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Holding Spots for Families that are Getting Laid Off?

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  • Holding Spots for Families that are Getting Laid Off?

    Are you holding spots for families that are getting laid off and looking for work?

    I am offering 2 weeks of FREE care after they are laid off to find new employment, after that I offer FREE drop in for 6 hours a week for interviews up to one month, after that I am going to fill their spots

  • #2
    That is very generous of you. I dont know many other providers who would offer any type of FREE care to parents in need or otherwise.

    For me it would really depend on the family and their history with me. I would probably not offer free care. Most likely 1/2 price care until they can get back on their feet... many people (not all) who are laid off are able to receive unemployment benefits. Yes, I know its not full pay but I wouldnt be charging full price either.


    • #3
      I think your offer is very kind, and I do understand why you do it, and I am sure your kindness will be returned to you in some way some day.

      As far as unemployment,,,,,I am sure it depends on the state you are claiming from. But if you have never been on it, you have no idea what they pay, well I can tell you. My husband got laid off from his job of 40 years 4 weeks ago today. He has still received $00 in benefits. And when he does, it is going to be a meager $282 per week minus taxes. His gross prior to that was $606 per week, not great pay, but we did fine with his wage and mine. The way they figure how much you get is absolute appaling. He can not claim any dependents, even though we are married, and supporting 2 kids who are over 18 (full time college students). He can not claim me as a dependent because I make over $151 per week. How rediculous. I honestly don't know how we will make it. His company is downsizing every 2 to 3 weeks, this has been going on for the past 2 years. He was let go because he had 40 years of seniority, 5 weeks vacations, retirement benefits. So much for the "age discrimination factor" that in itself is a joke. And the lady said, even if he could of claimed me and the kids, his rate would of been the same. The system is very flawed.


      • #4
        Well, if I was working so I could put food on the table then NO, I would not hold spots if I could otherwise fill them. That's just me though. Daycare is business first and foremost. And although I can sympathize with any parent who suddenly finds themselves unemployed, daycare providers still have to pay the mortgage and put food on the table. And the bank will not take "held spots" as payment. KWIM?


        • #5
          what does kwim mean? I see that alot and Im clueless!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by seashell View Post
            what does kwim mean? I see that alot and Im clueless!!!

            Know What I Mean???


            • #7
              I allow one free week of not being here per year, each additional week is 1/2 rate to hold their spot. My DH was laid off in Jan. Company told him it was temp,.... , was off for 12 weeks and either he found another job, or he moved out. That was his option. He was so far up my hootie all day long I almost killed him. He took a pay cut,. bene cut and was bringing home more on unemployment. But,.... we re happy again. The original company hasnt called him back yet,.. they know he is working,.. but his tools, are still there, they are still considering him an employee,.. just laid off,.. but they dont seem in an all fired up hurry to get him back so we shall see what happens. and the truth of the matter is,.. employers do not give a rats hootie about anything but the bottom line. period. I understand that when people are laid off they are taking a huge paycut.... but when I charge 1/2 rate, so am I.... more than them quite frankly. I normally have 2 openings per my license availability and if someone gets laid off, I fill that spot. Since I have enough room for both when they come back. It keeps my income steadier. Believe me,.. i know unemployment. our town,... well,... its not good. 18.9% unemployment rate over the summer here. I think its down to 16.5 now.


              • #8
                Ladies, I totally understand how you all feel. Things are tough for many right now. I am just praying that I do not lose any of my current families or we are in major trouble here. I kind of went on a rant on my last post, sorry. I depend on my daycare income the same as someone who works outside the home, and right now, it is my income that is paying the bills.


                • #9

                  Thankfully, financially I am able to do this. I know however that this business also pays the bills for many families. I have one family with dad just being laid off this past week...hopefully he will get back to work soon, but they chose to keep their child home and if I get a chance to fill the spot then I will call them and they can come back and pay or give up the spot. This saves them from paying while they are on a tight income with unemployment


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                    Ladies, I totally understand how you all feel. Things are tough for many right now. I am just praying that I do not lose any of my current families or we are in major trouble here. I kind of went on a rant on my last post, sorry. I depend on my daycare income the same as someone who works outside the home, and right now, it is my income that is paying the bills.
                    Don't feel bad for your post - you shouldn't. You do a job and you deserve to be paid for it. Period. Even if you didn't "need" the money why do you not deserve it as much as the provider who does "need" it?

                    Does Walmart give out shirts for free because a person is laid off? Will a hairdresser "hold" your standard Saturday hair appointment and leave it empty because you are coming back at some point when you go back to work? Nope, that's not the way the world works.

                    It is unfortunate that some families are facing job loses. I feel for the, really I do. But their emergency can not become YOUr family's emergency? Your heart felt sentiment does not pay the bills.

                    Don't feel bad. It's just business.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mac60 View Post
                      As far as unemployment,,,,,I am sure it depends on the state you are claiming from. But if you have never been on it, you have no idea what they pay, well I can tell you. My husband got laid off from his job of 40 years 4 weeks ago today. He has still received $00 in benefits. And when he does, it is going to be a meager $282 per week minus taxes. His gross prior to that was $606 per week, not great pay, but we did fine with his wage and mine. The way they figure how much you get is absolute appaling. He can not claim any dependents, even though we are married, and supporting 2 kids who are over 18 (full time college students). He can not claim me as a dependent because I make over $151 per week. How rediculous. I honestly don't know how we will make it. His company is downsizing every 2 to 3 weeks, this has been going on for the past 2 years. He was let go because he had 40 years of seniority, 5 weeks vacations, retirement benefits. So much for the "age discrimination factor" that in itself is a joke. And the lady said, even if he could of claimed me and the kids, his rate would of been the same. The system is very flawed.
                      UI is meager, but part of the reason it doesn't pay very well is that it was meant to give people an incentive to go find a job.

                      Think of it kinda like a barn cat....if you feed it too much, it won't go out and hunt down mice.

                      I know in this economy, jobs are scarce, which makes it extra tough.
                      Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                      • #12
                        Unemployment in my county is over 17%. Surrounding counties are about 10 to 14%. Hubby lost his job after 40 years. The company is totally downsizing.....started out about 2 yr ago with approx 3200 employees, rumor is going down to 800, and are at about 1200 to 1500 right now.

                        He was let go simply for the mere things the company gave him over the years, 5 weeks vacation, retirement, pay scale. It sucks and it is not fair at all, but that is life. You stay with a company thru years of thick and thin, excellent work history, and all they perks they have given you are the reason they get rid of you. Age discrimination.....hell yes, only they get away with it.

                        This is the first time either of us has ever been on unemployment and it sucks bad. The whole system is flawed. We discussd him going out and getting a job at Pizza Hut, or similar for now until he can find a better job, but if he makes over $56 in 1 week, they start taking money away from his benefits. That is insane. A man tries to go out and help his family and is punished for it. Now I understand not being able to find another job and make more than you did working combined with UI, but at making $56 per week, he still is falling short of about $150 per week. Sorry about the rant here.

                        Funny how some people use the system and live off of welfare, disability, food stamps, medicaid, but the working (what used to be middle class family), well we have supported those low life of people for years, yet when it comes to us, to hell with us all.......that is just my opinion here. Very frustrated right now. I don't see the low life getting on their ass to find a job and better themselves, they just sit back and wait for that next check.

