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  • Menus

    I use to have a large variety to my menu but have noticed that my dck really only eat certain foods, therefore I have been trying to do a 2 week rotation menu. I know with the fp that they like to see a big variety on our menus but most kids go through phases of liking certain foods at different times. How do you do your menus? Would you be willing to share an example of your menu? I serve bkfst, am and pm snack and lunch. My main concern for the menu is lunches; breakfast I never seem to struggle with. Any ideas on way to create menus with the foods the kids like would be greatly appreciated. I also would like rotation ideas, any ideas that pertain to a menu for dc.

  • #2
    Originally posted by kcnjason View Post
    I use to have a large variety to my menu but have noticed that my dck really only eat certain foods, therefore I have been trying to do a 2 week rotation menu. I know with the fp that they like to see a big variety on our menus but most kids go through phases of liking certain foods at different times. How do you do your menus? Would you be willing to share an example of your menu? I serve bkfst, am and pm snack and lunch. My main concern for the menu is lunches; breakfast I never seem to struggle with. Any ideas on way to create menus with the foods the kids like would be greatly appreciated. I also would like rotation ideas, any ideas that pertain to a menu for dc.
    I tend to have a rather boring menu. the reason is that through trial and error I found what the kids ate and did not. After a few months of this I just started only serving what I knew they would eat, or majority of the group would eat.

    MOnday, spght/turkey mtballs, carrot/ celerey sticks, light ranch and apples (lunch)
    Tuesday- ham and cheese sandwhich, small garden salad, oranges
    Wed- chicken breats cut up like chk nugts., goldfish, cooked peas/carrots, and bananas
    Thursday- hotdogs, bun, wheat crackers, green beans, fruit salad
    Friday- chz quesadilla (sp?) celery sticks, raw veggie dippers and apple sauce

    I will switch this around with one other menu I have and will change the days that we have it so that it's not the same exact every other week.

    I have had very little food waste by sticking to what they like to eat...
    hope this helped some.


    • #3
      Here is a link to my sharing of this past fall/winters menu rotation.

      We have been in between rotations for a few weeks but this week started the first week of the spring/summer rotation.

      Feel free to keep checking back on the website because I will be posting more of my menu rotations from the past once I have some more time.



      • #4

        Thanks so much for the site for the menus. I do have an 8 week menu rotation but I definately needed some other ideas. Thanks so much and thanks for posting your site to share.

