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Need Help for DC Baby

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  • Need Help for DC Baby

    I have a 7 month old dcb in my care. Now, from day 1, he spits ups about 1/2 his bottle. I have told the mom about this and how my son did the same, but we switched him to soy based and after that he kept his formula down. I'm not saying he never spit anything back up, but the majority stayed down. She is still using the same brand and type of formula. I wasn't saying she had to use what I did, I was just offering what wokred for my son. Sometimes you have to try different brands and type of formula to find what works best for your child. Her son is small. (Which is nothing new, her daugher and nephew are also small) He just recently got out of 0-3 months clothes.
    Over the summer he had redness on his tushy. Being that it was summer I figured the heat might have played a part in that. The only time my kids had diaper rash was in the summer. For my daughter, I used a wet washcloth, that seemed to give her less pain than with a baby wipe. Well, this boy is still red. Monday he was here and it the whole area was fire engine red. They do put Butt paste on it. but they use like 1/2 the tube at a time. NO kidding. I always wipe it off and put on baby powder. Tuesday the kids weren't here. But yesterday, it was still red, but now he has a sore the size of a dime. It looks like its open. I feel really bad for him. I use a wet washcloth on him. When they are here 4-5 days aweek, by the end of the week, he's looking better. but come monday or their first day back with me, it's red all over again. It appears he is not being changed as often as he should be. What do I do? Whatever I say to Mom falls on deaf ears.

  • #2
    You are a mandated reporter. It sounds as if this little guy is not being taken care of properly. You need to report the mother to CPS.


    • #3
      Originally posted by hcmom View Post
      You are a mandated reporter. It sounds as if this little guy is not being taken care of properly. You need to report the mother to CPS.
      My personal opinion is, that is jumping the gun. I would definately have a serious talk with mom, continue to do what you can at daycare to make him comfortable. I understand the formula issue, but many parents refuse to go against the doctors wishes, and stick to whatever they say, regardless if it is working or not. I have been then, spit up so much, cranky, formula not agreeing with baby, yet parents refuse to switch.

      With them putting butt paste on him, it seems they are trying, just clueless about how to do it. Maybe put a letter in their bag with suggestions of what to use, how many times per day to use it, etc. Then say something that maybe the formula is why is does not clear up. I know it is not our job to tell parents these things, but honestly, some parents need all the help they can get.
      Good luck.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mac60 View Post
        . I understand the formula issue, but many parents refuse to go against the doctors wishes, and stick to whatever they say, regardless if it is working or not. I have been then, spit up so much, cranky, formula not agreeing with baby, yet parents refuse to switch.

        Yeah, some parents, especially first timers, are apt to be confused and look for guidance. They don't trust their instincts. I would mention to her what worked for you and go from there.

        I once had a mom who was still sending her 22 mth old with formula everyday. Finally, after being fed up with mixing it every day I told her that it wasn't really necessary any more. I told her dcgirl was eating well, healthy and did not need the supplementation. She told me she kept her on it only because the ped never told her to stop! So yeah, sometimes they just think everyone else knows better than them and unless they are TOLD to do or not do something they just carry on.


        • #5
          This sounds a bit like acid reflux...

          The acid causes both spit up and red butts! He may need to see the pediatrician. I have had one with this problem and it was solved with a prescription, always drinking sitting up and staying sitting up for awhile after, and a specific bottle for acid reflux...I can't remember what it was called but I can do a quick look.

          This poor kids butt bled on a regular basis despite prescription butt cream!

          ps: I agree that this is not something to be calling CPS about at this point.
          Last edited by jen; 11-05-2009, 07:58 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jen View Post
            This sounds a bit like acid reflux...

            The acid causes both spit up and red butts! He may need to see the pediatrician. I have had one with this problem and it was solved with a prescription, always drinking sitting up and staying sitting up for awhile after, and a specific bottle for acid reflux...I can't remember what it was called but I can do a quick look.

            This poor kids butt bled on a regular basis despite prescription butt cream!

            ps: I agree that this is not something to be calling CPS about at this point.
            I agree Jen. I had a little girl with the same problem a few years back. The Dr. put her meds for acid reflux and the spit up and red butt issues disappeared.

            No CP is needed here, just a trip to the Dr.


            • #7
              Thank you everyone. I will say something to her.
              Sometimes though, what the doctor's don't know the better. My kids refused their formula before age 1. With my daughter, the oldest, I did try to listen to the doctor. But I couldn't force her to drink the formula. She stopped at about 10 -11 months. My son (who was a big baby and was never seemed to be satisfied, food wise) he stopped at about 10 months. I just told the doctor they were still on the formula until they turned one. And my daughter, who just turned 5 had a well child check up on Tuesday. The doctor asked what was her fav foods and stuff and asked if she drank milk. she replied, choc. milk, and strawberry milk. He asked what else she drinks. She said juicy juice and mommy's tea. (I make homemade iced tea) He said she was a little young to drink tea. I was like, what? It's tea. Whatever. We do drink water at our meals. It's not like she's drinking tea at every minute of the day.


              • #8
                My DCB was like this too. We switched to AR Lipil & he did fine after that. The parents still had a problem at home which was due to their water, they started buying bottled water & he stopped puking at home too. Suggest that she talk to the Dr. Parents seem to have an easier time listening to the Dr. about some of these issues. After the Dr. suggests the same things you have then they will be more open to listen to you.


                • #9
                  Fact of the matter is, while it may be jumping the gun at this point, if Mom refuses to listen and this child gets an infected sore on his bottom that could lead to sepsis, DC Provider could be in trouble. Also, if this child is malnourished and Mom won't listen, also a problem.
                  Try the talk. If it doesn't work, call CPS.


                  • #10
                    I would print out a article from online about acid reflux & suggest she ask her Dr.
                    My son had the same problem and was allergic to milk in the milk formula & corn syrup in the soy & specialty formula. It took us 3 1/2 years of breastfeeding and solid food only. He had 3 leasions in his stomac wich caused him not to be able to nutralize his food, He had diaper rash really bad and we tried all over the counter & prescription creams on the marrket. I was reading Parenting magazine 1 day and saw a article where you mix equal parts of Benadryll children liquid meds with equal parts mylanta. It was the best thing I ever tried. YOu mix them together and put them in a spray bottle. I have 1 spray bottle w Dove soap & water together that I sprayed on and wiped off with tisues or cotton pads and then I applied the spray.
                    How it works is the Benadryll clears up the rash and the Mylants nutralizes the acid in the pee and poop.
                    He is now 12 years old and thank God outgrew all his allergies but I still use the mixture and recomend it to all my parents in the daycare.
                    We try Butt Paste first but whem all else fails we use the mix.
                    Sometimes if it is a starting of a rash I will try the Mylanta only & it will help. I use the mixture for 48 hrs after all the rash is gone & then only mylanta for 2 more days.
                    Sometimes it clears up after 2 uses.
                    I hope this helps.

