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"Then I Won't Eat Lunch!!!"

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  • "Then I Won't Eat Lunch!!!"


    I got the three year old back after spending a full week with three of her four grandparents.

    So, obviously, I need to reprogram her.

    But, she got mad at me because I said we'd have the candy she brought over AFTER lunch. So, she came out with that little jewel.

    Um.. I don't care if they eat or not. She clearly forgot where she was.

    Oh.. and when she pulled herself together she ate her whole lunch, and got candy. (btw, those sunkist jelly candies are awesome! I'd never seen them before.)

  • #2
    :: It's true, time to re program, geesh


    • #3
      I have one coming back on Tuesday after she has been at Grandma's for two weeks and I'm a little worried how those first few days are going to go!


      • #4
        I hate when the kids go to grandmas.....


        • #5
          I've promised my DD, when she has kids, that as a Grandma, I will love them and spoil them, but NOT rotton! As I will be keeping them in Daycare, I don't want rotten kids!!! Praying that the other Grandparents won't spoil them rotten.


          • #6
            This made me giggle!

            I feel like I often have to reprogram just after a weekend with their own parents LOL.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
              I hate when the kids go to grandmas.....
              Nobody on the planet wants you to be happier than your Granny. It's the house of "YES"


              • #8
                The part time little girl that I just termed went to her grandparents house for part of every single week. Just long enough to deprogram her so that on her first day back here she was a nightmare. Ugh! Then it took me a few days to get her back to minding me and then it was time to go back to grandparents where there was all day TV and no veggies. Nightmare.

                I know how you are feeling!


                • #9
                  I remember my childhood with my Gran I would threaten to call Grandma and tell I really do miss my Gran!

                  My son's Grandma isn't like the average Grandma tho. (My Mom) She is a lot more strict. She loves him and all but she just doesn't have that sweet Grandma relationship I loved as a child. Sometimes my son will sleep over at her house and when they have a dispute he calls me to come home kinda reverse I guess.


                  • #10
                    I'm lucky my mama isn't a spoiler. She and my dad follow our rules very well but then again they've learned the hard way that giving my girls an inch gets them a weekend of pain. hahaha

                    I had a DCB(4) stroll by me on his way in the other day and mention, "I'm not eating your food today". So I casually threw back at him, "Sorry to hear that. Your body is going to be much too tired now to go outside later and see my new sandbox." He ate every bite.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                      I had a DCB(4) stroll by me on his way in the other day and mention, "I'm not eating your food today". So I casually threw back at him, "Sorry to hear that. Your body is going to be much too tired now to go outside later and see my new sandbox." He ate every bite.
                      :::::: Now THAT's motivation!

