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  • Cleanliness

    Kids down napping peacfully YAY!

    My 2 new children (ages 2 & 3 1/2) always have long dirty finger nails, u know that black crust under the nail. It hasn't been warm enough yet to play outside so it's not basic dirt, Lord only knows what it is but it's getting to me as they eat with their fingers a lot. They don't know how to wash their hands so I try to wash them as best I can while teaching them at the same time but it hasn't been working well. They don't like the nail brush so I'm stuck. I assume they aren't bathed properly as a simple soak in the tub usually did the trick when my kid played in the dirt. I want to point out the dirty nails to the Mom. I'm sure she sees them herself but it needs addressed and they need cleaned. What should I say without offending her?

    Another problem is I had been asking for the required change of clothing for 3 weeks. (they don't have a single item here and I am supposed to start potty training them) After reading about other posters ideas of going to Goodwill I decided to drop it and go buy some for them when I get paid (and write daycare across the chest ). Well today she finally decides to bring some. After breakfast I open the bag to double check, 2 pairs of pants were folded. Then I see the shirts and omg they are dirty!! The DCG shirt is 1/2 inside out twisted and rolled into a ball and has an odor. The DCB shirt is the same shirt he had on here yesterday with the same sticky jelly mark where he spilled grape jelly from his toast I gave him. I am so disgusted! What does she expect me to do wash it? I will be addressing this immediately as soon as I find a nice way to say it as well.

    I feel so bad for the kids they don't have much by the Mothers own words as well as wearing the same few stained outfits for 3 weeks. They often have a mild odor about them like stale cigarettes and BO. It's not really noticeable unless I am holding them or hugging them etc. I now plan on buying the kids new outfits for Easter this yr instead of the usual Easter goodie baskets I make up.

  • #2
    from the sound of it, they are treated like this all the time and talking to mom is not going to change anything. Normally, I would absolutely say something but if this is the only issue you have with this family then I would go ahead and buy them some daycare only clothes. Never send them home in those clothes. Continue keeping them washed up as best as possible. You might mention it to the mom but don't expect her to change anything.


    • #3
      Ick. Poor little kiddos! Can you give them a tub of warm soapy water to play in? Maybe some cups, boats, etc? Their nails will come clean in a couple of minutes.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jessrlee View Post
        Ick. Poor little kiddos! Can you give them a tub of warm soapy water to play in? Maybe some cups, boats, etc? Their nails will come clean in a couple of minutes.
        I can try that, thank u great idea! I will mask cleaning them with experimenting with bubbles

        I can't wait for summer these kids will be clean if I have to put soap in the pool!

        Thank u for replying!


        • #5
          Lol! Girl you are not far from the truth! I love summer! I give the kids all of the stick icky snacks that I will not scrub up inside at the table outside in their swimsuits and then hose them off!


          • #6
            Originally posted by jessrlee View Post
            Lol! Girl you are not far from the truth! I love summer! I give the kids all of the stick icky snacks that I will not scrub up inside at the table outside in their swimsuits and then hose them off!
            LOL don't ya love the hose??

            I have a slushy maker we take out and everyone gets to make a colorful/flavorful mess and eat it all up. Come winter they wonder why they can't do that inside. I tell them it requires assistance from Mr Hose!


            • #7
              Whenever I have not-so-clean kids, I just clean them up myself...especially if Im potty training...I go to Family Dollar or somewhere and buy 50 cent washcloths and baby wash. And if they dont smell good, I just give them a little washdown and throw their clothes in washer at nap. I cant see myself teaching them numbers and shapes and how to play with friends, but letting them walk around like that. If I its a more mature 3 or 4 year old, I just give them the soap and towel and let them do it themselves.

              I once had a little girl who was potty training, and she had peed down in her shoes so many times that you could smell it even when she had the shoes on. I just couldn't see myself allowing that...


              • #8
                we have" spa" days boys and girls love, a manicure and pedicure...I feel sorry for some kids,and this is a easy way to not single anyone out and noone feels bad just good


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
                  Whenever I have not-so-clean kids, I just clean them up myself...especially if Im potty training...I go to Family Dollar or somewhere and buy 50 cent washcloths and baby wash. And if they dont smell good, I just give them a little washdown and throw their clothes in washer at nap. I cant see myself teaching them numbers and shapes and how to play with friends, but letting them walk around like that. If I its a more mature 3 or 4 year old, I just give them the soap and towel and let them do it themselves.

                  I once had a little girl who was potty training, and she had peed down in her shoes so many times that you could smell it even when she had the shoes on. I just couldn't see myself allowing that...
                  OMG that poor child! Bless your heart for taking such care! I don't think my DKs are THAT bad. Yet.

