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Another Naptime Question

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  • Another Naptime Question

    I have seen that naptime is discussed a bit on here but I have another question. I tried to search, but I just don't have that time!

    I have a 4yo who has always been GREAT, but has been acting up the past few weeks (I have a few new kids in care and I think she resents the competition). Anyway, she has always napped beautifully but for the past week or so has taken to being loud at nap. The other kids still fall asleep but she will keep making noises and I don't want her to wake them up! They have complained that she is waking them up but they (so far) have fallen back to sleep. I want to get the message across that I won't tolerate the behavior.

    So... first I tried taking away her after nap cartoon, the only tv we have all day, but that didn't bother her. Then I tried do a positive and giving her extra snuggles when she lay quietly. That lasted one day. I already moved her nap mat further away from the other kids. I am wondering if I should try putting her in a different room? All of my care is on one floor and I do have a small den/office room that I could put her in. I would not close the door but make it so her view out is obstructed.

    Do all of your kids, other than babies, nap in the same room? Do you think this would be a good thing to try or do you have any other suggestions. I really don't care if she naps, per se, but she needs to lay quietly on her mat. I won't let the kids get up because if I did, they would never want to nap. Why nap when you can play? Anyway, TIA!

    I just thought of this, too... Maybe if I move her to the other room and give her an extra book and snuggle before nap... Or is this just reinforcing the "bad" behaviors?

  • #2
    I have five dcks (in addition to the 2mo infant) and they all get their own sleeping quarters. The three youngest get their own bedroom, one 3yo is in the office and the other is in a small opening between two bedrooms that was supposed to be a laundry room (before the builders realized the space wouldn't actually fit a washer AND a dryer, so stupid) which is a nap space now. All of my daycare kids have their own room at home and they sleep soooo much better when in their own space.

    I would definitely try giving her a space that's just her own. I have loud talkers, loud 'breathers', one who wakes up and cries in the middle of nap before falling asleep again, one who wakes up and carries on a conversation with her pillow (no joke), ones who toss and turn and shift for half an hour before falling asleep........they all get the rest they need because they each have their own space.

    If you move her to her own room, I think it'd be a lot harder for her to disrupt the other children. I would try an extra book and snuggle too, as that has always helped with my children who are feeling 'neglected' when a new dck comes into care.

    Good luck


    • #3
      Thanks for the response! I will try putting her in the den tomorrow and see how that goes. At least the others won't be able to hear her noises.

