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Sand AND Water Tables.....

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  • Sand AND Water Tables.....

    DO any of you have a combo sand/water table, where you put sand on one side, and water on the other?

    To me, it seems like whoever invented this idea either has never spent time with kids, or has really special kids.

    If you do use such a table, how do you keep them from dumping sand in the water, and water in the sand? <--see? I wonder where they found those special kids? Or did those kids trash that as soon as the picture was taken?

  • #2
    to me, mixing them is kinda the point

    sometimes i do just one or the other though, or something totally different, like birdseed, or whatever.

    and btw, those kids were paid to stand there all pretty like that..


    • #3
      I have almost that same one. We only have sand in it though. I thought the same thing about putting both sand and water in it, which is why we haven't done that yet.


      • #4
        I use all sand I. The winter and all water in the summer with bubbles and food coloring.


        • #5
          What's wrong with them mixing the two? That's the point, IMO. Sand isn't much fun without water to make wet and packable.

          I've never quite understood what people have against sand and water mixing together...
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Kind of off the topic, but my mom has one of these tables at her house for my kids. She says that the game's over when you can't tell anymore which side was sand and which side was water to begin with. So true as my kids mix it until you can't tell anymore. But then, she DRIES the sand out on beach towels for days! So that by the next time they come over, the sand is dry and on one side and the water is refilled on the other. I love it! It makes me laugh every time: Grandma and her magic sand! Hee hee!


            • #7
              I was thinking of adding those color tablets that you can buy in the bath department at most stores. It is to color the bath water for the kids. My question is would anyone know if it would stain clothing? Would hate to put it in if that is the case.
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #8
                I dont know about stain, but i am allergic to alot of them so i would be catious of allergic reation......


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                  I was thinking of adding those color tablets that you can buy in the bath department at most stores. It is to color the bath water for the kids. My question is would anyone know if it would stain clothing? Would hate to put it in if that is the case.
                  I've done those, and never noticed a stain.

                  But, ya know what's fun? I set up several clear bottles (gatorade seems to work well)full of colored water, and give the kids those droppers you get from the science section on Discount school supplies. Then they use the droppers to mix the colors into little jars.

                  My current group would just dump it all out. But, if I had four year olds, I'd do this. Sometimes I miss having big kids.


                  • #10
                    We have the same sand table and it doesn't work well with water and sand. The reason I say it doesn't work well is because it's inside and the only place the table can fit well is in the kitchen area. The sand gets tossed around, babies are on the floor (12+ mo) and we constantly have to pickup the sand and limit who is allowed to use it. The kids constantly try to open the lid, which many of the kids at age 3 can undo the "lock" that holds the lid down and starts grabbing the sand. Since it's inside we really can't dump the sand out to dry since water would get, if it was outside it would be great! I personally would only like sand in it (desert) OR water (ocean, lake, etc) because the kids love to drive the cars around on the tracks.