                  I showed the Dad the sticky jelly covered shirt and asked if it was possible she made a mistake in sending dirty laundry or does she intend for me to wash it? I added that I do not wash soiled laundry as it would require me leaving the children alone. (laundry room in basement) He shrugged his shoulders and said "I dont know what she wants u to do with it" with chewing tobacco hanging out of his mouth. Guess what's going in my contract next? ... NO tobacco of any kind permitted in my home! I'm being a snot now!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pinkcrayonz View Post
                    we have" spa" days boys and girls love, a manicure and pedicure...I feel sorry for some kids,and this is a easy way to not single anyone out and noone feels bad just good
                    Oh another good idea Thank u!!

                    It could be part of our dress up or something.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all these ideas. I too have a little girl who's parents don't bathe her as often as I'd like (maybe once a week and we get dirty here) or change her clothes or even brush her hair. I know this b/c I'm the one who fixes her hair when we are going to the library or the playground b/c I can't bear to take her out looking like that. I'd be embarassed that my neighbors would think I don't care for my daycare kids. And then the next morning she's back in the same hair-do only slept in and messy.

                      I've been going back and forth about bathing her myself but I can't plop her in the tub with all the other kids to watch. I'm going to do the wash cloth/baby bath soap thing suggested on this thread. Great idea thanks!

                      I already went out and bought extra clothes from Goodwill for her. If she wears them home I never see them again so be prepared for that. I also bought pink hair ties and a brush and tangle spray for her too and keep it here.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Evansmom View Post
                        Thanks for all these ideas. I too have a little girl who's parents don't bathe her as often as I'd like (maybe once a week and we get dirty here) or change her clothes or even brush her hair. I know this b/c I'm the one who fixes her hair when we are going to the library or the playground b/c I can't bear to take her out looking like that. I'd be embarassed that my neighbors would think I don't care for my daycare kids. And then the next morning she's back in the same hair-do only slept in and messy.

                        I've been going back and forth about bathing her myself but I can't plop her in the tub with all the other kids to watch. I'm going to do the wash cloth/baby bath soap thing suggested on this thread. Great idea thanks!

                        I already went out and bought extra clothes from Goodwill for her. If she wears them home I never see them again so be prepared for that. I also bought pink hair ties and a brush and tangle spray for her too and keep it here.
                        I have the same hair problem with my little dcg she is 3 1/2 and some days her hair is literally matted! She pulls off her hat and I can feel the surprise on my face so I smile and say something like oh my I do like your hair today and she will smile. The Mother is quick to blame the hat. Sorry lady a 10 minute drive in a hat doesn't make hair matted!

                        I sent her home the other day in 1 of my little clips. She loved it! I told the Mom she could keep it since she likes it so much. She said thats ok she doesnt like anything in her hair. Uh huh right!


                        • #13
                          i didn't read all the responses, but this is what I do for dirty fingernails

                          my kids nails grow so fast sometimes I don't realize they are long right away. but when they are, before I cut the nails, i take the curved cuticle thingy on the nail clippers and run it along the inside of the nails ( so it shapes the nail on the underside) and it cleans it up real good. and FAST! Then i cut their nails.

                          I don't expect you would be required to do this, or saying that you should have to at all. I'm just saying, it usually comes clean easily, and then yeah, just let them play in soapy water.

                          Its pretty bad when parents don't notice how filthy their kids are. Some kids are even smelly. LIKE bad smelly that screams "i haven't had a bath in 2 weeks".
                          I know some kids are hard to clean up too, they fight you. But ever kid i know loves the water.


                          • #14
                            Get a little bowl of water and put some of that baby bath in their little hands and have them was a barbies hair and rinse it in the water. moving those little fingers around in that sudsy hair will help to clean those nails.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tygerluv View Post
                              I have the same hair problem with my little dcg she is 3 1/2 and some days her hair is literally matted! She pulls off her hat and I can feel the surprise on my face so I smile and say something like oh my I do like your hair today and she will smile. The Mother is quick to blame the hat. Sorry lady a 10 minute drive in a hat doesn't make hair matted!

                              I sent her home the other day in 1 of my little clips. She loved it! I told the Mom she could keep it since she likes it so much. She said thats ok she doesnt like anything in her hair. Uh huh right!
                              Yeah, I also bought some really cute fabric bow clips and put one in her pony tail to match her outfit or like for Valentine's day I bought her a pretty pink one. I feel sad b/c this little girl really likes her hair being done. She stands up straighter and looks so proud when I'm done so it makes me keep doing it.

                              I like the barbie bath idea, a car wash for boys would be the same thing. Just fill your sink or a water table with warm water and suds and then give them brushes or sponges to give the toy cars a wash. Or your car for that matter if the weather is right and you need a wash! ::

