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How/When Do You Ask If Families Are Coming Back?

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  • How/When Do You Ask If Families Are Coming Back?

    When do you ask current clients if they'll be back in the fall? Do you ask?

    A while back I sent out an email to see if everyone would be coming during the summer (2 teacher families and 2 heading to kinder in the Fall).

    I have 2 4yr olds that I'm planning on having in the Fall but of course don't know for sure.

    Would you just send an email asking what everyone's plans are for the Fall?

    Does anyone else ask or do you just expect them to return and just deal with any last minute changes?

  • #2
    Yes, I would ask them if they are coming back in the fall. If so, I would charge holding spot fee for three months until they are coming back so you won't lose them.


    • #3
      I dont do SA, but if I needed to know I would send out a nice letter with a dead line to respond. Let them know that if they dont RSVP a spot for thier child by the dead line you will not be able to promise a spot for theri child wehn they return.


      • #4
        I don't give them the option to take the summer off. I could not stand waiting on baited breath for my income to return.

        My family and I like to eat year round....

        My DCP's have two choices: Enrolled Full time or Not Enrolled.

        The stress you are dealing with just goes away when you get rid of the option altogether. My teacher DCM takes a summer job to try to rebuild her retirement and occasionally knocks out some housework so that she has plenty of free time to play with DCB.

        I know you are stuck for this summer, so in your shoes I would definitely give them a due date to get their schedules in or have their slots filled.
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          Sorry I wasn't totally clear. The families I was looking to ask are actually families that are still going to be going full time all summer.

          One of my teacher families is still going to use me full time over the summer and the other will be done in May (child is starting kinder in the fall).

          I'm just concerned that my 2 full-timers (non-teacher families) who are 4yr may decide they want to do something different next year with it being their final year of "preschool" before starting school.


          • #6
            I would send out a letter and give a specific date they need to respond by otherwise you will begin advertising to fill that spot and assume they no longer need it. I have found you need to out a deadline on everything!


            • #7
              I don't have any that don't come for the summer but if I did they would have to pay I tell everyone I work 12 months a year and depend on that income


              • #8
                Sunflower Mama, do you have your families enroll every fall? If so, maybe send a flyer home and tell them that enrollment is coming and they must enroll by such and such date.

                If you don't have them enroll, then I would just assume they are planning on staying until they give notice. You can casually bring it up to them, but I'll bet the 4 yo families are planning on staying with you. I think you offer a preschool curriculum, right? I wouldn't worry too much about it, remember that's why we have notice requirements! Sure, it would be nice to know way ahead of time, but that isn't always the case with home daycares.


                • #9
                  I only do daycare while school is in session so I send home notices in March with a deadline to guarantee their spot for next year. I also require three full days pay (150.00) when they register which I credit back to them at the start of the year. I cater to teachers but even if I didn't I would do the same thing. That is usually the time pre-schools have registration arround here for the next year as well so if they are thinking of leaving for that reason I will know up-front and be able to fill their spot for September. Oh and I also include any policy changes or fee increases in that form too.
                  I you think my hands are full you should see my heart!


                  • #10
                    I ask parents to let me know by the end of March what their plans are for the fall. I don't take school age and lose a few kids in the summer (teacher's kids), so this way I have the spring to drum up business if I need to.

