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Scarlet Fever

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  • Scarlet Fever

    One of my daughter's has scarlet fever. I've canceled all my DCK's until Monday but I was wondering if anyone else had experience with an outbreak.

    Also, what I should do next week if the rest of the kids contract it? Cancel for the week ? Send them home as they get ill? My doctor said that chances are all of them will get it, myself included due to the incubation period and contagion level.

  • #2
    culture and sensitivity for prophylactic antibiotics?

    Did your Dr culture your child and recommend a susceptible antibiotic to prevent the strep (which causes scarlet fever) from making everyone one else sick?

    I would ask for this, and prevent as many kids from getting very ill as possible, and share that with all other parents, requiring that they see their MDs WITH this information in hand.

    We have been suffering all winter with a resistant strep. It is ethical to treat everyone exposed based on the seriousness of the infection and the possibility of silent carriers and re-exposure.


    • #3
      Oh wow....this is a tough one. From my memory Scarlet Fever can be a long one and sometimes it's accompanied by Strep (I remember being out for 2 weeks when I was in the 5th grade). Can you ask your doctor for a recommendation maybe??? Or maybe repeat what the doctor said and poll the parents???


      • #4
        It's the same virus as strep. She said that if it's caught early most kids don't get that sick but if it's not treated right when symptoms start you get really sick for weeks. Just like what happened to you.

        We talked about the daycare and she gave me info about incubation and symptoms for the parents and advised I closed until Monday at least but didn't know what to say about the rest of the kids. She said there was little chance that any of them or us would escape getting it.

        I guess I'll poll the parents and see what they say. I know one will keep the kids home for sure and one will send their son for sure. They wanted to bring him today because he'd already been exposed so "a little more won't matter". Ugh.


        • #5
          Scarlet fever is Strep and it is NOT a virus

          Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection. It is serious and can cause lifelong consequences. Antibiotics are required and will prevent further damage. Call the health department.
          Last edited by Michael; 09-10-2011, 03:13 PM.


          • #7
            It's just strep throat with a rash.

            Strep throat isn't super contagious, so I wouldn't worry... just tell the parents to watch for signs of strep, and keep them home if they show the symptoms. Chances are, the other kids will only get strep.. but no rash. So, don't be fooled by "I think she's teething" or "It's just allergies".


            • #8
              I just went through this with a dcg, her parents kept her home for 4 days so that the antibiotics would kick in(that's what their DR told them to do)and luckily nobody else got sick.


              • #9
                My DD has had strep throat 3 times, my son once. Two out of the three times my DD had it, no one else contracted it. The 3rd time, my son got it but none of the daycare kids got it.

                I would say close until Monday, and then advise parents to be on the lookout for the symptoms and if they occur they need to be on antibiotics and fever free for 24 hours before returning to daycare.

                Hope your DD is feeling better soon!


                • #10
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection. It is serious and can cause lifelong consequences.
                  Antibiotics are required and will prevent further damage. Call the health department.
                  I love how its always unregistered posters that bring doom and destruction to every situation. Obviously since I was posting looking for advice that indicates I'm taking it seriously. My doctor reported the strep as required and didnt mention the health department despite my concerns about the daycare children.

                  As for everyone else.... Thanks for the help ladies. You confirmed my instincts. I'm closed until Tuesday and then I'll just watch out for symptoms. I've emailed all the parents information to follow up the phone call I had with all of them.


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                    One of my daughter's has scarlet fever. I've canceled all my DCK's until Monday but I was wondering if anyone else had experience with an outbreak.

                    Also, what I should do next week if the rest of the kids contract it? Cancel for the week ? Send them home as they get ill? My doctor said that chances are all of them will get it, myself included due to the incubation period and contagion level.
                    I've gotten scarlet fever 2 times in the last 2 years. (always worrying about sick kids, but never yourself!) -Didn't have a clue until the rash came out, all my dck exposed -both times -none of them contracted strep or scarlet fever from me. I even had 2 infants at the time! Good hygiene, good cleaning habits, or just really great immune systems I guess! :: It goes away fairly quickly.

