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Advice Needed on Accepting Families for Care

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  • Advice Needed on Accepting Families for Care

    I've had some openings come up (one of my families is moving) and I'm trying to fill some spots beginning in January. Apparently, the other home childcare provider in my immediate area is quitting in December and so all of her families are fighting over my spots. They're apparently all aware of this fact, judging by their comments to me. Now, here's my dilemma:

    I met with one family, the children seemed lovely and well behaved, I had pretty much decided to accept them, since they were the first to contact me. Another Mom calls me and tells me that her child went to the same home for care as the first family and that they had a recurring problem with family number one bringing headlice into the home.

    Now, I am COMPLETELY TERRIFIED of head lice. I've never had it, my own kids have never had it, and I am a bit OCD, so I'd probably have to burn my house down if we got it here (totally kidding, but you get how awful I find this idea). I obviously don't want to bring that into my house knowingly. On the other hand, Mom number two could be lying in order to get her own child into my home, or at least telling tales where she really shouldn't, and in that case, I don't want that kind of parent either. I don't have room for all of the kids, so it's one family or the other.

    My third option is to avoid the drama and say no to all of them and forget it, but I really do need the money since I'm losing kids.

    What do you all think? What would you do in my position?

  • #2
    I would call the provider.


    • #3
      Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
      I would call the provider.
      I would do the same, and then question (to myself) the mom who is going around saying this.


      • #4
        I always tell parents this is my interview as much as it is the parents. I require information from previous providers. You would not believe how beneficial this is! I have found out very good info on why the parent actually left (or was forced to leave) the previous daycare.

        Sometimes it is payment issues, sometimes behavior problems, and sometimes just a clash between parent and provider.


        • #5
          That's actually a really good idea, though I don't have the lady's contact info. I'll see if I can get it, though. Thanks.


          • #6
            Call the Provider for sure!


            • #7
              if you dont have the contact info require it so you can check references. I always check references of clients prior to care.


              • #8
                If she is registered, there should be a state website that would have her information. I live in NYS and everything is public.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by [email protected] View Post
                  I would call the provider.
                  Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                  I would do the same, and then question (to myself) the mom who is going around saying this.
                  + another one.

                  The best source of information is a prior provider/employer/business person.

                  If you find out that Mom "B" is lying to try to get that last remaining slot in your DC, quietly notify Mom "A" about it her spreading false rumors about Mom A's kids being filthy infested vermin, then arrange to have them both show up at your place at the same time.....instant COPS drama!
                  Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                  • #10
                    Well hopefully mom 2 wouldnt spread lies like that and is just letting you know that it was a problem in the previous daycare. I wouldnt want my child going to the same one again if i knew it was a reaccuring issue.
                    (Btw head lice like clean hair, not dirty,the way it keeps reinfesting in the same family is cuz the parents must not be getting all the nits or cleaning everything after their kids are infected.)
                    If you can't find info on the daycare and you know where she is located, go see her if you're really concerned otherwise you could straight up ask mom 1 if her kids have ever had head lice and what she does to disinfect them. Wait and see if she admitts it and then flat out state that if a child is found with head lice parents will be called immidiately to pick them and all siblings up and cannot return without a doctors note stating that they are lice and nit free.
                    I'd also put it in writing that if a family drops off a child with head lice they will be responsible for ALL your extra cleaning costs including shampoo(enough for you entire family) and sprays. It takes only a minute to check a child, I actually check often because it seems to go around here all year long (due to children at school whose parents dont do what they are suppose too). Good luck


                    • #11
                      Well, I contacted the other sitter, and got a glowing review of family "A" from her, so I think my decision is made. I appreciate everyones' help!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
                        Well, I contacted the other sitter, and got a glowing review of family "A" from her, so I think my decision is made. I appreciate everyones' help!
                        Glad you were able to make an educated decision! So neat that they were fighting for your services!


                        • #13

                          I am so glad you called and got an answer! Good luck with your new family!


                          • #14
                            I am glad you found out the truth. So sad that mom B would sink so low.

