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Nap Time SUCKS!

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  • Nap Time SUCKS!

    Ugh. I have to get some things figured out! During the bulk of the nap time I am juggling babies. Then I finally get them to sleep and my 1 year old wakes up an hour early! Sorry. Nap time is nap time! He has to stay in bed until nap is over or EVERYONE will be awake! I am so tired of sleep issues! I am trying to get the babies on a good schedule, and they go down late, but seem to do ok the second half of nap. The 1 yo I put down a bit later because he wakes up so early, but it doesn't matter much. Oh, and he is the one that is transitioning from no bottle. It has been a LONG busy day and 5:00 cannot come fast enough!! Any ideas on how to get the 1 yo to sleep longer?

  • #2
    2 questions: How long and how early is your naptime? And I'm assuming you have mostly babies, how much activity/outside time does the 1yo get?

    His sleep may be getting interrupted with all the activity going on during his nap...he may not wake up, but the crying, babbling, etc still may cut into his sleep. Maybe napping him in another room (but not far away) might work?

