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Need Advice!! Update on Possible MRSA Toddler...

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  • Need Advice!! Update on Possible MRSA Toddler...

    Okay so last week I posted about a DCG in my care who had a pimple/boil on her bottom and the mom took her to the dr and they said she probably has eczema or yeast infection...

    Well today she was returning after being gone all last week (because the mom decided to keep her home so the boil would heal at home) and she brought me the dr's note. It states on the note that she had a "possible MRSA infection but is clear to return to daycare because the wound is covered and no longer draining".

    The mom told me that it was completely gone. SO the mom leaves her here as I reluctantly said ok, and I check the area right after she left and she still has a flat purple spot from where the bump was. Its red around the purple. She also has diaper rash (little red spots) all over here other areas. I call the mom ASAP and tell her what I see. She says "thats wierd - It was totally clear all weekend, but maybe because she went in the pool on Sunday the chlorine made it flare up again"... Really?? Is that even possible??? I would think chlorine would dry it up... not make it worse.

    Anyway - she was only here a couple hours because she had an appt, but I'm feeling really confused about this situation. I'm wondering if it would be weird for me to call the dr and ask her questions myself. Also, If it is MRSA, I want to know for sure and also want to know if it could be contagious at all anymore. Also should she be staying home until her 10 days of antibiotics is complete? I dont know.

    Any advice would be so appreciated.

  • #2
    Just googled.

    Staph infections, including MRSA, most frequently affect people who have weakened immune systems, such as those who are hospitalized or who are in other types of healthcare facilities (including nursing homes and dialysis centers). However, in the mid- to late-1990s, MRSA infections started appearing in otherwise healthy people, who had not been recently hospitalized or had a medical procedure.

    Many people wonder if MRSA is contagious. The answer is, yes, MRSA can be spread between individuals. This transmission normally occurs through direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with shared items or surfaces that have come into contact with someone else's infection (such as towels or used bandages).

    MRSA skin infections can affect anyone. However, these infections tend to occur more often in certain settings, such as schools, dormitories, military barracks, households, correctional facilities, and daycare centers.

    These settings have factors that make it easier for MRSA to be transmitted, including:

    Frequent skin-to-skin contact
    Compromised skin (i.e., cuts or abrasions)
    Contaminated items and surfaces
    Lack of cleanliness.


    • #3
      I've had many many boils before, and the flat purple spot is very typical in the healing stages. Of course, none of mine were diagnosed with MRSA, so it could be totally different.

      To me, the doctor's note says as long as it is no longer draining, it shouldn't be contagious. Is it draining?

      You could try to call the doctor to get more info. I'm not sure if they can give out medical information about a patient unless it's been preauthorized. My dcm actually put me on a list of authorized people at her children's doctor's office; so I would be able to call whenever I wanted to get more info. I thought that was great, and I am considering adding it to my contract so that I have that option with all of the children!!


      • #4
        I called...

        I called the dr and they put me thru to a RN who straight out told me she wouldnt give me any advice because I'm not the parent. Gosh. OH well on that. The info I find online is really confusing... It says contagious by skin-to-skin contact, but is that only if touching a wound? Or is it touching skin that appears okay? Her wound is purple and flat now and not draining. Just looks like a healed big pimple.

        Shes keeping her home tomorrow to go to an amusement park, so I dont have to worry about it for another day... but just wish I knew if I should keep her home till the antibiotics are done and if she is contagious by her touching stuff and then the other kids touching it. :confused:


        • #5
          I have experienced MRSA in my home before and as long as the wound area is covered well and if you use gloves you should not have any problems caring for this child. In over 30+ years I have seen it 4 times? and using the above precautions never has it been passed on. But you gotta do what you feel comfortable doing. Call your local state health dept and get the answers you are requesting.
          I see little people.


          • #6
            If it were me, I'd take the child, but ask the parents to dress her in Bike shorts or leggings for a while, just in case her diaper rides up. It would just be an extra precaution.

            If the other spots don't turn into more MSRA, I wouldn't worry about it.


            • #7

              Thanks everyone... I will just have her mom be sure to keep the area totally covered and keep an eye to make sure it doesnt get any worse.


              • #8
                I am just like you and freak out about these kind of things.. I think it is a natural reaction, because our home and faimily are in put in danger of the illness, as well as other DCK.

                I would take the child back, but make sure to use strict diapering precautions with DCK. wear gloves, clean the area with bleach wipes after use and make sure to do a lot of hand washing... seriously when I had a little kid that had HFM I was scrubbing and washing my hands so much that I made them raw... don't do that, but make sure to just clean clean and then clean again., do whatever you need to do to keep you sane and feeling comfortable....


                • #9

                  YES... thank you. I definitely do freak out about outbreaks... I am a germaphobe and am so afraid of things like that spreading to the other kids and my own children or husband or myself! I have my gloves, bleach spray and antibacterial gel on me 24/7 lately! haha - I should make a "daycare provider tool belt" with all that stuff ready to use!

                  Its just a reminder to me to always keep surfaces sanitized and extra clean... JUST in case


                  • #10
                    we can call you germmy mandy with your germ belt....


                    • #11

                      Thats funny Thanks for the laugh! Much needed today

