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Christmas Presents for Daycare Children

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  • #16
    From the mom who has actually had to tell her children that Santa Clause makes mommy pay him and mommy doesn't have much money to give him, I have to say that home-made gifts are more than appropriate for daycare providers. Not only because it is just not financially possible for some of us to spend that much money, but it also teaches our children something important--Christmas is not about expensive gifts, it is about the people you care about.

    While it is really nice for daycare providers to spend money on the kids at Christmas ($10-$15? adds up) and I've always appreciated it, it's not necessary. The neatest thing we ever did at daycare was a gift exchange where each of the kids was assigned to *make* a secret santa gift for another child. While I would love to give my daycare provider a gift card (since it's a center, there would be several gift cards), I simply cannot afford it... but that doesn't mean I appreciate them any less than the family that can afford it does. Each dollar store mug full of crappy candy that I hand out is one less stocking stuffer for my children...


    • #17
      Originally posted by mac60 View Post
      I have always given my group a Christmas present, usually $10 to $12 per child. Last year it was nice pajamas from JC Penneys for about $10 each during one of their sales. I have a dilema this year. My husband lost his job 6 weeks ago, and his inicome is now cut in half due to our state having such crappy unemployment, I don't know if we can make it on my income and his unemployment, let alone buy for Christmas gifts this year. I am really upset over this and not sure what to do. I told my own familiy and friends, Christmas is very slim this year, I am not sure what to do with my dc families.
      Here is an idea...

      What if you sent the parents a note that this years, since the kids get so many gifts this time of year, you are going to change things up a bit and do a community service project with the kids instead. I don't know about your age group, but they can make cards for a local nursing home or collect books for the peds wing at the hospital...


      • #18

        I'm thinking of spending $3-5 on each of my 3 kids that I have regularily. It also depends on how generous the parents are. For example one purchased stuff worth well over $30 for my daughter's birthday (we didn't even have a party), so I spent around $17 on a little party and some gifts on her kid. Mostly because I can't afford more. This is my job after all and we aren't paid that well, especially since some kids are more challenging than others.

        I prefer to make lots of crafts with the kids for the parents and to present it together with a small Christmas (or whatever hoiday) gift on their last day before the holiday.


        • #19
          I have always given my children a gift. This year though I have 12 children between full time and part time care. That is a lot of money. Last year we had this great party and I gave the children their gifts. 2 children said thank you, thats it. Not a single parent said thank you or asked their children if they did. This indicates to me that parents just expect I will buy their children a gift. This year I just can't afford it though.

          I was thinking of doing an exchange with the children. They could each pick a name and buy each other a gift for the party. Parents may not want to do this though as well. What do you think?


          • #20
            I've always gotten stuff for the dcks in the past,one year i bought plane chalkboards kid size at walmart,painted glued and personlized each one, last year i made baskets with a personal present for each kid and a movie w/popcorn ect..BUT this year i am so broke that i just cant buy anything so i've been freezing over ripe bananas, shredded the zuccinis my friends gave me to freeze and have been stocking up on baking goods this month and will bake cookies and bread to put into baskets (from the goodwill) for each of my families, I am also gonna try to get some good pics of the dck (as well as mine) and have the kids decorate picture frames w/the picture of them to give as presents from them to their parents..


            • #21
              I got a great deal on fabric bags printed with my daycare name and website that I'm going to stuff with an inexpensive toy ($1 or $2), a story book, and a photo book of the dc kids over the year, printed and colour copied for minimal cost. I figure it'll be about $10 per kid.

              I'm also spreading out my spending for the dc kids -- this is my first Christmas with them, and I haven't budgeted the cost of dc Christmas gifts into our expenses yet.

              I have to admit though, marketing is my thing and while I love these kids and want to do something nice for them, my first thought for the bags was "What a great way to get my name out there and potentially find more clients!". Same with the photo books -- you wanna bet my daycare name will be all over it, so that whenever they show the pictures to other people, my name will be advertised as well. So, while my gift-giving isn't completely self-less, it does feel justifiable, spending that much on each kid. I feel like I'll make at least some of that money back eventually.


              • #22
                If you have kids whose parents have been a PITA to deal with over the year (letting the kids drink pop and candy and drop them off all sugared up or bringing inappropriate toys), now is your opportunity to repay the favor.

                For those children, wrap up a high sugar energy drink, 3-4 King size candy bars, and top it all off with a cheap, loud drum.

                Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Chickenhauler View Post
                  If you have kids whose parents have been a PITA to deal with over the year (letting the kids drink pop and candy and drop them off all sugared up or bringing inappropriate toys), now is your opportunity to repay the favor.

                  For those children, wrap up a high sugar energy drink, 3-4 King size candy bars, and top it all off with a cheap, loud drum.

                  Hmmmmm.... Are you thinking of a particular child in this general suggestion?

