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Can't Do This Anymore

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  • Can't Do This Anymore

    I'm 17 weeks pregnant and have a little boy here that is 13 months old and as I've mentioned before he is sick constantly!! He pretty much gets a wicked cold every month that last 2-3 weeks. I have begun to get very annoyed and very distant from this little one! Probably a protective maternal type thing. I have 2 kids of my own that get sick every time he does as well. I just feel like I can't take another day of this!! Anybody else go through this while pregnant and can relate to the feelings?

  • #2
    Absolutely. This is my third pregnancy while caring for daycare kids and is exhausting enough without high needs dc kids. Do you have to keep him if he is this overwhelming? It may get better but you have to consider that it may not. Its not healthy for you to be around a sick kid so much and certainly won't be a good idea for your infant in the future (not to mention your other kids). I would assume that nothing is going to change with him and start working on a replacement. Maybe advertise for someone new and then give his parents a two week notice only when you have to.


    • #3
      Well for right now we really need to keep the income... my husband just started a new job and we're kind of waiting to see how that works out first. He gets paid flat rate so its difficult to predict. I'm pretty sure at this point that if I were to give them a 2 weeks notice my chances of getting any other kids in here before I'm due is slim especially since I plan on probably just staying closed for anywhere from 3-6 months. However if things really pick up and go well with the new job I will definitely be giving them a 2 weeks. I just feel like there is something wrong with me that I've become so distant with this child. I spoke to a friend who reassured me that she was the same way caring for other people's children during her pregnancy and that its normal but it just doesn't feel normal. I'm a hormonal mess and I just wish my husband understood what I'm going through with this right now! He doesn't realize how disgusted I am watching this little boy who is sick all the time leaving his dna all over everything in our home! I really feel pressured to continue but want to just take a break from it all until after our baby is born... looooooong after our baby is born! And even then I think I am only going to do before/after school for older kids!

