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Excited and Question

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  • Excited and Question

    Hate Mondays LOL. But happy about today! Got an awesome deal on a little tykes playhouse for outside! ! Also got the kids a tire swing to replace the baby swing. They are Gonna love it!!!

    So my question is this.....the tire swing can seat 2 kids and will hold up to 60lbs. I have 10 yr old who weighs 100lbs. How do I explain he can't swing? It bothers me and I do not want his feeling hurt. It kills ie that almost everything from toys to our picnic table he can't use or fit on. So far its not been a huge issue but I foresee a problem with the swing.taking it down is not an option.
    Last edited by Michael; 04-18-2011, 05:56 PM.

  • #2
    is there any way that you could renforece it to make it stronger for him. that is not fair if everyone can use it but him that is going to hurt his feelings I don't think I would have it out if everyone couldn't use it.


    • #3
      sorry how is the kid, I don't think my 10 yr old weighs that much. Do you have stuff for them to do, I have a swing set that is only for the littles and a swing set for the big kids, it works out better.


      • #4
        he is 5 ....he can't use the ride ons, coupe cars or tire swing. He can do the trampoline and our huge playground and a regular swing. I don't want to hurt his feelings trust me but I also don't want my other kids to do without. Its a tough situation. Hopefully he will just be to scared to try it. As he is very dared on things.
        Last edited by Michael; 04-18-2011, 05:57 PM.


        • #5
          just thought of something...maybe i could just encourage him that he's too old?? this swing is for younger kids?? hes my oldest kid so it would be the truth . i mean, you have to say that to a 3y old who wants to sit in a baby carrier kwim? just encourage him that hes a big boy and he can swing in the big boy swing??? its the same with my trampoline, only big kids can jump. no one under 4 is allowed...the lil ones cry and get upset but rules are rules. how do u think that would work??


          • #6
            I think telling him would be ok if you are ready to ALWAYS reinforce that rule with everyone that is over 4. What I'm curious about is why is he so big? Does he not eat properly, exercise or is there a medical issue. He is just going to outgrow all play things if he continues to be that big. Even cetain things on swingsets I believe have a weight limit. You may need to not let him play on things in a year or two if you still have him. That is very sad
            Each day is a fresh start
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            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              i agree...been big since i've had him (23months) . what upsets me the most is when he starts school in sept...poor guy. His bigness is genetics i guess. he eats very small portions, so i know that isnt an issue...and nothing medically wrong. just big

              i will figure somehting out.


              • #8
                I have a 5 yr old who has weighed more than twice the amount than other kids his own age since he was a toddler. I simply tell him he is too big. I don't say it like it is a bad thing....I simply say "That toy is too small for you but you are just right for this one"...and offer him an alternative one.

                I refuse to not let 8 other kids play with something just because one child can't. The larger child is large. That is simply the truth and there are all kinds of things he can and cannot do because of it so that's just the way it is. If I try to teach him the world will adjust to his size, it would be setting him up for failure so I will not do that. He will need to understand that somethings will work for him and some won't. I would make sure I had plenty of other toys that will accommodate him.

                I would also suggest talking with his parents so that they are aware of the situation and can talk with their child about it.

                It reminds me of the rides at an amusement park that say "You must be this tall _____ to ride this ride." They don't change the rules because someone got upset that they weren't tall enough..... and I highly doubt they will close the ride because some kids aren't tall enough....they simply offer other rides that will work for all sizes and heights.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  I have a 5 yr old who has weighed more than twice the amount than other kids his own age since he was a toddler. I simply tell him he is too big. I don't say it like it is a bad thing....I simply say "That toy is too small for you but you are just right for this one"...and offer him an alternative one.

                  I refuse to not let 8 other kids play with something just because one child can't. The larger child is large. That is simply the truth and there are all kinds of things he can and cannot do because of it so that's just the way it is. If I try to teach him the world will adjust to his size, it would be setting him up for failure so I will not do that. He will need to understand that somethings will work for him and some won't. I would make sure I had plenty of other toys that will accommodate him.

                  I would also suggest talking with his parents so that they are aware of the situation and can talk with their child about it.

                  It reminds me of the rides at an amusement park that say "You must be this tall _____ to ride this ride." They don't change the rules because someone got upset that they weren't tall enough..... and I highly doubt they will close the ride because some kids aren't tall enough....they simply offer other rides that will work for all sizes and heights.
                  perfect!! thanks for writing this as i was beginning to feel like i was mean for leaving the swing out. ty ty ty


                  • #10
                    Have his parents had blood work done, etc? I just cant imagine a 100 lb five year old, my own 5 yr old is 41lbs, and he looks big to me (46 inches tall).

                    I would also tell him he is too old to use it, just make sure you stick to that if you do get more kids around his age


                    • #11
                      100 pounds is very high even if everything seems normal. He's 5 and I was in fifth grade about 11 I guess when I weighed 100 pounds. Does this child have siblings? Has his parents talked to the school he will go to and make sure he will be ok in the standard sized chairs, etc like his classmates? That would be rough at such a young age.


                      • #12
                        I'd rather not discuss any personal issues as its not morally right.I Just wondered how to approach the swing issue but blackcat hit it right on the nail for me. Thx again


                        • #13
                          poor guy. some kids have it tough. I had a child that was age 4.5 and was the size of a 7 year old. I also had some items that he could not use due to his weight. I adapted to the method that blackcat used. Im sorry sweetie, this one is for the younger kids, since you are a bigger stronger man, you get to use this one. I tired to make him feel special instead of different.