                  If so, what's sad is in this child's case parent(s) would let the child have said drink and candy because it's the holiday (or birthday or they're only young once) and the loud toy would be a huge hit at home and also find it's way back to daycare. Oh, and you know that the parent(s) would allow the child the goodies (drinks & candy) in the car on the way to daycare. Child would waltz in the door with said candy in front of everyone else as child takes last bite rubbing it in to all other children that he gets spoiled...

                  I have decided to go the book/animal route. I'm not making my purchases from Kohls though. The dollar stores in the area have some pretty good selections. The animals the kids are getting are beanie-baby sized. The animal matches the book they're given. The one exception is one girl is getting a Little Mermaid book, and she's getting a mermaid doll instead of an animal. I'll be spending less than $5 per child. More like $2 or $3. I figure since it's my first year we'll keep it small, yet fun.
                  Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                  • #24

                    I always give books to my DCK. I have for the couple of years gone on the website and get my books for $1-$2 each. The books are new condition but publisher overstocks that usually have a marker line on the edge to prevent them from being returned to the publisher. No minimum, which is nice and all the books that I have bought have been perfect condition hard covers. This way I can get each one 2 books and they look like they are getting a nicer gift. and I only spend $3-$5 each.

                    I have done the Kohl's book before but enrollment is down, the hubby is laid off, and I am trying to collect from a couple of deadbeats that have bounced checks.
                    I see little people.


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by DBug View Post
                      I got a great deal on fabric bags printed with my daycare name and website that I'm going to stuff with an inexpensive toy ($1 or $2), a story book, and a photo book of the dc kids over the year, printed and colour copied for minimal cost. I figure it'll be about $10 per kid.

                      I'm also spreading out my spending for the dc kids -- this is my first Christmas with them, and I haven't budgeted the cost of dc Christmas gifts into our expenses yet.

                      I have to admit though, marketing is my thing and while I love these kids and want to do something nice for them, my first thought for the bags was "What a great way to get my name out there and potentially find more clients!". Same with the photo books -- you wanna bet my daycare name will be all over it, so that whenever they show the pictures to other people, my name will be advertised as well. So, while my gift-giving isn't completely self-less, it does feel justifiable, spending that much on each kid. I feel like I'll make at least some of that money back eventually.

                      Can you offer the company name??? I get printed t-shirts with a local company and give each child one when they are enrolled, GREAT ADVERTISEMENT!! I like tha bag idea, we make them every year with fabric paint and canvas bags from oriental trading but offering a printed bag at enrollment would be fun too...if you have the name that would be great, Thanks!


                      • #26
                        Yes, I am interested in learning more too.


                        • #27
                          Fabric Bags

                          I'm a vistaprint reseller, so I get some pretty great deals on their stuff :-)But if you go to their website (, there are some discounts and freebies they'll give you (business cards for example). I believe the bags (small size) are pretty affordable anyway, and the great thing is there's no minimum, so you can get exactly the amount you need.

                          But, you could also get blank bags from Michael's or wherever, and do iron-ons (or by hand if you're more creative than me), as a pp mentioned.

                          I also love the t-shirt idea -- I may go with that for next year!


                          • #28
                            Vista Print

                            Thanks Dbug, I am a HUGE fan of vista print. I get the emails everyweek for free items..I just pay shipping. Each year we enter parade floats for our daycare and I use these freebies to toss out on the parade route!

                            Calendars, Magnets, pens, T-shirts, Hats, and more! I love it! I also give newbie families a kiddo size t-shirt with our daycare name as well as a magnet and business cards and such for the parents. Nice they can toss the magnet on the fridge and cards in their wallet until they learn our number.

                            I also order many personalized items from oriental trading as well.


                            • #29
                              I spend $5 each and do special crafts for about the same cost for the parents. I usually do books with a special note. Kids have so much stuff. If my accountant says it is beneficial to spend money (think lower tax bracket, not just deductions) I buy my daycare gifts or things needed and the kiddos open and leave here.

                              Some I get gifts, others heartfelt cards and others nothing. I give because I want to and expect nothing in return. I teach my kiddos the spirit of giving. If it bugs you that you don't get things in return, stop giving anything.


                              • #30
                                This thread is from 2009, but it is time to start Christmas shopping for the daycare at my house.

                                I usually spend about $35 per child, often more with party treats, decorations, craft supplies and seasonal classroom toys.

                                I often give out craft kits, art supply kits, book and stuffy sets, pajama and book sets, play dough sets, play tents, sleeping bags or wooden toys sets as child gifts.

                                Childhood IS the only time Christmas is magic. I enjoy my holidays through giving to them and my family. I would not want children to be aware of adult struggles at all during Christmas, we have twelve months to prepare for one magic morning per year.

                                I also have the kids make something for their parents as giving a gift is just as exciting as getting one for children.
                                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

