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Child Is 100% Potty Trained At Home But Not Here

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  • Child Is 100% Potty Trained At Home But Not Here

    I have talked about this DCG before on potty training but I was speaking to her mom on how she is doing at home since she will go here but only if I take her ever 1.5 hours. If I don't saying anything she won't go on her own she will potty in her underwear. It's been a month so told parents I'm going back to just pull ups (we were doing underwear and pull ups) since I don't want the huge mess anymore.

    So at home she hasn't had an accident at all for weeks. Goes on her own or tells parents. Also goes when they are at the store (tells them), or other places away from home.

    Why won't she go here on her own??? I feel bad having her in pull ups here when she isn't at home. I'm so baffled. I've had two others potty train here and they did fine. All the other kids but one are potty trained so I don't get it.

    Anyone?? I feel like that parents are tired of talking about this as am I. I just don't know what to do about it. I really hope they don't leave over this.

  • #2
    this is so normal... DC is extremely different than home. There are alot of distractions at DC and therefore kids often get to distracted to want to go to the bathroom or listen to the signs that their body is givign them telling them to go.

    I know that some time parents will get frustrated, but it's very normal and to be expected. Once you explain this to the parents, they will understand.

    I have this statement in my potty training policy:

    Please keep in mind that often children will show all signs of readiness and have success at home before the signs are seen at child care. Due to all of the distractions and excitement that goes on while at the daycare, there may be a period of time that your child is potty trained at home, but not at daycare. This is completely normal and happens quite a bit.


    • #3
      the other option is that the parents are lying to you (whether intentionally or unintentionally). They may just ask her or take her often enough to where it is just not a problem at home. They may also just be flat out lying because its easier for them to act like its not a problem. Its amazing what parents will lie about when comparing what their kids are or are not doing at home. Sometimes it is just the perspective and other times, it is deception.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        the other option is that the parents are lying to you (whether intentionally or unintentionally). They may just ask her or take her often enough to where it is just not a problem at home. They may also just be flat out lying because its easier for them to act like its not a problem. Its amazing what parents will lie about when comparing what their kids are or are not doing at home. Sometimes it is just the perspective and other times, it is deception.


        • #5
          I'm leaning towards mama and dad are trained at home to make sure she get there on time. I had one family swear their son was fully PT and ready for underwear here and he couldn't take his own pants off. :: Reality was that mom and dad were excellent potty trainers and got him there on time every time. :: :: I let them know that being able to undress and redress themselves is the first step and they seemed to have skipped it. Still cracks me up thinking about his blank stare when I told him to get undressed and go potty.


          • #6
            I have on dcg who will be two next month for six months they keep saying she goes on the potty at home. Well one day she picked up early to her to the dr. and she said oh lets use the potty before we go. Well the mom put her on the potty and held her down not to get off sang a song turned on the water and guess what she didn't go. I said that is not being potty trained thats forcing her to go. I tell them all they need to tell me when they need to go on the potty if I had to take them every ten minutes so they don't wet their pants I would be in the bathroom all day


            • #7
              thanks everyone. Makes me feel better. I'm just going to to ignore it for a week or two and see what happens. I'll still take her when we have our potty breaks but we'll see what happens inbetween there.


              • #8
                Potty training success is second only to health claims when it comes to parental lying. You have to sort through what is truth and what is either perceived incorrectly or purposely deceptive.

                This is why I only look at the child's success HERE. I don't take into account what he/she is doing at home. It doesn't matter if it's the truth or not. It's what they do HERE in my environment that matters to my carpet.

                Just wrote a blog about this:


                • #9

                  This thread went from giving advice to parents on dealing with a real issue to accusing parents of lying. How nice...

                  My 3.5 y/o son is FULLY potty trained at home. Gets up, goes to the bathroom, undresses as needed, does his thing, finishes up. But he is resistant to doing the same at daycare. My provider has them at the park ALL THE TIME. Yeah, no bathrooms there right? So, big surprise when he pees himself I guess. Or yesterday, took a big shit in his underwear. If they are at the park 15 minutes from home, where's he supposed to poop??

                  nannyde - maybe it's YOU and YOUR environment that are the cause of the failure..ever consider that?

