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Do Children Do This For Attention?

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  • Do Children Do This For Attention?

    If a child acts out spitting at you, hitting you, sassing you, kicking you in front of the group of kids and you deal with the behavior get the child under control etc. Then another child the next day starts doing this type of behavior would you say that child is trying to get your attention or what? Keep in mind this is a group of children in a center not a home daycare.

  • #2
    I'm sorry darlin' but I would quit! That is so unacceptable! Your director should be informed immediately, they should take charge of any situation that puts you at danger!

    As for those kiddos, if they are not termed, then the parents need to be in for some very serious chats!

    I am so for you!


    • #3
      They probably were shocked to see the behavior and are wondering if it is actually okay or not. Kids test limits. This is a part of the job unfortunately so take whatever action you can discipline wise and make sure they all know that this behavior will not be tolerated.


      • #4
        I sometimes feel parents who know their children can be handfuls tend to put their children in centers because A: they have longer hours usually are not contracted. B: Are always open C: They don't term as fast.

        IMO these kind of children really do best in small groups not big ones.

        I think too that parents think that the structure would be good for them. When really they just need firmer parenting and attention at home.

        So many children cry out for that one on one attention.

