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What Is That Website Where Parents Bash Providers???

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  • What Is That Website Where Parents Bash Providers???

    Sorry to bother you all, but I've been looking for the thread about that website where parents post about bad providers. We had a class last night and no one could believe that such a site exists...I'd like to forward it to a couple of the ladies.


  • #2
    Providerwatch - I think!


    • #3
      Originally posted by momofboys View Post
      Providerwatch - I think!
      It looks like that one is providers "bashing" parents and the OP is looking for the other way around. The Providerwatch thing looks interesting though...anyone use it? I'd love to be able to report my most recent nightmare family.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        Oops I misread the post! I don't know of a site that bashes providers. :: And don't plan to look for one!


        • #5
          Originally posted by momofboys View Post
          Oops I misread the post! I don't know of a site that bashes providers. :: And don't plan to look for one!
          I was disturbing but someone posted it here before and the ladies in my area couldn't believe it when I told them.


          • #6
            Found It!

            I found it's

            Thanks for your help!


            • #7
              Are you thinking of this thread?


              • #8
                Originally posted by MyAngels View Post
                Exactly! Thanks!


                • #9
                  there's this one too..


                  i havent really looked to far into this one though, and honestly, i dont care to


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by melskids View Post
                    there's this one too..

                    i havent really looked to far into this one though, and honestly, i dont care to
                    That one is by far a really different "look" at daycares and what they will and won't do. It really isn't a bash the provider site. If you sort through some of the garbage-talk this whole site is really not what it seems.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                      It looks like that one is providers "bashing" parents and the OP is looking for the other way around. The Providerwatch thing looks interesting though...anyone use it? I'd love to be able to report my most recent nightmare family.
                      I use providerwatch. It's really good. I like it because you can opt to pay for it only when you need it in 30 day increments. But let me just say that it's not exactly a parent "bashing" website. It's more like a non payment reporting agency. You can add details to your complaint if I remember correctly (it's been a long time since I've visited the site) but basically you file a complaint about any families that don't pay and other providers that use this service can punch in their interviewees names to see if they have a claim against them or not.

                      I'd like like to add that making a complaint is actually free. They only charge providers that want to check up on potential clients. What I like to do when I have an opening is schedule my interviews during the same week or two (up to a month) and then pay the one month fee and check up on all of my potentials clients at once.

                      It's really a great tool. I always tell other providers about it at trainings and such.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                        I use providerwatch. It's really good. I like it because you can opt to pay for it only when you need it in 30 day increments. But let me just say that it's not exactly a parent "bashing" website. It's more like a non payment reporting agency. You can add details to your complaint if I remember correctly (it's been a long time since I've visited the site) but basically you file a complaint about any families that don't pay and other providers that use this service can punch in their interviewees names to see if they have a claim against them or not.

                        I'd like like to add that making a complaint is actually free. They only charge providers that want to check up on potential clients. What I like to do when I have an opening is schedule my interviews during the same week or two (up to a month) and then pay the one month fee and check up on all of my potentials clients at once.

                        It's really a great tool. I always tell other providers about it at trainings and such.
                        Thanks for the information! I like the look of it; I really like the idea of being able to report this most recent family that I had problems with once it's all resolved one way or the other. I was just thinking recently that something like this needed to exist.
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

