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Are There any Substitutes for Child Care????

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  • Are There any Substitutes for Child Care????

    Are there any child care center directors or licensed day care providers that have trouble finding a substitute to come in for employee call outs, emergencies, or just to take a day off?

    If you don't have this problem, please share how you handle these types of occurrences?

  • #2
    Well I think I understand your question, so I will try to answer it the best I can.

    I am a Home DCP. When my child or myself is sick or I need a day off, it is the parents responsibiltly to find alternate care. Not me.

    Keep in mind that if I need a day off/vacation, parents are verballytold/and told in writing and they have plenty of time to find someone else to care for their child.

    I always tell parents before I start to care for their child that they need to have back up care in the event I cannot work.


    • #3
      I am the director of a daycare center. If one of my teachers needs off they need to put it in writing in advance. Then I take over the classroom for that day and I'll put an extra TA on to work at the front desk. If it's an emergency I pretty much do the same thing. I have applications for people that would like jobs but i have nothing available for the time being so I put them on as "subs" and have my employees call them if they need a day off. Hope that helps.

