 1:4) Like today my co-worker was told to leave early because we only had 5 babies and I could handle 5. (whatever!) My boss thinks it's easy or something! (Fortunately they were very good during that time I was alone with them) All of the other rooms have the same problem. The toddler room is 1:5 and she usually has at least 9 on her own.

      *teachers just leave their rooms unattended. The 2 year teacher is the worst about it. She just wanders the halls while her kids are left all alone because she says they're fine. Usually she has them all glued to a tv.

      *when breaks can't be covered we either can't take one or are forced to work out of ratio for an hour. If we don't get a break she won't pay us for if we have over 40 hours she pays us for 40.

      *Kids under 2 are fed things like peanut butter...I refuse to let any of the babies on table food eat those things.

      *Kids get screamed at for ridiculous things. The toddler teacher is always yelling...and I mean in a way I get it. She's left with 9 or 10 toddlers on her own all day long...that's why there are ratios!!

      Anyway...I don't know what to do. I hate stuff like this because I don't necessarily want to lose my job without having something else lined up. Can I report this to DCFS and not have them find out who reported them?
      You do really need to turn them in. Them poor children and parents!! ALso daycare centers are very expensive!!!!!


      • #4
        I know this may not sound very mature, but could you call and pretend to be a parent that has noticed you are out of ratio? If you are the only employee complaining it will be easy to figure out, even if you don't give a name. No matter what the law says, she can find a reason to fire you.


        • #5
          That is a good idea

          A place like that is no good. I too have worked in centers where some of those things were going on. Calling as a "parent" is a really good idea and mention you have noticed classrooms out of ratio or children left unattended. However, I would not be surprised if things didn't change. After they come and investigate the complaint it could very well go back to the way things were. The director obviously is just looking out for the "bottom line". I would look for somewhere else to work if possible. At least keep your eye out for openings.

