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Interesting Pay for Daycare - What Do you Charge?

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  • Interesting Pay for Daycare - What Do you Charge?

    I thought it would be kind of interesting, if we as daycare providers- place on here what we charge a week, for one child, and siblings. Also include where you live. I think it will be interesting for everyone, just to look at!!!
    Happy Holidays!!
    By the way I charge $130.00 for one child and I give a $10.00 a week disc. on 2 children. Instead of $260.00 for 2/wk, I charge $250.00.
    THanks everyone!!!

  • #2
    I"m in Pa and charge $18/day with a 3 day min rate. I do not give discounts.


    • #3
      In California

      I charge $200 for infants, $150 above age 2 and $5 per hour for after school care.


      • #4
        Do you give siblings discounts at all?
        Last edited by Michael; 12-10-2009, 11:50 AM.


        • #5
          TO Melissa ann-
          How many hrs. are you watching children for $18.00 a day??


          • #6
            I live in Southern Illinois.
            I charge $25 for full day with a 3 day a week min.
            $15 for half day, but has to be full week.
            So basically a $75 a week min.
            I charge more than the state pays, so parents pay me the extra on top of the co-payment if they use state assistance. It's bad enough I have to wait until after the fact to get paid by the state, I'm not going to give a discount.
            $8 a day for after school, that's going up to $9 in the new year.


            • #7
              Sibling discounts

              Whoops! Yes, I do $25 discounts for additional siblings.


              • #8
                I'm in central/northern MN, and charge hourly. $2.50/infant and toddlers, $2.25 for preschoolers (that are potty trained), $2/school aged children. Our kindergartners are whole day m-f, so they get the school aged rate. I do NOT offer discounts.
                Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                • #9
                  I am in Ohio & I provide daycare but only for one family. I charge $20 day per child. I don't offer discounts. However, for the area I live in this is pretty much the normal rate for all day care. The daycare center in my town charges slightly more than I do. I do charge the school-age child I watch a cheaper rate as he is only here about 2 hrs a day.


                  • #10
                    I'm in IA. I just raised my rates for the new year. I give the parents their choice of daily or hourly. Hourly is $2.50. Daily (if stays same each week) is 22.50 for their contracted time (up to 10 hrs, if they are contracted more then 10 hours or here past there contracted time then they pay the hourly rate) My varying daily rate (days change each week) is $23.40. Half day rate is $12.00 (up to 5 hours) I dont do any discounts. I do not charge if they are not here (unless they are a no show without calling) I also do not charge when I take off. They get a free week of Vacation & pay 1/2 rate for 2nd week of Vacation. I also have 10 Holidays paid.


                    • #11
                      I also wonder about some of your before & after rates? I only care for one family's children which includes a school-age boy, a preschool girl & a toddler. When I initially wrote up the paperwork for the mom to sign (3 months ago) I had no idea what to charge for before and after school care. The mom led me to believe that her husband would be driving the school age child to school most days so I would only have him after school for about 1.5 hrs. Well, flash forward to when I started watching them she has always brought him with the other children in the morning & husband has NEVER driven the school age boy. Hmmmmmm, being so new at childcare I never said a word; however, now I am feeling quite taken advantage of b/c I agred to a cheaper rate under a falsehood, thinking I'd only have him for 1.5 hrs instead of almost 3. I know there is nothing I can do about it now but I do plan to raise his rate next school year. These are a teacher's kids so I won't have them in the summer. I am embarassed to admit I only charge $3 a day for him but I thought he'd only be here 1.5 hrs instead of 3 Come next year I think I will tell her his rate will raise to $25 for the week. DO you think that's fair?


                      • #12
                        I live in Eastern Oregon. Here are my rates:
                        FULL TIME: $125.00 per child per week
                        FULL TIME IN DIAPERS: $135.00 per child per week
                        PART TIME: $62.50 per child per week
                        PART TIME IN DIAPERS: $72.50
                        DROP IN CARE: $30.00 per child for up to 8 hours
                        Hourly Rate: $5.00per child
                        Late pick-Up/Early Drop Off fee: $1.00 per child per minute.

                        Full Time: Full time care is 21-50 hours per week, any care given over 50 hours without prior arrangements will be charged the late fee of $1.00 per minute per child. Any extra care given with prior arrangements will be charged the fee rate of $5.00 an hour or any portion thereof unless otherwise specified.

                        Part Time: Part time care is 1-20 hours a week, any care given over that will be charged the late fee as you saw above or the hourly fee with prior arrangements. If care is continuously being given over the part time hours you will be charged the full time rate.

                        I get 5 paid free days a year and 5 paid holidays and two weeks vacation at half their normal rate (if im not providing a sub). Parents also get the two weeks 1/2 rate for vacation IF they give proper written notice.


                        • #13
                          Janarae, I also had a client pull that with me and I gave out a letter stating that I had agreed to the current rate with the understanding that the child would only be here before school. I usually charge clients my part time fee regardless of what hours they are here if it falls between 1-20 hours a week, but because this kid would only be here in the am and not in the pm or n non school days I only charged $15 a week, however she started coming (at first it was only suppose to be that week,uh-huh)after school. When it became all the time I started charging $30 a week, still not alot but her schedule doesn't interfer with other kids being enrolled. Write them up a letter now stating that as of jan 1st they will be paying your normal part time fee or whatever you want, but I would say something, I also make parents give me in writing if they need to change their schedule and they have to ask not just assume that I will be available or will want to change the original contract.


                          • #14
                            What I charge for before and after school is $50.00 / week per child. I know the going rate in Iowa is $25-$75.00/week. Alot of daycares, don't want to even mess with before and after school children.


                            • #15
                              Question for those who charge hourly...Why? It seems like it would be easier simply to charge by the day or the week...income would be more stable, less hassle to keep track of...

