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  • Wwyd

    I am a registered user but I did not want to post as one for fear of being flamed! I am considering closing my home daycare. Not right away but within the next 3 months or so. A parent came to me for an interview recently & only needs temporary care until summer break. However, if things go well she hopes to pick back up in early fall. I am fine with that as I like having my summers off. Here's the thing. . . is it wrong to not tell her I might close? I wouldn't close prior to summer break but I may not re-open in the fall. It would really be helpful to earn some extra $$$ for savings prior to summer break with my older children. Do you think it is deceitful to not mention the possibility of closing? I am not 100% sure that I will be closing & I hate to turn away a good customer but I feel a little guilty knowing I may be closing. What do you think?

  • #2
    If you aren't 100% sure that you are closing, then don't say anything.

    We bought a house last Sept and were hoping to be in it at the beginning of this year. I didn't tell anyone, just in case we didn't move as soon as we had hoped, and I'm glad i didn't as we are still in the old house and it's April!

    I also lost a lot of business/money because I thought we'd be moving way earlier than we are.

    Also, you can't count on "maybes". She "may" bring child back in the fall. There's no guarantee of that. So many things can change in that amount of time that you can't depend on anything.


    • #3
      Originally posted by marniewon View Post
      If you aren't 100% sure that you are closing, then don't say anything.

      We bought a house last Sept and were hoping to be in it at the beginning of this year. I didn't tell anyone, just in case we didn't move as soon as we had hoped, and I'm glad i didn't as we are still in the old house and it's April!

      I also lost a lot of business/money because I thought we'd be moving way earlier than we are.

      Also, you can't count on "maybes". She "may" bring child back in the fall. There's no guarantee of that. So many things can change in that amount of time that you can't depend on anything.
      ditto, if you don't know for certain then don't mention it...

      It's not like you aren't going to give her a notice if you decide to close. Two weeks is plenty of time for a family to find replacement care. Plus she said she HOPES to come back in the fall, so you may be letting go of business for no reason...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I am a registered user but I did not want to post as one for fear of being flamed! I am considering closing my home daycare. Not right away but within the next 3 months or so. A parent came to me for an interview recently & only needs temporary care until summer break. However, if things go well she hopes to pick back up in early fall. I am fine with that as I like having my summers off. Here's the thing. . . is it wrong to not tell her I might close? I wouldn't close prior to summer break but I may not re-open in the fall. It would really be helpful to earn some extra $$$ for savings prior to summer break with my older children. Do you think it is deceitful to not mention the possibility of closing? I am not 100% sure that I will be closing & I hate to turn away a good customer but I feel a little guilty knowing I may be closing. What do you think?
        I agree. If u aren't 100% sure u want to close don't say anything because her plans could change in that amount of time as well. Just don't have a contract that carries over to provide care for the possible return. Just my opinion feel free to flame me


        • #5
          I agree with previous posters. The mom is not even 100% certain that SHE is coming back in the fall.

          No one knows with absolute certainty what position they will be in in 3 months. ANYTHING can happen. I wouldn't say anything to her or anyone else and then just give her notice if and when it's time.


          • #6
            I wouldn't say anything either I applied for another job then had a daycare interview the next night and felt really bad. She signed the papers and wanted to start and I was waiting for a call from that other job but it was good that I did because I didn't get that other job and its all good around here glad I did not turn it down.


            • #7
              Originally posted by squareone View Post
              I agree with previous posters. The mom is not even 100% certain that SHE is coming back in the fall.

              No one knows with absolute certainty what position they will be in in 3 months. ANYTHING can happen. I wouldn't say anything to her or anyone else and then just give her notice if and when it's time.
              Since you aren't 100% sure. Don't feel bad.

              Even if you were 100% sure...things can change between now and the fall. You might think you are 100% sure and then life throws you a curve ball.

              I am in a similar situation. I am not taking on any new clients but I am closing after school let's out in June. I have told
              one family who wouldn't have be here next year (mom is a great friend)..... but I am holding off on telling the other two families until later.


              • #8
                There's a really good chance that she just needs care until summer because she has free or near free set up for the summer.

                She may have realized after calling around that most people won't consider it if she doesn't offer future money WITH the now till summer money.

