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Creating A Weebly Daycare Site...

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  • Creating A Weebly Daycare Site...

    Does anyone know how to insert a table into a free weebly site? I'm just starting my daycare site and have a table of trainings I've completed and would like to copy/paste the chart onto a page in my site. Everytime I copy/paste though it just have a thousand lines without the organized table.

    I know it is possible because the first time I did it accidentally and can't figure out how to get it back on the site. Frustrating!

  • #2
    There should be a tab at the top that says "add (or insert) table". Not positive, but my website is through weebly and I thought I remembered seeing you could add a table.

    Or you could just save it as a pic and insert the pic, if the table is static and doesn't need to be changed.


    • #3
      I haven't been able to find it myself. I made my own using the Two Column Layout and the Dividers. I inserted a separate Title for each entry in the table. And yes, I have a Two Column Layout inside the left column of another Two Column Layout. It's not perfect, but it gets the point across.

      Here it's on the Current Availability page if you want to take a look at it.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        I had no idea this even existed! I'm so excited to start one now!!!!

        I'll need kids for summer.. so, maybe I'll get it started this week.

        I need a "Permission to photograph" the kids sheet though, don't I? I won't use faces in the photos though.


        • #5
          Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
          I had no idea this even existed! I'm so excited to start one now!!!!

          I'll need kids for summer.. so, maybe I'll get it started this week.

          I need a "Permission to photograph" the kids sheet though, don't I? I won't use faces in the photos though.
          I have a "permission to photograph" paper with the original papers parents sign when their children start here. I have options like: share with parent, use on website, use for advertising, no photos. They circle whatever they are comfortable with. I do say at the bottom that no names will be posted on the website. All of my families circled all options, except one family.


          • #6
            Originally posted by marniewon View Post
            I have a "permission to photograph" paper with the original papers parents sign when their children start here. I have options like: share with parent, use on website, use for advertising, no photos. They circle whatever they are comfortable with. I do say at the bottom that no names will be posted on the website. All of my families circled all options, except one family.

            Great idea! I was googling those. There are lots of different pages, but I'll look for ones that give options to the parents.


            • #7
              up at the top there's a few different options like mutimedia etc. If you click through all of them, there are different things you can add. Files, youtube links, dividers, columns, charts, etc.


              • #8
                You can also do a pay weebly site... it's not very much, and it is a deductable business expense. You gain the ability to password protect the pages you want protected, and leave the others public. My families LOVE it because they can see pics of their children all the time. You also get many other features that you don't get with the free site, but the password protection did it for me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                  Great idea! I was googling those. There are lots of different pages, but I'll look for ones that give options to the parents.
                  There's one on my site (linked above) if you want to look. It's called Photo Release Form and is under the page "Forms"
                  Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                  • #10
                    I remember seeing that and thought it had a different look to it, . Have you just tried using only one column and just use the tab to space the openings further apart? That would work as well without the slight up/down reading.

                    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                    I haven't been able to find it myself. I made my own using the Two Column Layout and the Dividers. I inserted a separate Title for each entry in the table. And yes, I have a Two Column Layout inside the left column of another Two Column Layout. It's not perfect, but it gets the point across.

                    Here it's on the Current Availability page if you want to take a look at it.
                    I'll go take a look again. The table I want to insert is actually an on-going training chart. I have the detailed chart typed in word as in incentive for me to keep training, . I have the topic covered, Competency areas, hours, and date completed. I would have to update this monthly at least.

                    Well, I tried it again and still it was a no-go on getting a table on the site. 8(
                    Last edited by Abigail; 03-31-2011, 07:16 PM.


                    • #11
                      I found out you need to have weebly PRO which you pay for to easily insert a table. BUT......I figured it out! Use the custom HTML button under the basic element tab. This is what it looks like for using a header row, 4 rows beneath, and five columns total. I'm so happy I figured it out! This is what a partically finished table looks like on my end while I type and I'll get a picture up here to show you what the outcome looks like.<table border="1">
                      <td>Sudden Infant Death Syndrome</td>
                      <td>Reading Aloud, Supporting Language and Literacy</td>
                      <td>Family/Group: Contracts and Policies</td>
                      <td>Mandated Reporting</td>
                      <td>Healthy Practices and Policies</td>
                      <td>Introduction to CDA</td>
                      <td>row 7, cell 1</td>
                      <td>row 7, cell 2</td>
                      <td>row 7, cell 3</td>
                      <td>row 8, cell 1</td>
                      <td>row 8, cell 2</td>
                      <td>row 8, cell 3</td>
                      <td>row 9, cell 1</td>
                      <td>row 9, cell 2</td>
                      <td>row 9, cell 3</td>
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Abigail; 04-04-2011, 09:28 PM.


                      • #12
                        another question... i want to make a page too.. at the moment i'm looking for a web host. i found this web hosting site and now i'm wondering if i can use the build in editor to make a new site or are these editors just to make a basic layout?

