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Free/Credit Days Wording Help

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  • Free/Credit Days Wording Help

    I'm changing my contracts/policies to allow parents vacation/sick days each year based on the # of days that their child is usually in care (ex. usually f/t, family would have 10 days/year for vacation/sick days annually)- but I need help with the right wording.

    Can anyone share how you've worded your contract? Pretty please??

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    wow that is a lot of days....

    I am in the process of changing mine but here is what I currently have:

    Free sick days or Vacation days
    After 120 days of care (not 120 calendar days) you will be eligible for 3 free unpaid sick days or Vacation days, for a total of 3 days each year per child. Days must be used in the calendar year and cannot be carried over from year to year.

    In order to qualify for your free days, you must be current on all other payments and not have any other outstanding fees owed. You must also be in compliance of all parent hand book policies, contract and rules. These days cannot be used in conjunction with termination notice. Any vacation days left unused at the time of termination notice are forfeited and will not be paid out as a credit or refund.

    Free Sick days and vacation days are to be used at your discretion and are to be arranged with the provider when needed to be used. To use your days towards vacation time, you must notify the provider one week in advance that you will be using your free unpaid days, failure to provide advance notice will result in full pay for missed day(s), regardless of any other contract terms. Providing an advance notice will greatly help with the financial book keeping on the provider’s part. Sick days, can be arranged at time of illness.


    • #3
      Can I ask why you are changing to this??


      • #4
        Originally posted by MN Day Mom View Post
        Can I ask why you are changing to this??
        sure i am not going to offer it to part time spots..

        I have a family with two kids here. they come 3 days a week. right in the middle of the week. so now I have two open spots monday and friday. Ever try to fill those days? So far after 1.5 years, its been impossible...I am already losing big time by allowing them to come PT so I am only going to offer this to full time families... No Breaks for PT, I feel they alrady have one..

        I will just have to change the wording some...


        • #5
          I offer my families 2 weeks per year of "unpaid family vacation" time.

          They may be taken together or seperately BUT must be taken in full week blocks.

          If they attend at all during the week, payment in full wil be due.

          (Fewer "retraining issues" for me to manage, and fewer schedules/dates I have to keep track of.)
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            this was anothe thing that i was considering...must use all at once...


            • #7
              I offer 10 days for full time families to use as the choose. Sick, vacation, personal etc. I offer 5 days for part time families. I prorate it based on start date (divide months left in yr by 12 and multiply by 5 or 10 depending on ft or pt).

              Parents can use them along with my vacation if they choose and thus not have to pay or they can use them on holidays and not pay.

              I keep track of them and let them know in Oct how many they have left to use. Almost always parents use them up the last week in Dec and I prefer to have no one in care that week anyhow.


              • #8
                If a family has 2 children in care, does each child receive the free days where each child can miss 10 days/year unpaid for example - or does each family just receive 10 days??

                I have several families with two children in care, and frequently will bring one and keep one at home. Just wondering how you handle that???


                • #9
                  I make them take it at the same time.....too hard for my accounting to keep up


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                    If a family has 2 children in care, does each child receive the free days where each child can miss 10 days/year unpaid for example - or does each family just receive 10 days??

                    I have several families with two children in care, and frequently will bring one and keep one at home. Just wondering how you handle that???
                    It is per family, per year.

                    I also do not allow parents to only bring one enrolled child. (obviously if they have an older sibling who does not attend here it would not apply to them )

                    Enrolled Sibling groups must attend together.

                    I do offer a generous sibling discount to offset the inconvienience since it is not a popular policy.

                    I don't like the "left behind tantrum" drama since I only deal with infants and toddlers who have no reasoning skills .

                    My program is based on consistency and a calm family-like environment.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11
                      This is what I currently have. I really love finding another detail to add to my contract! It just makes it feel "complete". I am offering unpaid days to anyone, rule is they must be enrolled half a year before using these days and they only get the numbers of days enrolled in a week to use for the year as free days. 3 day a week enrollment would only get 3 free days.

                      The only thing I have not figured out yet is whether it's per child or per family because I don't want to single out siblings if grandma offers to take the potty-trained child for a week in the summer by herself because she can't lift baby to change diapers, etc. KWIM?
                      Client Vacations & Absences
                      After six months of enrollment, the client may take unpaid vacation days from the program. The number of days allowed in a calendar year will be equal to the number of days your child is enrolled in a week. Vacation days may be used consecutively or individually. Vacation days renew at the start of each calendar year; January 1. To use these days for a child’s illness, the provider must be notified prior to the client’s contracted start time. If the client doesn’t provide advance notice, the client will pay for the missed day(s) of care, regardless of any other terms in this contract. Any days left unused at the end of the year or at the time of termination notice will be forfeited and will not be paid out as a refund or credit.


                      • #12
                        Sick Policy Sample:

                        Vacation Policy:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                          The only thing I have not figured out yet is whether it's per child or per family because I don't want to single out siblings if grandma offers to take the potty-trained child for a week in the summer by herself because she can't lift baby to change diapers, etc. KWIM?
                          That is the beauty of it.

                          You can have it in your policy and be free to make case by case exceptions at will

                          You can be as strict or as lenient as you wish. I do work with families often, but have the option to say no without drama BECAUSE of the policy in print.

                          I don't do it to be a witch . I often have multiples in care who are dependant on their sibling and it will make my life, and theirs, H-E double hockey sticks alot of the time if I did not have that policy....::

                          I currently have 6 kids, 4 families ALL 2 and under.... The siblings are really CLOSE or the same age.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

