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Ugh...In A Slump. Any Advice?

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  • Ugh...In A Slump. Any Advice?

    I'm a member, but logged out for this.
    I am feeling sooo unmotivated for chlidcare lately. I've read up on burnout (still burnt out), less able to handle little crisis in children--tantrums for one---errrr. Hours are so long that i'm fried. I want time to myself a little, aa normal 8 hr shift or rather a chance to stay home with my kids and NOT have everyone elses here everyday ALL day. Time to get to appointments or field trips, school events, make dinner and clean up my house. I want to enjoy my life again. Enjoy my own kids. I don't want to put my kids in daycare. I know it sounds hypicritical of me, but I just don't trust other people to raise my kids like I would.

    I have been doing this for over 18 yrs and feel so fried. I don't know how to go about taking only one pt family or a weekend/eve. job to pull in some extra income. We need both incomes. As it is, we barely make ends meet. Unfortunately, that just how it is and that's why I do what I do. Didn't start out that way. I didn't even have young klds when I started.

    ugh, hopefully this slump will bug out soon. It's taking FOREVER to run it's course and I just don't know that it will ever end.

  • #2
    do you take holidays? if not, send a letter saying that you are on holidays these certain days and enjoy.


    • #3
      You certainly NEED a vacation or just a couple days to energize yourself. I find when I am getting to that point..I always pick an upcoming day and either close or close early. While one day may not be is enough to get through to the weekend.
      The days are too long and if I could - I would cut my hours back by an hour. But if I do that..there goes almost my whole clientele. So until I can financially do it..I am stuck. So I do give myself all the major holidays with a couple weird ones. I also have two weeks vacation split up. One during the winter months and one during the summer. If you do not have vacation time in place, you need to ASAP!!! Hard to swallow for some parents, but they need to understand you NEED a break in order to properly care for their children.
      Make sure you also have "me" time!! Hard as a mom but I can not express the importance. It took me forever to get this through my husbands head..however he now gets it and encourages it. I find after a few hours of me time on the weekends..I can start my week a little easier.

      My girls are in school now all though they are the reason I started. However I can make far more money doing what I am doing now and be at home when needed for my children. They do not get sick does then days later the other so this would potentially result in a week out of a normal work scenario. What company would stand for that?

      If you have vacations / sick days etc. but they just do not seem to do the trick. Then you may have to look at other options. Wether it be cutting your hours, the number of children or looking for an out of the house job all together. Burn out can be dangerous not only to you but the kids in your care.

      Lots of luck!!!


      • #4
        What if you just offered a preschool for 2-3 hours a day. A four year old class and a three year old class. MW could be four year old class TTh could be 3 year old class. That might not work in your area but if it does it could be an option. Where I live there is no regulation for preschool, you don't even have to be licensed or anything, just a simple business license from the city which basically is 50 dollars a year and a fire inspection that is it. You don't even have to have any college education. I have two preschools in my neighborhood. One has just one four year old class which is always full and she does have a degree in early childhood. The other teacher teaches two 4 year old classes and one 3 year old class and they are both full. The only experience she has in teaching preschool is working in a preschool somewhere else. Both preschools are always full.


        • #5
          I started feeling the same way and so I started getting out of the house more all by myself. For me all it took was a series of weekly 2 hour trainings in ECE, bi monthly daycare association meetings, Tupperware and Mary Kay meetings and once the baby is off of the breastfeeding I have orchestrated bi-weekly "therapy" sessions at local restaurants, pubs, bars etc with a few of my lady friends with a goal to try a different drink each time we go out.

          Maybe that's what you need. A vacation? A hobby class? A few hours of free time for you and your kids or just you and your friends? Scheduled date nights with your hunny? I don't know what types of things you like but obviously it has to be something that you enjoy doing. Hang in there. HUGS.


          • #6
            Thanks for the responses. I do have vacations and holidays. I usually do a full-scale preschool here all day program 7-5. As of late, I am only doing some preschool here and there. I'm just bored with it at the moment. Plus, the fee doesn't cover the cost of the supplies or the extra work and the current status of what to pay at the high end reaches 115/wk which barely covers my own bills.
            Great ideas for doing pre-k, very much thought of that in a few years. Even morning and afternoon. Currently, I am just turning a corner of taking ONLY 6 kids max. So, my weekly fee is fairly strict (still only 115) that way I can afford it. I don't have 6 at that as of yet. Some are still PT from a few years back. and some days I have 9 here and it's just plain loud--constructively loud.

            Thanks again. Hopefully, this will pass soon. I just think I'm going through a lot milestones in life right now.


