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Sleep Terrors And Restless Sleepers?

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  • Sleep Terrors And Restless Sleepers?

    I have a dcb age 3.5 who has started screaming in their sleep in the middle of naps. They will not wake up, but start yelling for mommy or daddy, or just start scream crying. All of the other dck are getting woken up by this. Some of the kids are freaked out by it and will also start crying.

    Also, this child cannot stay on the nap mat. They are all over the place and will roll ontop of other kids or will somehow manage to kick another child in his sleep. There is a good 4 feet between each child/..

    it has happened here once a long time ago and now is starting to become a daily thing. Mom and dad said that it happens at home a lot as well.

    I don't know how to deal with this. So far this week everyone has had only 20 -30 mins of napping. All of my kids are total sleepy heads and ususally sleep about 2.5-3.5 hrs for nap...

    DC has been out of control and I have no idea how to handle this. I dont have another room to put the child in to stop him from waking the others.. this normal??

  • #2
    I have a 4 year old dcb who sleep walks. He wakes up and starts walking away. One time he walked right into the wall. Usually I state his name firmly and tell him to go back to sleep. It usually works. Yesterday he walked up to me and said "teacher I am done with this" and reached out his hand like he was handing me something. There was nothing in his hands. He then acted like he was placing it on the table but there was nothing I just told him ok and go back to sleep. When nap was over he didn't remember anything. His parents didn't even know he sleep walks until I told them. They said that explains why sometimes he walks into their room and crawls into bed with them. Is there some changes at the home or dc? I would try sitting/laying next to him during nap so he knows that he is safe. Once he is asleep trying leaving him alone so it doesn't become a habit for him. Or place his nap area near you so when he has an episode you can hug him/rub his back so heknows that you are there.


    • #3
      My son had night terrors when he was that age. We discovered that they were happening at the same time every night, about 2 hours after he went to sleep. We started waking him up, not fully up and playing but enough to reset his sleep and then we would lay him back down. It was a pain at first but after a couple of nights, they stopped. The doctor said that's the best way to do it. Nothing helps once they start.

