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Small Spaces Playhouse

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  • Small Spaces Playhouse

    This lady's playhouses are so cool!! They fit over a card table or you can build a PVC frame for about $30. I love how you can fold them away and save space.

    Shop Kids Playhouses, Kids Mail Sets, Imaginative Toys by ThePlayhouseKid located in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Smooth shipping! Has a history of shipping on time with tracking. Speedy replies! Has a history of replying to messages quickly. Rave reviews! Average review rating is 4.8 or higher

    I'm going out and getting felt to make one this weekend. I think I might do a different theme on each wall though. My guys like pirates, castles and fireman more than playing house.

    Last edited by Michael; 04-29-2011, 03:25 PM.

  • #2
    omg those are sooo cute but expensive....

    I am not crafty at all i wish that I could make these...


    • #3
      Awesome idea. Not hard at all to make your own! Even if you're not crafty.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        Wow- love these but they are too expensive for my pocket book
        Are the walls felt or fabric? And where would I buy large enough felt?


        • #5
          I saw these on a blog I follow a few weeks ago. I want to make one, but am afraid I would screw it up. I have a tendency to overthink my abilities sometimes!!


          • #6
            And how much approx. Do you guys think it would cost to make one?


            • #7
              One of my daycare families made us one of these and gave it to us for a Christmas Present! It fits over my dining room table.... I have one of those higher tables! The kids LOVE it, so much fun and imagination happens in there! They did it a much cheaper way and it is made out of white linen type material and they drew on it with fabric markers and then they put velcro by the door and made a laminate envelope that velcros onto it and they made different signs that slide in and out of the laminate like vet, hospital, post office, so on and so on! I LOVE it, one of the best gifts we have gotten for daycare!! : ) They tricked me by telling me they loved my table and they were wanting to get one for home and asked if they could measure it to see if it would fit in there space, of course I said sure, not a problem and gloated about how much I loved it as well! LOL A few weeks later I asked their 8 year old if they ever bought a new table and she looked shocked and acted like she had no idea what I was talking about, I just blew it off and the Christmas rolled around and at first I couldn't figure out what it was, but finally did and the 8 year old laughed at me and was proud of herself for keeping that secret from me! : ) LOL So anyway Love those, they are super cute, but mine works just as nice and is easily made and much, much cheaper! : )


              • #8
                She makes hers with felt. Fabric stores carry it in varying widths. Mine has it on bolts 36" wide for $2.99/m. I think I need about 20 M for what I want to do. But I'm going to do 4 outside walls and 4 inside walls so essentially 2 playhouses.

                Felt doesn't fray and it can be glued so this definately doable even for uncrafty folks.


                • #9
                  i made mine too, out of a bedsheet from walmart ($8 or so)

                  i cant sew, so i hot glued it

                  we used fabric markers, and glued on felt shapes and such. i actually let the kids do it. it came out super cute.

                  we used it outside all summer, so the weather destroyed it (we left it out) thanks for remiding me, now i can make a new one!!!


                  • #10
                    I found some tutorial links.

                    Elli has a little cover that fits over a card table that my husband’s cute aunt made for her. I fell in love with it and decided to make another one that fits Elli’s little table we have out in our front room. And instead of just a fabric cover…..why not add some necessities; a …

                    ***Please ignore the quality of photos for both posts. Light was fading fast in the house as dusk was settling in and with my belly growing ...

                    This lady offers free templates.


                    • #11
                      this is on my list of things to make as i saw it somewhere else too. My only concern is that felt is very heavy and much easier to rip. I'm looking at fabric. now I do have my card table downstairs and throw a sheet overtop, and the kids love it, but that would be way better.


                      • #12
                        Oh my goodness I am so excited to make this!!!! I was about to purchase a play house this weekend and just don't have the extra space to store or $$ this is perfect!!! Right now the DCK's are loving our box that the fridge came in....time to recycle weee. Wish me luck as I am not handy like that and it may turn into a hot mess


                        • #13
                          These are wonderful!

                          For those planning to make one... Etsy sells the patterns to the ones above the lady was selling. The patterns are about $20


                          I may do this...