            • #7
              I feel for ya! I hope it passes soon but until it does try to take some time for yourself. Bubble baths after the kids are in bed. Maybe get a professional massage or day at the spa if u are into that type thing. I personally have never had a manicure or pedicure but I do other things for myself. Sometimes I wake up an hour early just to have the house to myself for an hour alone with no sounds. Just relax with a long shower and have a cup of tea and read a magazine. It kinda sucks to wake up early to get that alone time but it does make a difference in the day sometimes, feeling refreshed before the chaos. I have some evening time to log on here but even as I do this it's Mommy, Mommy can I or Mommy help me... I find mornings to be the quietest unless u can manage to stay up late on a weekend. I always end up camping out on my bed Saturday nights watching a video with my son and I end up falling asleep before he does. Good luck to u I hope u feel better soon!


              • #8
                It amazes me the differences in prices..$115 a week for full time OMG I could not do it!! But different states = different pay scales I guess.

                As far as program - I used to buy the pre packaged (some i love, some were blah) but they get pricey so with a bit of help from the net I have created my own. I have a 3 year rotating program. Most supplies are cheap and some I do not need anything but crayons and a glue stick
                I have everything on my computer so even if I gain / lose a child it is not a big deal I just print what I need for that day and we are off! I also have a theme for each month. This keeps us all from getting bored (toys are rotated as well)

                I am at my max now for kids and I do find it over whelming but only because I work from 7 to 5:30 (only two here after 5) and then have to rush to get dinner and my own kids things done for the night. :0( That is where my dilemma is just too long.
                And as far as getting into a funk. I have two kids from same family. DCG since she was 3 months old she is now almost 4..sibling since mom went to work from maternity. 50 hours per week - hardly EVER home sick...there are days where the sound of them is like nails on a chalk board to me.
                Mom does not need me to work for all those hours as she goes grocery shopping to the gym etc. while they are in my care ( and tells me each and every time her great "mommy time" plans for the day). She has even taken a full vaca and still sent them to me full time! This is where I get frustrated with my job :0)

                I remind myself WHY I do this, and then I remind myself how LOYAL my clients are to me. I also remind myself how LUCKY I am to have the full clientele as almost ALL the day cares in my area are far from full. I vent to whom ever will listen LOL..remind myself again and move on

                If you have great reasons to be doing this, then you will get through it. I am sure each and every provider on here has had days where they were pretty close to closing the doors on the business. Make a good and bad list and compare..if your good list is larger..then smile! Breathe and maybe take some time for you.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Herbrandm View Post
                  It amazes me the differences in prices..$115 a week for full time OMG I could not do it!! But different states = different pay scales I guess.

                  As far as program - I used to buy the pre packaged (some i love, some were blah) but they get pricey so with a bit of help from the net I have created my own. I have a 3 year rotating program. Most supplies are cheap and some I do not need anything but crayons and a glue stick
                  I have everything on my computer so even if I gain / lose a child it is not a big deal I just print what I need for that day and we are off! I also have a theme for each month. This keeps us all from getting bored (toys are rotated as well)

                  I am at my max now for kids and I do find it over whelming but only because I work from 7 to 5:30 (only two here after 5) and then have to rush to get dinner and my own kids things done for the night. :0( That is where my dilemma is just too long.
                  And as far as getting into a funk. I have two kids from same family. DCG since she was 3 months old she is now almost 4..sibling since mom went to work from maternity. 50 hours per week - hardly EVER home sick...there are days where the sound of them is like nails on a chalk board to me.
                  Mom does not need me to work for all those hours as she goes grocery shopping to the gym etc. while they are in my care ( and tells me each and every time her great "mommy time" plans for the day). She has even taken a full vaca and still sent them to me full time! This is where I get frustrated with my job :0)

                  I remind myself WHY I do this, and then I remind myself how LOYAL my clients are to me. I also remind myself how LUCKY I am to have the full clientele as almost ALL the day cares in my area are far from full. I vent to whom ever will listen LOL..remind myself again and move on

                  If you have great reasons to be doing this, then you will get through it. I am sure each and every provider on here has had days where they were pretty close to closing the doors on the business. Make a good and bad list and compare..if your good list is larger..then smile! Breathe and maybe take some time for you.
                  I could have written this exactly!!! Esp the part about teh family that is here ALL the time. Some times they will be the ONLY ones here and I really resent her for her "me" time.

                  I am just now recovering from a MAJOR burn out period. It was terrible and I used the same "think about the possitives' to get myself back on track too. This website also helped a ton. Knowing that there are so many other providers that feel the same way...not only about burn out but so many things!!

                  I am not back 100% yet feeling much better.


                  • #10
                    So how about in ...I dunno...May 2012...we all tell our parents we are headed off on vacation... and get on a partyboat to Mexico! We will meet, greet, eat, drink, laugh, dance, swim, tan, maybe learn the Forbidden Dance..........

                    haha. That would help burnout, trust me.


                    • #11
             are def. on the same brain wave path right now ::