                  So how about you 'professionals' out there quit with the bs and provide some actual suggestions? Reading the replies here, I'm begging to understand more and more where the real problem lies, and it's with providers like you bunch of hags.
                  Last edited by Blackcat31; 08-22-2019, 01:53 PM.


                  • #10
                    Michael, please take a look at this!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      This thread went from giving advice to parents on dealing with a real issue to accusing parents of lying. How nice...

                      My 3.5 y/o son is FULLY potty trained at home. Gets up, goes to the bathroom, undresses as needed, does his thing, finishes up. But he is resistant to doing the same at daycare. My provider has them at the park ALL THE TIME. Yeah, no bathrooms there right? So, big surprise when he pees himself I guess. Or yesterday, took a big shit in his underwear. If they are at the park 15 minutes from home, where's he supposed to poop??

                      nannyde - maybe it's YOU and YOUR environment that are the cause of the failure..ever consider that?

                      So how about you 'professionals' out there quit with the bs and provide some actual suggestions? Reading the replies here, I'm begging to understand more and more where the real problem lies, and it's with providers like you bunch of hags.
                      I am fairly certain that name calling isn't helpful or productive at all.

                      You can be angry at child care providers all you want but when you resort to acting like a 2nd grader and begin calling names and pointing fingers with NO real solution you too are just part of the problem.

                      If you are unhappy with your provider why would you continue subjecting your child to such a negative environment? That part is all on you!!!

                      Sincerely hoping you have a better day than the one you are apparently having.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by springvalley112 View Post
                        Michael, please take a look at this!!!
                        Any time you come across a post that needs moderating just click the red/white triangle in the upper right hand corner of the post. It will send a notification to moderators to view/edit or delete.

                        Thank you!


                        • #13
                          I agree that the child might just be too distracted and having fun during daycare to stop and go potty. I have a timer watch for one of mine now that will remind her and me that it's time to try. She's a bit older though. Daycare is a busy scene! I don't always watch the clock because I'm busy with all of the little people instead.

                          I'm going to be training 4 kids at the same time soon. That's the first time I've had to do so many at once so I'm not looking forward to it! Two are toward the end of their training though and have some independence.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                            This thread went from giving advice to parents on dealing with a real issue to accusing parents of lying. How nice...

                            My 3.5 y/o son is FULLY potty trained at home. Gets up, goes to the bathroom, undresses as needed, does his thing, finishes up. But he is resistant to doing the same at daycare. My provider has them at the park ALL THE TIME. Yeah, no bathrooms there right? So, big surprise when he pees himself I guess. Or yesterday, took a big shit in his underwear. If they are at the park 15 minutes from home, where's he supposed to poop??

                            nannyde - maybe it's YOU and YOUR environment that are the cause of the failure..ever consider that?

                            So how about you 'professionals' out there quit with the bs and provide some actual suggestions? Reading the replies here, I'm begging to understand more and more where the real problem lies, and it's with providers like you bunch of hags.
                            In your case there is clearly a reason. Provider is bringing them to the park without access to bathrooms. I assume he goes to the toilet when he is in her home and has access to the toilet?

                            This kid that the OP is talking about does not go even when they have access to the toilet. Doesn’t that seem odd? A fully trained child just stops being toilet trained when with their provider all day? Does it make sense why providers MIGHT conclude the parents are lying?

                            Whenever there is a deviation between what is going on at home and at care it is always glaringly obvious the parents are not being truthful. It is possible they think he is potty trained because they take him to the toilet all the time which others have suggested.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              This thread went from giving advice to parents on dealing with a real issue to accusing parents of lying. How nice...

                              My 3.5 y/o son is FULLY potty trained at home. Gets up, goes to the bathroom, undresses as needed, does his thing, finishes up. But he is resistant to doing the same at daycare. My provider has them at the park ALL THE TIME. Yeah, no bathrooms there right? So, big surprise when he pees himself I guess. Or yesterday, took a big shit in his underwear. If they are at the park 15 minutes from home, where's he supposed to poop??

                              nannyde - maybe it's YOU and YOUR environment that are the cause of the failure..ever consider that?

                              So how about you 'professionals' out there quit with the bs and provide some actual suggestions? Reading the replies here, I'm begging to understand more and more where the real problem lies, and it's with providers like you bunch of hags.
                              And parents like you are the first to complain when we DON'T take kids to the park.

