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Scam Alert

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  • Scam Alert

    This was just emailed to me from state licensing:

    A home provider in the St. Johns area was contacted by a father (he used the name David Moss) about finding care for his two-year-old daughter Nicole. He asked all the usual questions a parent asks and set up a time to view the home. He asked about the fees and who to make a check out to. He indicated that his employer was paying for his first month of child care and would be sending a check in advance. The next day he left a message that the check would be for more than the cost of one month’s care because his employer was paying for furniture too. He wanted the provider to cash the check and give him the difference. This provider suspected a scam and called him to get a few more questions answered (his address, employer name, etc.). He never returned her calls or came to the home.
    I see little people.

  • #2
    I get these all the time.....or something similar

    I know that mine come from craigs list or daycare

