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What To Do

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  • What To Do

    I work at the dc where my kids go. Today I watched as my 2 year old was degraded about having an accident on the playground. Then as I entered his room to check on him, his teacher was telling him to smell it and trying to force him to wash it out himself. I promptly removed him from the room and let him stay in my room for the rest of the day. It is so bad that anytime this teacher interacts with him he refuses to potty for her but he has no problem going potty at home. The teacher did apologize to me for her actions but I'm still very mad about the whole situation!

  • #2
    Um, she needs to be reported for abuse NOW. And terminated. Since you work there, you are a mandatory reporter, and making him smell it is mental and emotional abuse.


    • #3
      Welcome to the Forum Crayons82!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Crayons82 View Post
        I work at the dc where my kids go. Today I watched as my 2 year old was degraded about having an accident on the playground. Then as I entered his room to check on him, his teacher was telling him to smell it and trying to force him to wash it out himself. I promptly removed him from the room and let him stay in my room for the rest of the day. It is so bad that anytime this teacher interacts with him he refuses to potty for her but he has no problem going potty at home. The teacher did apologize to me for her actions but I'm still very mad about the whole situation!
        OMG I think I would have snapped right there, u must have a lot of patience! Report her please, she needs fired ASAP!! She has no business in child CARE! Your poor child is probably scared of her! God only knows how many other children she has done this or worse to.


        • #5
          I need to report this woman. Do you dare let your child in her classroom? I think not! You've seen what she her! And insist that your child not be placed with her again.
          Something isn't right with her.


          • #6
            I agree with the other posters, you NEED to report her immediately. What she did was absolutely abusive and uncalled for. Her apology would have gone unnaccepted by me, and she likely would have walked away with two black eyes.


            • #7
              Thanks, I was a little worried that I was just being an over protective mom. The only action being taken by the school was the apology to me. We use this money to remodel our house, I don't need the money this bad!


              • #8
                I agree with everyone who has already posted. Please report her. I completely understand feeling like you needed to calm down before you acted on this situation, but now that you are calm, I think you know in your heart it is a reportable situation.

                Good luck.


                • #9
                  So 2 months has past since this incident. The teacher has quit, and my son was moved to the 3 yr old room early. But he is still having problems. He is fully potty trained everywhere but at this dc. At home no accidents, at church no accidents... Anytime he is with his gp or his aunt no accidents. However since before the incident every time we pull up to the dc (two days a week) he pees himself. Then again 30 mins later when he leaves my room to go to his class he pees himself again. This continues through out the day and doesnt seem to be getting any better. I know his new teacher is great so I don't have any fear about that. I really wonder if he is scared of going to that school period... Any advice???


                  • #10
                    I'm glad that first Teacher is no longer there but if nobody reported her, she's probably at another center doing damage.

                    Try not to talk about it in front of your son - at not quite 3 he is still on the young side for being completely potty trained. (every child is different)

                    If he wets, try not to make a big deal of it and move on. Sticker charts are helpful.

                    If he continues to do this I would sincerely consider moving him elsewhere.


                    • #11
                      Well, I know what I would do. I did it.

                      Only you can decide what is best for you and your child.

                      Sorry, hun, I wish I had an easy answer.

                      Parenting is hard.
                      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                      • #12
                        She needs to be fired. Working with children is clearly not her thing.


                        • #13
                          It sounds like bc he's had such a bad experience he's just scared to is having a hard time trusting going for you and the teacher at the daycare center. It happens specially if they have had a traumatic incident. Best to to just have a chat with his teacher and come up with a plan to get him past it. A plan will work really well and with something put into place that he can except with be only good reinforcement and nothing negative will help him on his way. We do sticker charts here and the kids love it. Making a big deal out of even just sitting on the potty in the beginning is a good start and when he does have an accident just be very patient and say that ohhhh it's really ok!! No problem!! Look, I am going to clean it up no problem!! Make huge smiles and say next time we get it!! I have a little guy who potty on the floor and it really freaked him out...he was devastated. I just held him and said's ok Misty's going to clean it up and then we can go sit on the to not use anything negative at all otherwise these little ones take it to heart. I have all little ones and under 3. today I have 3 all training and all of them are in undies for the first time and are doing really well. We expect for accidents and treat it expecting that they will happen when training. Kids have to feel comfortable messing up or having accidents it's how we learn. Good luck to you and your little one!!

