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Toddler Lacks Nap Schedule

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  • Toddler Lacks Nap Schedule

    When/what age do you transition toddlers to "nap time"? I have one who sleeps 30 min one day and 3.5 hours the next. I am tired of having all the other kids stuck on her schedule- either being quiet when she is STILL sleeping or getting woken up right after they fall asleep b/c she is loud when she wakes and screams (little kid kind, not crying kind) all afternoon.

    When should I leave her in her pack n play in her room by herself to train her how long nap time is?

    Parents have no nap routine at home- is it even worth my trouble?

  • #2
    Definitely worth the trouble!! When I get a new family I go over my policies (I only watch kids until pre-school) including nap, and clearly explain that nap is not a choice and I work with them on learning to nap. Everyone has a pack and play and naps 1-330. (Babies also take a morning nap until they outgrow it and infants nap on demand.) I had one boy who would nap 40 min for his mom, and after two weeks here would nap the whole time. It takes a week or two but they will truly get use dot the routine and expectation. That has been my experience so far (with my own kids as well.) I am sure there are exceptions, but I have had good luck with the training!

    ETA- I believe that if he is with you full time he will learn that the expectation at your house is to nap, even if at home it isn't...


    • #3
      So when do you transition them from the infant on demand schedule to the expectation that they nap the full toddler amount of time?

      I have only had trouble with one transitioning to full nap time and she never screamed or anything so this one I have now is a piece of work.

      Do you really let them CIO the whole length of nap- checking on them every little bit- for up to two weeks? She has woken up the whole house for 3 days now- and she is in her own room.

      I never did this with my son and he is always a trouble maker at naptime. Maybe I should have.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jojosmommy View Post
        So when do you transition them from the infant on demand schedule to the expectation that they nap the full toddler amount of time?


        Do you really let them CIO the whole length of nap- checking on them every little bit- for up to two weeks? She has woken up the whole house for 3 days now- and she is in her own room.
        1) At 6 months they go on a schedule here. Works every time.

        2) Do not give up after 3 are well on your way and through the worst part. Keep to your schedule the pay off is bliss!::::::


        • #5
          Yep, full amount of time. I start trying at 5 months or so. And yes, CIO the whole length of time for 1-2 weeks.

          Also I do white noise, same routine and time every day. (Same goes for my own kids, 1 and 3, even on weekends.)


          • #6
            I transition at about 5 or 6 months, whenever the child is starting to disrupt the schedule and needs to get on a regular routine with the big kids. I pick a nap time that seems to fit with what they would normally do and then stick with that. I will go with the parents routine at home provided they have one. I put them in their pack n play and they stay there the whole nap time whether they are awake or not. It doesn't bother me if they don't actually sleep because even some time to rest with no stimulation helps them make it through the day. Eventually, they start napping because there is nothing else to do and it is pretty cozy in there with white noise, a blankey or binky and a darkened room. It does involve CIO for some kids but the parents are aware of that. Nap is non-negotiable. Pretty much any kid that I have ever terminated was because of nap issues. I HAVE to have that break and the other kids need it too.

